Why do you all worship this guy as a beacon of morality?
The man had multiple partners, affairs, and there is evidence that he had repressed homosexual tendencies along with being a coprophile. Nazim wasn't some moral state. Many of the SS leadership also had affairs which Hitler tried to cover up.
Hitler was a degenerate
Other urls found in this thread:
They're not lying when they say most jews are americans.
The first man to act against the jewish plot and because of people like you he died in vain.
Why do you believe everything the Jewish media tells you about their second most hated enemy?
While this is all true, it's really more the idea of Nazism.
I guess you could say real Nazism has never been tried.
The reason why we were forced to go to war is, that Hitler wanted to abolish private banks and have currency that was not some imaginary money, to be loaned for interrest out of nowhere.
He had many faults, especially the meth addiction which cost us the victory, but he also did many things right.
We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God user. Even Hitler.
Sage, he's better than 100% of our leaders today
Literally everything you wrote is false.
>with being a coprophile
thats about pic relared
>he had repressed homosexual tendencies
Lenin was a Jew and thus anti-White.
Lol, it's just incels trying to be 'holier than thou' that worship this shit. Their basically just trying to justify their social failings
>Hitler was really a bad person, the Jews say so!
if you so progressive and tolerant, then why do you judge people with another values and views? You are literally Hitler
yeah he also adored stalin
Stalin is one of the most extraordinary figures in world
Stalin, too,
must command our unconditional respect. In his own way he
is a hell of a fellow ! He knows his models, Genghiz Khan and
the others, very well, and the scope of his industrial planning
is exceeded only by our own Four Year Plan. And there is no
doubt that he is quite determined that there shall be in Russia
no unemployment such as one finds in such capitalist States
as the United States of America.
If Stalin had been given another ten or fifteen years, Russia
would have become the mightiest State in the world, and two
or three centuries would have been required to bring about a
change. It is a unique phenomenon! He has raised the
standard of living—of that there is no doubt; no one in Russia
goes hungry any more. They have built factories where a
couple of years ago only unknown villages existed—and
factories, mark you, as big as the Hermann Goring Works.
They have built railways that are not yet even on our maps.
In Germany we start quarrelling about fares before we start
building the line ! I have read a book on Stalin ; I must admit,
he is a tremendous personality [...]
ribbentrop testifying to hitlers great admiration of stalin
During the sad days which followed the end of the battle
of Stalingrad I had a very revealing talk with Hitler. He
spoke, as he often did, of his great admiration for Stalin. In
him, he said, one could perceive what one man could mean
to a nation. Any other nation would have broken down
under the blows of 1941 and 1942. Russia owed her victory
to this man, whose iron will and heroism had rallied the
170 The Ribbentrop Memoirs
people to renewed resistance. Stalin was his great opponent,
ideologically and militarily. If he were ever to capture Stalin
he would respect him and assign to him the most beautiful
palace in Germany. He added, however, that he would
never release such an opponent. Stalin had created the Red
Army, a grandiose feat. He was undeniably a historic per-
sonality of very great stature.
published by druffel
Helmut Sündermann (born February 19, 1911 in Munich, † August 25, 1972 in Leoni) was a National Socialist journalist. He was one of the most important media propagandists in the National Socialist state. He held the rank of SS Obersturmbannführer [1] and, as deputy chief press officer of the NSDAP and the imperial government, belonged to the close surroundings of Adolf Hitler. After the end of the war he worked as a publicist in right-wing extremist circles, founded the right-wing extremist Druffel Verlag in 1952 and remained a Holocaust denier until the end of his life.
Stalin was a Judeo Communist.
Stalin fucked a Jewess.
Stalin put to death antisemites.
Stalin was therefore anti-White.
>Hitler's Table Talk
Thoroughly debunked.
Because he literally did nothing wrong.
yeah sure fuckhead
Stalin came to power, and politicians who pursued a [non-ideological] policy in the interests of Russia, including the “Great Patriotic War” [that is, the Second World War], which he won.
