Is Yas Forums the equivalent to the male hivemind
Is Yas Forums the equivalent to the male hivemind
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if i have a daughter im killing myself
they argue over nipple color, is it really a hivemind?
Your video doesn't play.
Light pink nipples are the best nipples
Try clicking the play button.
I'll have to watch the full video to make an assessment before I can even consider answering your question.
this. op please comply so we may proceed wit the discussion at hand
Pink for life, there's nothing to argue about.
My second wife and I had a daughter. The minute I found out from the OBGYN she was going to have a daughter I said I had to use the restroom and left without a word. Went home, grabbed my bugout bag and $50,000 I had in cash and left the country. Definitely one of my top 5 decisions. Her mom got racked up with some trash and got raped and addicted to H, no clue where her daughter is now. Dumb bitch.
Nice larp
Almost McAfee level
lmfao what the fuck user
video faggot
so long as your daughter has children then she is propagating your genes which is the opposite of being a cuckold.
if she becomes a childless whore however, then yes.
Still not working, fag.
Worked for me.
checked, based, and nigger pilled
>Is Yas Forums the
it is a collection of alcoholics, neets, retirees, lazy journalists, and unemployed fiction writers. (The categories are not mutually exclusive.)
There's the truth about nipple color and then there's chucklefucks playing Devil's Asshole.
Im so booppored
Gow fo i fet a gf
Just raise her properly m8.
And don't get too personally attached.
At some point you're going to just have to let her go.
With some discipline and some luck you'll have a trad girl.
If not just focus on your other children.
because that is a fucking simple picture.
ask source
Try this one
I dont fit into any of those cateogries, im a highways engineer
>Definitely one of my top 5 decisions.
Unless you killed four niggers, I'd say it's probably your top ONE decision.
unending contrarianism is a kind of negative hivemind.
Wow she has some nice titties.
Who makes shit like this? Imagine raising a daughter because you want to fuck her. This is some deep Jewish logic here
Can I get a rate on my nipples?
so you admit that you are weak, dont worry, you wont make a great son either
Not white / 10
Too brown
Yes, thank you.......ass.
Shill, you forgot Feds, Shills, and Femoids.
Where the fuck is the video?
Just don’t be a weak father. Make sure she knows about the wall and losing value if she loses her virginity and make sure she marries a high quality man that will be a good father to your grand children. It really isn’t that hard. The reason everything is degenerate is because modern parents believed letting their children figure stuff out on their own instead of forcing things onto them was a virtue, little did they know that their children would just end up learning everything from subversive Jews which is why most women are disgusting whores. Weak men that can’t keep their women inline.
I count 11
Those are spic tier, mine is white boy tier.
Camera distortion + they’re chapped. They’re usually much more pink
>one of my top 5 decisions
>nigger tier decision
your daughter is way worse than if you've been around faggot, now she's literally having daddy issues and sucking everyone who looks at her.
can you post some of your worse decisions please? need to kek a little
newfag confirmed
pink nipples = more caucasian than asian
Those are some nice ass nips. Here is an updated version of mine I haven’t had a chance to shave them in awhile
Yas Forums in general is a contrarian hivemind. If you go to any board you'll notice whatever is in the mainstream tends be hated whether its on /trv/ all the way to /lit/.
*smokes pipe*
That happened.
I’m 100 percent Caucasian mutt. :) lol half German/Irish on moms side, Armenian on dads side.
My nipples and the cut end of my penis (I will curse the jew with my last words, This i vow) are pink.
Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
Mine are pinker. :)
How can i get the video to play?
What are you talking about? The fucking video doesn't play, no matter how much I push the play button!
what the actual fuck is that?
Lol I still have my penis skin, thanks to my old country dad....:)