>trump signs stimulus package which makes the fed fall under treasury
>treasury now controls the fed
>treasury in control by the president
>the united states president (Donald Trump) now owns the fed and the biggest link in the central banking system around the world
>he now dictates where/how/who/why anyone in the world gets money
deep state fucked
central banking fucked
meme state now a complete joke
patriots in control


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Nice 69
66 with the last 6 upside down
Dabbing on satan

Holy shit this is massive

Damn why isn't he like this at the press briefings

Take your meds. Go back to your home site. Kill yourself. Gas the kikes, race war now.

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This is huge seriously

...and then he's back on muh disinfectant

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He's going balls deep to bankrupt the Fed, too.
Debt jubilee? (probably no, but inflation to lower)
Gold standard (probably, yes)
Treasury dollars (highly likely)

Attached: If You Only Knew PENIS.webm (480x270, 1.54M)

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Fuck, they're really taking down the lizard people aren't they? "We're fighting an invisible enemy, and we're going to win"

>so much winning you'll get tired of it

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No matter how much you faggots shill for your delusional "TRUST THE PLAN!" LARP, it is still a LARP now only parroted by boomers and squares who have not grown out of old memes. The treasury department is in the hands of a deep state agent appointed by Donald Trump. I would ask you to consider what that implicates if I thought you had any capacity for the art of consideration, OP.

This but debt jubilee is very likely in that once we get our new currency the old debt just won't have to be paid or we can print the usd into oblivion and we'll turn $1 into 10,000 and make it so worthless no one will have to pay on it cause no one will want it


It's beautiful

Trump is currently fighting 7 majority proxy wars while balancing 4 on going 64D chess matches while trying at the sametime grow the economy and collect/save from world spending and deal with the Covid virus

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This post thing is HUGE FOR SMALL ECOMMERCE.

And in June the cheap, subsidized Chinese shipping ends. Golden age is here! Make your living online and work for yourselves anons!

Trump is going to keep issuing money till the left takes the bait and calls to audit/impeach Trump over the fed.

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Wait wat?
You mean dudes without moustaches?
Or dudes without titsi?

based and bill still pilled

In order to go to a gold standard, a formula has to be created that is inflationary.
In the past, Britain had a 20% Gold backing on their M1 money supply. The US used to have a 40% gold backing their M2.
Today, having a 40% backing of M2 would equate to gold needing to be $20,000+ per ounce.
Physical only, no ETF's allowed.
This is probably why physical gold is so scarce these days.

>i'm not authorizing for you to do anything, Steve

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My fiancée just got student loan refund checks today in the mail.

because he is putting on a show. It drives the media fucking crazy. He switches on them on a dime and they lose it.

Anyone who doesn't believe in q at this point has to be brain dead
We're taking back our planet

Attached: gold standard.png (506x484, 253.03K)

how does he do it lad

>hot wife
>most successful man to ever exist
>owns properties around the world
>saves children
>is batman
saves the US of A
>saves the world from the ultimate evil

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Silence, Qoomer.
Until I start seeing Jews and globalists getting stuffed into cattle cars, I will continue to call things as I see them: Trump is a cuck, and Qoomers are hysterical faggots.

Trump loves gold, he wants to bring back the bimetallic money standard

Im retarded, what is M1/M2? Explain pic related to me like I'm five

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Time machine

you never know

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cool story bro

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realistically a 20 percent backing would suffice

What should I invest in then

And don't say gold, it's impossible to buy gold that isn't paper right now

There's good information in this