Rip Brasil
Rip Brasil
Guys Brasil is about to have a political crisis like in 2014
Yeah, it's literally 2014 Redux, it's happening in the same exact way, plus now there is Corona and the entire world economy crashing hard. This is the end of Brazil.
You think will suffer a parlamentary coup like dilma?
If they impeach Bolsonaro right now, there would be new elections, he has to be impeached next year for the Vice to take over.
Mourao should take over, he seems to be much better
Yes, that's why Mourão keeps a smug face whenever Bolsonaro gives speeches, because he knows that his dreams of becoming president are getting closer and closer.
Bolsonaro won't be impeached, he still has a lot of public support, this whole thing will be over in a month, hes speech yesterday already gained back a lot of public support and painted Moro as traitor.
Why? If Paulo (((Guedes))) and his crew kept leeching the place dry it would be much worse, specially now during this global jewish coup.
He doesn't seem to be very trustworthy either.
At least in 2014 we had Temer to put things back in order. Now when Bolsocuck gtfo all we have is an incompetent half-indian general who knows jack shit about running a country. Fuck Brasil and fuck Brazilians, we got what we fucking deserved
>he still has a lot of public support
this shit doesnt matter if he has the military , and other important players against him
He has retracted to his old 15% support of mentally retarded evangelicals and bootlickers. He only speaks to them in his speeches, not to the middle class, not to the anti-corruption/anti-PT crowd (who got him elected).
Literally none of you are white
He has military support, user, specially from general Heleno (regarded as a war hero), of course a lot of generals don't like him, but not enough to stage a coup.
brasil despite being a mutt country, it is one of the most whitest countries in south america
It'll be worse. Screencap this worse than ever had in Brazil it'll be historic
>He has retracted to his old 15% support
Says who? Datafolha? user, this is a nation of passionate people, like it or not, he allways spoke with his heart and peolpe like it, also those 600$ bought him a lot of support in north/northeast.
>nooo, not the zoguerinooos
seething nigger crentes absolutely BTFO
Temer is almost a vampire IRL but he can coordinate the useless masses of politicians like no other person could.
The military and police is definitely necessary during a 4th generation warfare like (((this))) one.
>Says who?
Me. My neighbors screaming out of their lungs.
> he allways spoke with his heart and peolpe like it
the people who are fanatic about him (those 15%) liked that incoherent babble that didn't answer anything. Everyone else could see it for what it was.
>those 600$ bought him a lot of support in north/northeast.
delusional, they were already living on bolsa familia
You can't kill what never lived
It's a country in constant decay but it never had its heyday.
at this point they're whiter than you, jamal
Finally. Here hoping 90% of the niggers and pardos starve to death. Maybe this way, in 100 years we might achieve something.
>The military and police is definitely necessary during a 4th generation warfare like (((this))) one.
Sure and he still has a lot of support in both, specially in lower ranks. i don't know about Policia Federal.
I haven't seen a single "Panelaço" where i live, and again those 600 bucks made a lot of difference i have family in north and i saw it with my own eyes.
I tell you this, the thermometer of how much support he lost/gained will be the airports/streets, if people start booing him he lost, but i think (regarded as traitor) Moro will experience this first.
It was a shame to lose Moro over a divergence of opinions, but it's not over. If Renegam exposes the ones trying to destroy the president and jails Maia, Alcolumbre and some STF ministers, then it was a positive development.
The Empire was our heyday
t. Goysonaro PR team
Pls ship cute brown girls my way.
>there would be new elections
Ther won't, the 2 year rule is just in case both the president and the VP get ousted, if Bolsonaro gets impeached Mourão takes over and finishes the mandate
i have been noting that many brasilians the empire could return, but later i wonder, who would be their monarch,
someone from south brasil or what?
>It was a shame to lose Moro over a divergence of opinions
How much of a useful idiot can you be?
Firing the PF director was part of the bargaining with the parliament that has been happening over the past 2 weeks, on top of all the government positions that are being distributed to those leeches.
That is a possibility. It's also possible JB did this to save his children. If you are indeed right then it's pretty much over, so it doesn't matter what we say. There is no point to keep crying "Jair traitor!" It's not gonna change anything.
>This is the end of Brazil.
What did bolsonaro do to piss Brazilians off to this extent? I haven't been following you guys closely but I did find it interesting that during this whole Wu flu thing the only countries that seem to be expirmenting with no complete shutdown are pussy ass Sweden and bolsonaro, who the press called the trump of South America. I thought that made for a great test group since they were both so politically opposed but agreed on this one thing.