Operation Bring Trump Down

Hey Yas Forums, I think it's time to end this madness, don't you think?

How about we work together to bring Blumppf down? He's telling us to drink bleach, do you really think that's a sign of a good president?

Let's set our differences aside and join forces together.

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>Meme flag
Fuck off

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So do you actually support drumpf? really? We can take him down if we work together.

I think its time we embrace the madness even further because it makes people upset


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posting in an ebic slide bread

Go fuck yourself


>time to end the madness
why would i want that

you're a fucking sheep, you have to realize by now that republicans AND democrats are not your friends.
by cutting the strings of these stupid puppets we may be able to bring the controllers out into the public.

GTFO and go suck semen out of the faggot cunts asses over on plebbit. You saged tranny fucks need to up your self kill ratio and get those numbers up from 40 to 90 percent. Pathetic shit eating fuck stick cocksuckers.

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Not supposed to announce sage. Enjoy your 3 day vacation bud

Donald Trump has turned out to be a giant turd instead of literally Hitler.
But I'd never team up with reddit.

It would be like joining niggers to make fun of white women.

Why stop it? Let the bodies hit the floor and in the ends, the niggers will tongue my anus

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I don't know if you guys are even joking or not. When I watched the pol history video on youtube, you guys seemed reasonable... Do you really like trump that much?? i dont get it


Eat shit faggot.

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>he's telling us to drink bleach

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Trump will dab on your AIDS ridden corpse as your gaping asshole is ripped open by niggers

>How about we work together to bring Blumppf down?
why? would you say the same if Trump signs to issue you a check for 2000 every month? thats better than I ever heard of from any prez, actually the 1200 bucks I already got was better than anything I ever got out of politics

>He's telling us to drink bleach
I wish you would.

whats Biden offering? besides a VP nobody ever heard of? more Obamacare bill collectors coming after me?

>He's telling us to drink bleach

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He's offering something he probably doesnt even remember

Trump is idiot but trying to push this whole inject bleach narative only shows desperation since people know Biden is even a bigger moron

You ain't electing joe you're looking to elect his VP pick Hillary 3.0. The whole Democrat shitscape was a farce. 1 to keep joe in the limelight a bit but not to much because of his obvious dementia and clear unelectability. Hillary was also kept lying low because her low energy and health problems. Towards the end of this Chinese flu Hillary will be brought in like a shiney new nickle touted hard by the media as the savior for the democratic party and the world. Screencap this.

No one ever supported Trump here to begin with. /ptg/ is top-down consensus cracking by paid shills from Trump's re-election campaign. No one would ever support either party here, that's the definition of being blue-pilled. The red pill is that Biden and Trump are on the same side, they're both neoliberal corporate stooges who want to see beaners replace whites demographically.

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well yeah, I find it incredibly distasteful the lack of message and effort on the left, it's like they're giving Donnie a pass, I want to see competitive politics, make Donnie legalize weed and issue a public dividend to citizen,

DNC has zero message, still, been saying this for years and still they're stuck on free transgender surgery and voluntary rifle forfeiture

I want to rip your wind pipe out and use it as a flesh lite.

>VP pick Hillary
never, she's done, unless they appoint her to something which they will, Joe stands a much better chance if she dies

See? That's why Yas Forums and reddit must work together, to bring trump down!
Let's work together like the ones you guys did on internet historian, where you took down shia lebouf's flag and tracked it down.
Reddit can be very resourceful too, we just need your brain.

>Bring Trump Down
why would any person want that?
what are they, fucking legit retarded?



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Only if you stuff a stick in the ass and post timestamp.

conde nast is garbage you can stay there with the vogue crowd,

4 more years, eurotrash

Theyve dug themselves a hole, trying to get people who are impossible to please to vote for them

This shit should be encouraged because its fucking hilarious to watch

If you want to see Biden replace him then you're missing the point entirely. Voting for either party is blue-pilled. Violent revolution is the only answer.

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>He's telling us to drink bleach
Thats one of the only things i have agreed with him on in years.
Drink up, faggot.

I had some hopes in 2016, had much fun with the memes, I hoped that there would be some kind of value behind the dogwhistles, but it rapidly changed after the election.

>Hey Yas Forums, I think it's time to end this madness, don't you think?
Fuck you plebbit pieces of degenerate sodomite shit.
I'll vote for him AGAIN just to piss you all off.
Go fuck yourself.

But Trump won't allow you to do such a thing. Biden is a much better choice. Do you seriously want another 4 years of trump? I don't get it, no one at reddit and even twitter likes trump anymore, but you guys...

Exactly this. And now Stacy Abrams just said this week that Biden "must pick a woman of color as his VP" to basically back him into a corner. If Biden actually does get elected, watch how fast the Democrats will push the narrative that he's unfit to continue being president. And then we will see them hold hearings to discuss removing him from his position so they can prop up his diversity pick to become president.

You have to understand, here we just want to laugh.

OP let me on behalf of the whole Yas Forums accept your offer together we shall win the internetz XD.

Oh my lawd you're adorable. KYS.

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OK kike

4 more years

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I don't even like trump, but i fucking HATE r*ddit.

So you're fine with destroying the country and letting the people drink clorox? Is that what you want? For fun?

nu-pol hates when you bring this up they cry out
>y..yeah well when did you first come to pol you newfag you're a newfag !! we always loved politicians!