Everyone keeps saying that Kim Yo Jong is even worse than Kim Jong Un...

Everyone keeps saying that Kim Yo Jong is even worse than Kim Jong Un. What do you think should we expect with her as the new Supreme Leader of DPRK?

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punishment footjobs.

>posts a faggy western cartoon
Fuck off back to cancer

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She’s going to try to appear tough coming out of the gate to prevent insurrection and will probably end up kicking off ww3

Hoping she marries Trump and they produce beautiful biracial children
Seriously doe, nothing will change, except she might set up the first DPRK Intranet porn website and do solo porn (since her brother is now dead)

Nothing will change since it’s mostly top generals running North Korea. Much like how the secret Jew runs the US. The secret chink runs NK

I can't wait to donate to her so she mentions my name on her livestream missile launch event

Dude you've just posted cancer and cringe.

They will keep on living the opposite of a capitalist fantasy until the fantasy is dead

she's gonna finna start WW3

She's not really worse, she's just intelligent and disciplined instead of being a fat retarded hedonist like her brother.

A nuclear-armed North Korea lead by an effective monarch is a pretty frightening prospect for stability in East Asia, particularly with China getting rekt by Corona-chan and internal unrest.

Basically your Pic.
Real life Azula.

also i want her to step on me

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I can't tell if she is horrifyingly arousing or arousingly horifying, but I'm sure I'm scared and have a hard on if I stare at that image for long.

Avatar is based

A authoritarian dictator on her period is going to be quite the spectacle.

Asians don't have periods dude

Men would never let a woman rule in a dictatorship. Either she is a military puppet or she's already been killed.

She's psychic tho.

I''m not making shit up around her is a field that she projects and uses to disguse it.

Think how (sorry for brining s0iwars into this) Palpatine hid that he was force sensitive from the Jedi Order.

She doesn't strike me as "evil" just more private and morally flexible because of her awareness.

Doubt she'll open up the country to western influence unless its on her terms(she'll gain more and from very little of it in order to stamp/stop it when need be)

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world peace

What was your first period like

Don't most world leaders, important officials, and over various people with the capability have those kinds of protective fields either produced by them selves or teams of psychics that work for them?

You do know she could just walk up to the military and "order" them to fire on South Korea right now for no reason to start WW3, right?

She IS from the type of people that can do stuff like this with such results.

All hail Empress Yo!


Like all bitches, she will of course be unable to suppress her natural feeling of inferiority so she will try to compensate by doing some hyper-aggressive shit and will fuck up everything.

Females are natural tyrants. This will be even worse for the North Korean people. No idea how it will change geopolitics.

Schizo posting is an offense punishable by death, you will get no strict or immediate scrutiny upon appeal, only rational basis review.

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>or teams of psychics that work for them?
Definately this. They sit at home or specialized chambers during work but collectively I think they're no match for her.

Kim's sister had that role which is why she undoubtedly received better treatment the rest of her family from him. I don't know if her brother was aware she's more than just "good luck charm" so to speak. For all we know she could've been the reason he died, gradually weakening the defences on him until he died at a favorable time.

Consider also there are shaman/psychics in South Korea that rule from the shadows the government there.

I'm not sure what her relations with them is maybe they're no match for her as well and might decide to strike a deal or something.

No one here knows either of them.

Grey Delisle has such an audioporn voice. Used to pop a woody just listening to her sex dripping voice.

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>Everyone keeps saying that Kim Yo Jong is even worse than Kim Jong Un

I have no idea what they're basing this on besides her chilly expression in some photos.

Does she like black dick as much as the fatty?

She will die on a poisoned dildo

Only if she’s forced to marry, marriage makes the woman a bitch, it would be awesome if women could channel their hate into global politics, so that they can be the bullying bitches they truly are.

If the woman makes choice for marriage then she wouldn’t be an alpha bitch in the first place.

just watch her getting fatter and fatter as soon as she becomes the dictator

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She could be an avatar of Kali itself but I think she just wants the simpler things in life. A lover for instance equal or superior to her.

Especially with her finger on the button, WHILE she’s on the rag.

Gonna be random fucked up shit.

Nigger just a couple of years ago it came to light that a cult of female shaman/witch/psychics/whatever were running worst Korea from the shadows.
I'm not saying this stuff is real or fake, I'm saying there's very powerful people who apparently believe in it.

She seems nice to me. She could sit on my face anyday.

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Especially every month

I've never once seen a woman who is aggressive and thought "wow, an alpha bitch!" Lol what the fuck are you talking about tooth paste?

>compares some ugly gook to azula
Gas yourself

women can't run states. South korea is taking dprk in under 5 years if she is chairman.

Write a book, I like this plot device.

Soulless lizard reptiloid black eyes.

She looks comically evil. Like some sort of movie villain.

Well, there is that South Korean female cult that advocates killing men, maybe it’s the same crew.


No, South Korea will NEVER control an inch of North Korea, it will be annexed by the Chinese or run by a Chinese puppet.

Maybe, just maybe, those comics you've read had artistic renditions of traits from actual evil people the artists had seen.

Female leaders are always corrupt autocrats. There are no exceptions.

I don't know but I'd like to touch her genitals with my genitals if you catch my drift

Female aggression is not physical. If you see an aggressive woman it’s not because she’s an alpha but because she’s competing for a place as a partner in the sexual gladiator ring. That’s not sexy and most women know this.

An Angela Merkel type of woman will outmaneuver everyone and then claim credit, right upon the moment she sits on the throne.

She will need to prove herself if she is to rule.

domestically there will be a quick but comprehensive reign of terror with most of the elites executed. She will replace them with new elites who will owe their new positions solely to her. To ensure their loyalty, they will need to bloody their hands in the terror as well.

Then she will need prove herself to foreign powers and will do so by restarting regular nuke testing.

Finally to ensure the loyalty of Yas Forums, she will need leak a sexy time tape.

No I don't catch your drift user, please explain.