Stalin not only had millions killed who were on the periphery of power, such as peasants, but he also had 1.6 million of Lenin’s followers, including Trotsky, systematically shot as well. And as a result, [Soviet] Russia today is regarded as the only country that is anti-Jewish or free of Zionist influence.
Otto-Ernst Remer (18 August 1912 – 4 October 1997) was a German Wehrmacht officer in World War II who played a major role in stopping the 20 July plot in 1944 against Adolf Hitler. In his later years he became a politician and far right activist.[1] He co-founded the Socialist Reich Party in West Germany in the 1950s, and is considered an influential figure in post-war neo-Fascist politics in Germany.[1]
Stalin was feared in Russia.
The Kulaks, the Trotskyites, the jews, the intellectuals, the industrial
saboteurs and so on had all been ruthlessly crushed [...]
Otto Skorzeny (12 June 1908 – 5 July 1975) was an Austrian-born SS-Obersturmbannführer (lieutenant colonel) in the Waffen-SS during World War II. During the war, he was involved in several operations, including the removal from power of Hungarian Regent Miklós Horthy and the rescue mission that freed Benito Mussolini from captivity. Skorzeny led Operation Greif, in which German soldiers infiltrated Allied lines by using their opponents' uniforms, equipment, language and customs.
>yeah sure fuckhead
>In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.
>J. Stalin
Stalin's Jewish Affair
Stalin's Jews
Stalin's Willing Executioners: Jews as a Hostile Elite in the USSR
Genoud, Heim and Picker's "Table Talk": A Study in Academic Fraud and Scandal - Veronica Clark
"Hitler's" Table Talk?: A Study in Academic Fraud and Scandal - Weronika Kuzniar
Hitler's Table Talk and Other Extraneous Sources - Jim Walker
Hitler's Table Talk: An Update
VK Clark on 'Table Talk' Fraudulence
who the fuck cares about your shit quotes?even metapedia and holocaust deniar irving consider the table talk as perfectly authentic besides remer skorzeny goebbels ribbentrop testifying to hitlers admiration for stalin you stupid yankee
Bunch of psychopath in power. It was pretty much heading for the wall at some point.
>who the fuck cares about your shit quotes?
People who accept the truth that Stalin was anti-White and Communism is Jewish.
I'm sorry that the evidence triggers you so much, but that's not my fault.
>ven metapedia and holocaust deniar irving consider the table talk as perfectly authentic besides remer skorzeny goebbels ribbentrop testifying to hitlers admiration for stalin you stupid yankee
That's not a refutation of the facts that Stalin is anti-White and Table Talks is a fraud.
You're just pissed that I'm destroying your pro-Communist/pro-Jewish position.
as for your sources
The East German regime never accepted the war guilt that was the foundation of the Bonn regime, and hence it was not morally hindered in pursuing an anti-Zionist policy.
>The East German regime
You mean the anti-White Communist regime? lol
yeah sure youre plainly focusing ton the table talks while you just ignore skorzenys ribbentrops memoirs the remer interview etc.
wanna listen to some other nazi opinions?
Soviet leaders became avowed nationalists. Patriotism was no longer limited to pride in the “conquests of the Revolution” but was extended to include Russia’s historic past. In fact, the entire concept and teaching of history was reversed.
The glory of Russia was restored, the tsars re-evaluated, including Peter the Great and Ivan the Terrible. In literature, the new attitude produced a large number of historical novels and plays. In music, this mood was reflected in epic works like the symphonic cantata On the Field of Kulikovo (1939) by Yuri Shaporin, commemorating the battle with the Mongols in 1380, or the oratorio Alexander Nevsky by Prokofiev, depicting the defeat of the Teutonic Knights in 1242.
The decade of the 1930’s also witnessed the emergence of what has been called a “new respectability” in Soviet life. On the home front, there was a revival of almost Victorian standards of morality, restoration of school discipline [...]
