Space is fake
space is fake
SpAcE iS fAkE
sPaCe Is FaKe
If you believe the moon landing happened, congrats you're retarded
If you believe Elon Musk sent a tesla into space congrats you're retarded
If you believe that astronauts livestream from the ISS congrats you're retarded
Stop being retarded faggots
Space is fake
Reality is fake, you're literally a figment of my imagination.
kek you think this is a slide thread? Yas Forumss been shit lately this is something to spice it up
Prove it cocksucker
You can see the ISS with a telescope you faggot
You'd have to prove its real so far there is no proof
kek you can't prove to me that people are actually on that
So far nobody can fucking prove space is real
Space is fake and gay
You cant have a vacuum of space next to the gaseous atmosphere and it not suck away. None of it makes sense
Where do asteroids come from?
Thank you for not being a retard.
The whole theory doesn't hold water
Where did rocks come from to begin with?
Everything we know about space is a lie. I don't think we can get there. Asteroids do come from the plane we call space but doesn't make everything we've supposedly done in space true
Earth is flat
There is no such thing as space
take your meds and stop posting such obvious b8 threads nigger faggot
Sage my butthole you stupid faggot. You can't even prove it's real. Its basically a religion
u've titled your op wrong. Your assertions are correct, but space is real.
0/10 bait
This ain't bait. This is to have a debate whether space is fake or not and so far the best answer I've got is asteroids
I probably should went with everything we know about space is a lie
I bet you like getting fucked in the ass by NASA.
I approve.
stop shitposting jesse
you are dumb as fuck
Still can't refute the topic at hand
THIS. Prove to me that the Earth isn't flat. Pro tip: you can't.
Not an argument
I agree with you bro, but what does it mean? i'm scared. Is everything going to be okay? the coronavirus hoax (viruses apparently aren't real, they've never been isolated) seems like an EndGame for the coming technocracy. I didn't prep, did you?
Do you believe in Jesus and stuff? now what? WW3 or something? we ain't going to convince anyone of our views, i would advice you don't even try it might be dangerous, people are irrational.
Let's start also talking about something political so they don't shutdown the thread, like the coronavirus hoax. That has political ramifications.
We can talk about both things at the same time.
This. Mountains are just huge meteorite chunks that got stuck in the Earth
Ok but if even if it's true that they've lied about us being able to get there doesn't mean space is fake.
Pieces from the firmament
>Jamie, how much has the taxpayer spent on NASA over the years?
Bro, i don't know what to believe in anymore that picture can be either fake or it can be from the mainstream Antarctica or the North Pole or what have you, it proves nothing. Sure looks suspicious though, there's literally nothing in the distance and it looks like an icewall as big as a wall of a medieval fortress or a water dam.
I hear mountains were formed in The Big Flood.
But they have to grow plants on the ISS that’s actually located in Texas!
The ice wall is real research it
I believe they are trying to pull off their agenda 21/ 2030 plan. If one country makes mediatory microchips/ vaccines for all of its citizens you know its coming. I honestly think the elite are trying to force God's hand. Attempting to fulfill the prophecy of revelations. But whatever you do user never take the mark of the beast even if it means death. The people that haven't begun to wake up now will never wake up. Just consider them as npc and that there is no hope for them. Yes I believe in Jesus
Imagine thinking God built reality so shittily that pieces of it just fall off sometimes
I don't get it, that's a picture form the National Geographic? no way they would show us the ice wall, that must be from the Nort Pole or somewhere else in the northern hemisphere or maybe just a part of Antarctica available to the public.
Everything we know about it is a lie. Therefore our concept of space is concluded fake. That plane does exist but its not what we think
>niggers trying to wipe away the white mans achievements so they can actually "go to space" with LGBTQ faggots as astronauts
Whatcha doin rabbi?
wrong, they come from within their world
Thats antarctica you can even go look at the into operation high jump. Its was labeled operation high jump because they would have to get over the wall
yeah, something is up.
What happens with a compass if youre on the southpole?
Why doesnt any plane fly even close to antarctica ever?
Why is radiated waste products a problem if we can just send it to the moon and let it deradiate there ?
Whats the issue here?
kek you can't even prove these achievements. Yeah white men have made great achievements but going to the moon and sending a tesla to space isn't one of the real ones. You are being deceived