Fuck you France, give back Elsass-Lothringen you fucking thieves

Fuck you France, give back Elsass-Lothringen you fucking thieves

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stop making these threads you autistic fuck or I'll call INTERPOL.

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Half of Poland are territories that are stolen from Germany. Fuck you. You are next

or else what?

We will take it anyway. After a month you'd capitulate again anyway. Furthermore, you cannot deny that Elsass-Lothringen is rightfully German

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did you mean Alsace-Lorraine?

>We will take it anyway.
>After a month you'd capitulate again anyway.
Coming from rapefugeewilkommenistan, that's rich
>you cannot deny that Elsass-Lothringen is rightfully German
my Alsatians grandfather and great grandfather thought otherwise

ah yes the jude once again doing its psy ops. fuck off jidf nigger.

lol no

it is called Elsass-Lothringen

basiert und erbfeindpilled

Nah I'm OK with it.
I'm a 10 minute bike ride away from the French border and their supermarkets have exquisite food that's hard or impossible to get here otherwise.

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seriously, (not trying to troll or anything) but it has been part of france a couple of centuries before germany even existed as a united country. sure they speak (a kind of) german there, but many other parts of france spoke a language other than french at the time...
Please explain what makes you think it should be part of germany ?

Maybe if you bully Belgium once more we will.

Wrong. The french stole it from us during the 30-year war. Injustice never becomes right.It was German centuries before and has never stopped being German.

Fuck off will you

you're talking about the Holy Roman Empire (3 words, 3 lies : not Holy, not roman, not an empire). It was french before Germany even existed as a unified country, for centuries...

Come and take it

No its wasnt. Also give back Flandern

Gather up your Prussian bros and go to work, Fritz.

What're you gonna do about it.

I would give it to you germans if it was up to me.

Have you tried either winning wars or not declaring them in the first place? You are lucky your country exists at all after losing two world wars back to back.

Stop provoking hans

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gib Strassburg
take the kebab to Paris

kek. based

Alsace-Lorraine is rightful FRENCH clay germoid. DEUS VULT. Come and take it.

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It should have been given to Switzerland
Germans are mad brutes but the French cracked down on their language and now only boomers can speak it