National Vanguard
After the U.S. participation in the war had made it possible for Stalin to beat back the Germans and achieve a Soviet victory, however, Stalin returned to his program of de-Judaizing the Soviet bureaucracy, and the Jews’ pro-Soviet and anti-fascist propaganda machine in the United States finally did an about-face and began warning us of the Soviet menace. By the middle of the 1950s ‘fascism’ in its various forms no longer was the principal threat to the American way of life, and communism took its place as the number-one enemy in the propaganda coming from Hollywood and New York."
William Luther Pierce III.
im quoting from a page youre referring to burger boy
>yeah sure youre plainly focusing ton the table talks
Yes, because it's a fraud. You touted it as truth and I refuted it.
>wanna listen to some other nazi opinions?
The word Nazi was a slur made up by a Jew to defame NatSoc's.
>William Luther Pierce III.
Clearly not alive during WW2 and he wasn't alive when Table Talks was debunked
>im quoting from a page youre referring to burger boy
I don't care you anti-White Communist. You're promoting Stalin, a Jew lover and Communism, which is Jewish.
Fuck off.
>Why do you all worship this guy as a beacon of morality?The man had multiple partners, affairs, and there is evidence that he had repressed homosexual tendencies along with being a coprophile. Nazim wasn't some moral state. Many of the SS leadership also had affairs which Hitler tried to cover up.
I give exactly zero fucks about what Hitler and the rest of Germany did with their dicks in the privacy of their homes.
I care a lot about the fact that they knew what to do with the fucking Jew.
Stalin was a commie. Communism is jewish, therefore Stalin was a kike
youre just a pathetic uneducated piece of yankee shit
The U.S.A. has no poets, no painters, no architects or composers of world stature. Whatever culture it has is borrowed from Europe. The land lacks its own language, culture, and civilization. It has borrowed everything, generally debasing it by Americanizing it, never improving it. Americanization is a kind of kitschification that gives every cultural value an American stamp, turning a mature language into slang, the waltz into jazz, a work of literature into a crime story.
If the Americans lacked money, they would probably be the most despised people in the world. Superiority is nowhere as annoying as with them.
>provides no proof or evidence
Good job, cope more virgin. National Socialist Germany was the most moral nation in history, prove me wrong. fuckthejews.com
>The U.S.A. has no poets, no painters, no architects or composers of world stature.
Bukowski is arguably the greatest western poet of the 20th century. He is certainly the most authentic, and writes about a vast array of subjects.
Frank Lloyd Wright is not a great architect?
That doesn’t even make sense you low quality shill who will die childless
>The reason why we were forced to go to war is
... Versailles?
well ask goebbels then who despised american culture
>no one goes hungry anymore
yeah tell me how this is fake too faggot
ribbentrop testifying to hitlers great admiration of stalin
During the sad days which followed the end of the battle
of Stalingrad I had a very revealing talk with Hitler. He
spoke, as he often did, of his great admiration for Stalin. In
him, he said, one could perceive what one man could mean
to a nation. Any other nation would have broken down
under the blows of 1941 and 1942. Russia owed her victory
to this man, whose iron will and heroism had rallied the
170 The Ribbentrop Memoirs
people to renewed resistance. Stalin was his great opponent,
ideologically and militarily. If he were ever to capture Stalin
he would respect him and assign to him the most beautiful
palace in Germany. He added, however, that he would
never release such an opponent. Stalin had created the Red
Army, a grandiose feat. He was undeniably a historic per-
sonality of very great stature.
published by druffel
Helmut Sündermann (born February 19, 1911 in Munich, † August 25, 1972 in Leoni) was a National Socialist journalist. He was one of the most important media propagandists in the National Socialist state. He held the rank of SS Obersturmbannführer [1] and, as deputy chief press officer of the NSDAP and the imperial government, belonged to the close surroundings of Adolf Hitler. After the end of the war he worked as a publicist in right-wing extremist circles, founded the right-wing extremist Druffel Verlag in 1952 and remained a Holocaust denier until the end of his life.
Show me another leader who is willing to defend the white race and the white kingdom. All you have now is bible thumping jewish tools telling you culture matters race doesnt
>Russia free of zionist influence
>The man had multiple partners
>Many of the SS leadership also had affairs which Hitler tried to cover up
at least make a coherent point, before posting.