The Sudetenland is rightfully German. Give it back, you thieving Czechs

The Sudetenland is rightfully German. Give it back, you thieving Czechs.

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Es gehört uns

why no

Fuck off

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Concentrate on what you still have before the turkroaches and syrians take it from you.

>had to look up if this was actually a country or a meme flag

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Mongohungary is rightfully ours pay reparations

>How do you clean up your country?
>You czech the germs out!

why would you fight over that, there is no fisk there

stupid landcrabs I will never understand you

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take your country back first

Piefke spotted

You're lucky that the Allies didn't kill every man, woman, and child in 1945. Germany got off easy. For fuck's sake, most of the Nazis even got to keep their jobs.

We will take our country BACK

Stop making these threads



Fuck you

No Germans live there now.

some slav niggers that got cucked by chink niggers owning anything

Shouldn't you clean what you still have, before loosing even more territories?

Bohemia as a land was always ours. Just because Charles IV. invated Germanoids to the border areas to increase population in those areas does not give you the right for the soil. You were invated, behaved like Turks now in your country and got BTFO for it. Austrians at least won a war against us. You just behaved like niggers.

This same thread every day

stay mad

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Literal jew nose. His dead body would be good to plough our soil since his nose would work as a plowshare.

Germany isn't a historically legitimate country and should be divided in four parts which would then be given to Denmark, France, Poland and Austria
Also, Alsace-Lorraine is french, just like Charlemagne

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Central Europe is just one big mutt melting pot. There's no going back now, just do the best you can with what is there.

List of true nation-states in Europe:
>Sweden (formerly)
>Slovenia (maybe)

All other countries are too corrupted by recent and/or rooted muttery to be nation-states and be able to claim "rightful" territory.

By what right? The one you just pull out of your ass?

He is probably teenager kraut from family that gor BTFO from our soil.

Give back Nordschleswig you fucking thiev

He's just an edgy fatlord underage ubermensch-larper

100% jew LMAO, thats a german Aryan? xDD we Slavs are really master race our time will only begin

>Give back Nordschleswig you fucking thiev
It's called Sønderjylland and it's part of Denmark. Also it's spelt "thief"

try and claim some territory you little danish faggot see how that goes lmao

It's going to go the same way it did every other time besides greenland. .

Why, are you running out of space for your precious little sandniggers?

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It is called Nordschleswig and it is German by right

none of you will claim shit because we'll be there like the 1990s
but yes collectively kvetch over territories you weren't alive for :DDD

shut up you glorified nigger, your country is shit and so are your people, go kys nigger

Eger never even was part of Bohemia

>. You were invated, behaved like Turks now in your country and got BTFO for it
Also that is literally myth made up in the 19th century

>List of true nation-states in Europe:
If those are true nation states, I thank God that mine is not among them.

why would anyone want to take credit for carl the cuck?

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>Germany isn't a historically legitimate country
Based on what?