Should we pay teachers more or less?

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they should be paid the same as jannies

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You work 9 months out of the year, get a Winter vacation of 2 weeks and a spring break of 1 week.
My 13 year old never even heard of the State of New York, so the work is easy you don't have to teach anything.
Yes, they're overpaid in almost all cases.

So they can fuck more children? Nah

Personally, I think teens & children are overworked. Setting up remote service stations will save the populace lots of money. We need to ween people off of government jobs altogether at some point.

Jannies get paid plenty by Soros, DNC, Shareblue, ADL, SPLC, etc.


The atheist Liberal curriculum (created by Bill Gates) they teach is mind numbing dumb brainwashing. It is torment for teachers to deal with this & the fatherless students for even an hour. They are overworked in a job that should scale back. Make them work four days week. Would save a lot of money.

Dude you know what teachers do in time off? They work, they plan lessons and resources, they have to do excessive reports and mark books. The work they get is dictated by what the government states they must learn. If it's "easy" blame the government. As a teacher I spend so much of my "free" time planning lessons and making sure I make the work different for kids who struggle like your relative it seems.

Your whole comment is ignorant and naive

>classes packed with low motivated students who don't care to learn
>classes packed with students who were never taught respect
>Bill Gates curriculum with overhead from overpaid admin
>24/7 lgbt brainwashing

America must do better. Kids aren't learning and the government schools are sucking taxes dry.

>Make them work four days week.
You really think you can get them up to working 4 days a week?
They're just day care and baby sitting.


top kek

The truth is teachers can earn wildly different amounts of money in a public school depending on state and county. Some teachers are making bank (60k+) starting or within a few years of working. And then you have some school districts that are paying starting teachers 40k/yr to keep track of 35 kids, half of which are monolingual Spanish. Hell, most of those kids could be angels because all it takes in 1 kid being disruptive or 2 kids feeding off of each other to completely destroy the attention of the other kids in the class.

Some teachers were able to clock in/clock out and keep work at work most of the time. Others wanted to earn more than their measly salary or were forced to take on extra responsibilities(there are hundreds of programs/responsibilities/etc. that schools implement and need staffed) so they come in early and stay late to fill that role.

t. Worked in a low income school in a crappy school district where this past year (prior to Corona) the union had to fight for literally a raise equal to inflation after a year and a half of nothing.

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These people are not lazy. Some careand some don't.

It would solve lots of problems. Kids are overwhelmed, so are teachers, the taxpayers are over charging.

Yeah, I taught college. Tough the first time you teach the class when you do all that... then free time all the subsequent times. I knew a prof who gave lectures like he was asleep and in a trance.

The Children don't know anything. They come out ignorant then the teachers are overpaid

They're turning out ignorant grads. Look at these shit posts from Americans.
Don't do the job, then you're overpaid.

The ones dealing with niggers should get much higher salaries. I've taught in prisons, and feel less threatened than I do with pavement apes in highschools.

The damage caused to America by bringing the immigrants is insurmountable. And it hurts the black kids more than anyone. The middle class just do white flight anytime the liberals do this.

pay more for what? Regurgitate the same shit every year for decades on autopilot and indoctrinate your children like they did with you? They don't choose what to teach, it comes from up above, protected by laws. All I remember of school and can sum up with is that they took my brain, put in a washing machine along with other brains and pushed the start button.

Government jobs are a huge problem. They assign a value to work that is not rewarded by free market principles. This divergence creates a fundemantal problem by stripping workers of their value and transfering it to people whose labor is emotional rather than productive in nature. In essence teachers are a drag on modern society whose productivity is measured 30 years in the future.

Couple this with the time value of money and you will quickly find that teachers are radically over paid for their work since the equivelent money @10% a year would be far more productive elsewhere.

Or In laymans terms if a teacher makes 60,000 dollars a year teachers are paid the equivelent of the future value of that amount at 10% or roughly 300,000 dollars a year.

Are they overpaid? Yes.

You don't know what you're talking about. It's not a performance job. It's a government job. They don't care about data.

More and most of school administration should just be fired. Especially Title 9 and special ed departments.

First, reform the school system and focus on teaching more skills, but that would hurt the otherwise unemployable women who fill the pedagogical profession

We should leave education to the free market.

Special Ed? Why?

