Prove Trump didn't say to inject bleach
Everyone's so positive he didn't say it this shouldn't be hard right??
Prove Trump didn't say to inject bleach
Everyone's so positive he didn't say it this shouldn't be hard right??
Other urls found in this thread:
"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or, or almost a cleaning?"
This is the exact quote of what he said. If you think this means inject disinfectant, then by all means, please inject yourself and stream it for us to watch.
He didn’t tell anyone to do anything.
>I can’t be rational on my own without an authority figure telling me what to do.
What the fuck does he mean then you idiot?
>prove someone didn't say something
Trump is being informed by some of the worlds leading scientists about the china plague and he's asking logical questions.
One of the reasons this virus is hard to defeat is that even if we develop a medication that defeats it, a lot of the virus particles are on the surface of the lungs where ingested medication won't reach. It would be wonderful if we had some kind of inhaler that would fill the lungs with disinfectant and kill any virus particles on the surface.
There are scientists RIGHT NOW working on just this. So Trump is just speaking out loud saying this would be exciting.
People saying he's advocating inhaling lysol or injecting bleach are retards who don't understand the virus and don't understand Trump asking basic layman questions in reference to known hurdles any virus medication we develop will have.
Is there anything we can use, or create, to do similar to what disinfectant does.
I legit can't tell if pol is just trolling these days or actually this stupid
>Inb4 you have to return some videotapes
He is asking a question
>Drumpf is literally telling people to inject bleach
That doesn't sound like fucking sarcasm you li
Go back to redeet faggot.
and that question is, "is it a good idea to inject disinfected? You should look into that"
Because he is fucking retarded.
Prove biden didn't molest kids
This shouldn't be so hard right?
Again, if you can kung-fu your brain to make it think that's what he said, you should inject yourself with disinfectant.
Didn't a nigger come forward just before Epstein's murder that said she was 13 years old while performing sexual services to Trump under Epstein's enterprise?
Just watch what he originally said, unfiltered by any media outlet.
Other than that, it's the norm, not to prove negatives.
You have to prove he did do this.
My understanding is he did ask a question about it, not suggest anything, as there are somewhat similar medical practices in existance.
It's literally what he said. He now claims it was sarcasm. And you are such a blind partisan moron that you'll grovel for his cock to protect him from being an obvious idiot.
>I legit can't tell if pol is just trolling these days or actually this stupid
probably both
I'll repeat myself, try not to move the goal posts this time.
Prove biden doesn't molest kids.
he asked he didnt say he himself believes this fuck you NIGGERS
eat shit you stupid godamn fucking redneck
"should we inject disinfected
>But he didn't say you SHOULD!!? REEEE
and then
>this is how you react
Can't prove a negative
sage goes in all fields
No. The question is “can you make a disinfectant that’s safe to inhale/inject”
>you now have sunburn inside your trachea
epic. and lungs aren't cavities, how would this even work if the virus is deep inside the lung tissue (which is sponge-like)?
Leftists literally invent things to be outraged about
Sure, if you twist it and assume that he is not actually retarded. It's still a stupid question.
>Wow, an injectable disinfectant, no one has ever thought about that before, thank your Mr. President!
Even Dr Birx realized this guy was an idiot
I know exactly what he said. It was a message to all the real patriots. He told us the cure to this thing. We know what to do if we get this virus patriots. The deep state can’t stop the trump train. WWG1WGA