Could someone redpill me on diet? All of spiritual stuff suggests that meat is terrible for you, but the only meal I feel genuinely good after is beef stew/ steak.. what gives?
Food and vibrations..?
Other urls found in this thread:
the food pyramid was designed by Jews
Eat grass, goy
I honestly don’t believe humans can be healthy without at least some meat, and mikhaila Peterson eats literally just meat and cured her arthritis and depression... are spiritual hippies full of shit or is eating meat bad for your soul or something? I’m so confused, but I want to eat correctly - I’ve done too much damage to my body already (improper fasting, depression) to eat incorrectly.
Shouldn't Buffalo be higher on the chart since they eat 100% grass straight from the sun? Wtf is this retard shit
This seems about right, I’m trying to sort my self out but even chakra systems supposedly follow this model, it’s confusing
Exactly, grass fed beef/ buffalo/ elk or any other ruminant animal is definitely the best food for humans imo, based on amateur internet research
It’s what all of the health and spiritual pages on insta post, I’m sure if I ate just veggie’s I would die in a couple of weeks
99% of your diet should be cooked by you.
90% of your diet should be whole foods, i.e. stuff with only 1 ingredient.
At least 50% of your diet should be animal products, including organ meat, eggs and dairy. Learn to cook kidney and liver.
Follow these simple rules and you can't go far wrong.
Hindi priest castes realise the population to meat ratio is way off, how will we remedy this
Tell lower castes eating meat is bad spiritually is my guess how they avoided revolt is countries like India
reverse the pyramid but keep the sun on top
I'm a giant and do weightlifting so I won't be a skelly. I want good karma, but how the fuck do I get enough protein without meat or dairy? I live in leafland, where even THOSE are luxuries. Don't get me started on the price of superfoods and almonds. Especially now that this Covid nonsense has made them outlaw bulk bins. Shit is entirely fucked.
they don't want you eating meat because meat is the fuel required for a strong rebellion
chill bro im only vibing
>not even mentioned activation of almonds
The better your health is the fewer protein you need.
>get enough protein without meat or dairy
Large amounts of semen
asians are fucking retards who couldnt figure out the aryan animal-husbandry lifestyle so they decided that meat is ebil
rule of thumb eat meat and what the animal you are eating eats, eat it too, just to get what the intermediate flushed out
Meat is a stimulant that's why OP. If you switch to organic produce it will detox your body so you'll likely feel a bit worse at first but get slowly better.
Why are "Hot Dogs" their own unique entry on this pyramid???
Also this image is nonsense hippy garbage. You don't need a "redpill" you need to eat like a person who isn't brain dead. A regular blend of veggies, fruits, and meats are what you need in terms of nutrition and calories, you don't have to overthink things with dieting or even worse, schizo pseudoscience invented by people who literally think demons possess toilets.
It's a lie, jews even tried to push it again after some years because the advantages of even dumber and weaker goyim are too seducing.
A lot of cults use restricted vegetarian/vegan diets and caloric defecits to help facilitate brainwashing, so I do the opposite and eat plenty of meat. Just like they use sleep deprivation e.g. Hare Krishna devotees only being allowed 6 hours max and often less. I make sure I always get a good 8/9 hours.
np OP
Started grounding recently - it makes a massive difference and feeling it already
Tesla knew the importance of energy, frequency and vibration but unfortunately it gets overlooked or shot down, especially on here.
>people who literally think demons possess toilets.
You have never been to a Cambodian truck stop.
What if you step in dog shit or broken glass?
This user speaks the truth.
Plus, if you wanna lose weight, do the same but cut out most carbs for a few months. It's gonna be surprisingly easy.
Red meat is fine, but fish is better for you. There's a reason cultures that consume the most fish live the longest.
Dairy, eggs, and even meat should be mostly eaten raw, not cooked.
fried liver with onions, a potato remember to fry with olive oil dont fall for the jewish ploy of vegetable oil, that shit hydrogenates
at a lower temperature and is the so called "bad cholesterol"
It's inverted. They wanted us unhealthy and they invert everything, even the natural world.
Protein: no red meat, a lot of fish and eggs
Vitamins: vegetables, not fruit. Fruit is sugar disguised
Carbs: complex, like sweet potato
Liquids: water, 2 cups a tea max, wine or beer. No hard liquor.
I can’t stress hard enough that carbs are essentially either processed as sugar or fat in the body. If you need fat, use uncooked olive oil or cocoa oil.
Just eat meat who cares about some 'spiritual' teachings, if it makes you feel good do it. Meat is delicious and makes you stronger, fitter and so on. I mean you're white right? Not some hindu in backwards india that believes cow piss is holy