>Blah blah blah problem

We know there is a problem. What is the solution? How do we educate Americans if the brick and mortar schools are a burden and woefully archaic.

The girl that aborted my baby and banged half my town is a elementary school teacher...

They need to really pay better attention to who is teaching children.

I think teachers should be allowed to hit students in America. If parents can't teach their children respect then someone has to.

We should torture them for 2 weeks before putting a 7.62 in their fucking skull.

Fire all teachers. Children will learn everything they need as they grow. Literacy is overrated and most children don't learn to read in school.

They don't care about ethics. They will hire you if you pretend to be liberal.

parents can't spank either.

Because you didn't do your duty, disappear that cunt.

Pay them nothing until they actually start teaching again. Jewish agenda is not education.

Because we keep spending more and more on children with IEP's and Special Ed. We're spending at least 15x the money for a special kid to not even get close to average test performance so they can be self-sufficient and work a minimum wage job. It's a pipe dream that these kids will ever amount to anything more than a minimum wage worker and they're incredibly more expensive to educate and they have to be in the same classrooms as the kids who have a chance to learn.

Not the lib teachers

>teens & children are overworked

Yeah fuck you. Public school Teachers are glorified baby sisters.

Yeah. Bunch of thots I went to college with are now teachers.

The state controls the curriculum, but generally offers no standardized resources for teaching it. It's up to the teacher to build coursework and tests, plan lessons and learn whatever private education software their school district purchased without really looking into how effective or user friendly it was. Add on that kids are being pushed along to classes they don't even have the prerequisite knowledge for and are performing far below grade level and you end up what you have now where teachers are expected to teach previous years content before getting to what they should have started in Q1.

I agree, the only schools that have open spots are low income majority black schools - and that's where the monolingual kids get pushed because nobody wants to deal with them. They get thrown in normal classes and there's nothing the teacher can do but try and help them while also keeping all the other kids on task which is quite frankly, impossible. As soon as kids see you aren't paying attention, they'll start watching a video or listening to music on their chromebooks.

I think that they should, but not because they deserve it (they don't). The pay should increase so more talented people who did not wish to become teachers because of poor pay can teach, increasing the quality of schools

>How do we educate Americans if the brick and mortar schools are a burden and woefully archaic.

Are you joking? I cant tell. Schools are necessary for kids. You have to keep them occupied and they can’t join society untill they are 18-23 because they are too immature.

Schools perform a vital function. It was one of the greatest inventions of the 19th century and universal education was probably on of the biggest boons of all time to human civilzation.

My comment was satire to show how fucking retarded the capitalist mindset it.

It is incapable of seeing value........

>t. never been to college
you're out of your mind. those clowns today are a fucking joke.

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There’s no objective way to gauge teachers’ effectiveness, that’s why the system is shit and most workers put little to no extra work in their profession.
You have no incentive to do your best and in most cases pay raises aren’t even correlated with performance.

teachers are vastly overpaid considering the absolute state of western academia. in my high school i was shown so many michael moore documentaries. college is even worse of course.

We live in a country that fails to parent through normal family structure. As such, it falls on teachers to impart in students the basic social behaviors and life skills that keep society functioning. You might not like that, but that’s the reality of what is happening. If a kid makes it to senior year and still knows nothing, that’s because the failure on the parents’ side was so extreme that the school was unable to correct for it.

When implemented properly, schools are effectively in charge of caring for roughly 1/5 of the population. They are also in charge of ensuring that when that population reaches adulthood they have the basic skills and self-reliance to pursue their goals.

When you think about it that is a MASSIVE task. Whether or not you agree with that task on a philosophical level, that is their task. And if that is what we charge schools with then we have to ensure that they are properly funded and prepared to meet that task. Right now we are not. Period. End of story.

So yes. Instead of thinking of it as paying teachers more we should think of it as investing more into students. When you pay teachers shit paychecks then there is no competition at all for the jobs. That is a deliberate undermining of the entire goal of the institution. If we raise pay checks, then more people apply and better candidates are hired. The bad teachers can be let go and replaced with competent workers.

There are other aspects that need to be addressed, sure. But that is a HUGE one. Right now just about anyone with a pulse can be a teacher because there is a nationwide shortage. Why is there a shortage? Because the pay is so bad that competent people can’t afford to be teachers and still make a living wage. Fix that, and you take a giant step towards fixing the entire system.

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