What does it mean for North Korean citizens if he's actually dead

What does it mean for North Korean citizens if he's actually dead

Attached: 800px-Kim_Jong_Un_with_Honor_Guard_portrait.jpg (800x1003, 100.38K)

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They won't do shit, they are too scared and obedient for anything to happen

more western tunes

It means prepare for war. His sister will take over and she's 100x psychotic than him

ill have a sweet pussy and feet over a fat fuck any time. i can fantasize about her and really adore her

Q claimed NK worked with us tonight strings". This would further hurt that movement with the see all hear all in control claims.

U.S. to "cut strings"

Said the french guy.

women in power are always the most dangerous, they have a teenager's brain and are desperate to prove themselves.


Annexed by China

>what does it mean
that they now live under a Asian femdom dictatorship

Attached: Asian-Femdom-00.jpg (354x510, 58.88K)

Ruh ro, sum ting wong, ho lee fuk, etc.

Ah fuck it....

I'm So Ronery
So ronery
So ronery and sadry arone
There's no one
Just me onry
Sitting on my rittle throne
I work rearry hard and make up great prans
But nobody ristens, no one understands
Seems like no one takes me serirousry
And so I'm ronery
A rittle ronery
Poor rittle me

Checked and true
Also no rifles in the hands of the male citizens is a problem

Power vacuum. Probably going to be some internal struggle and maybe even a civil war.

How can I move to NK?

>What does it mean for North Korean citizens if he's actually dead
The weakening of the Kim regime.

Either he'll be replaced by a military leader who might usher in change to keep the nation from completely collapsing or he'll be replaced by another sycophant who'll prolong the slow dissent into collapse.

>Power vacuum. Probably going to be some internal struggle and maybe even a civil war.
That too is entirely possible.

Depends on how well accepted another member of the Kim family is, how prepared they were for this possibility (Un's heath has been known about for years) and how willing the military is willing to go along with it.

>maybe even a civil war.
don't do that, user, don't give me hope

>don't do that, user, don't give me hope
The real question is, would the US/SK get involved in an internal conflict.

Doing so would quite possibly lead to war/nukes with SK/Japan.

So the US would have to pay very close attention and strike only if the opportunity presented itself and victory was assured.

A NK civil war would utterly collapse the nation though. It's simply too weak to survive a prolonged internal conflict.

I don't care about the larger political implications of a civil war, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, user.

>I don't care about the larger political implications of a civil war, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, user.
If you want death and suffering just so you're a little more entertained, you're a horrible person.

Besides, even if there was a NK civil war, you wouldn't be able to see it on the news, because foreign news crews wouldn't be allowed in NK to cover it.

It would be like all the civil wars and genocides currently happening in Africa that you don't get to watch.

Grow up.

Don't count on it. After the assassination of Kim's elder brother, and the execution of his uncle, there aren't really any other viable claimants for the throne.

Someone else takes his place then, what else you god damn retard.


north korea attacking the south would be incredibly violent though

That’s exactly WHY it’s going to be a free-for-all. Either they support the sister or it will likely devolve into a warlord scenario which could result in attempts to prove their seriousness, meaning attacks on SK.

If there's a power struggle and hottie sister's faction thinks they'll lose, they will nuke Tokyo as payback for WWII and EMP America just because. Maybe EMP China too. Depends on how many missiles and warheads actually work.

A civil war would spell the end of the North Korean government. As soon as their borders are vulnerable the South or the Chinese would intervene and topple the regime.

>If you want death and suffering just so you're a little more entertained,
Not for personal entertainment, user, I want to be in a war myself. I don't care about how ww3 starts, I just want it to start.

>north korea attacking the south would be incredibly violent though
NK wouldn't though, because they'd know that would be the end of NK.

If NK ever attacked SK or Japan, the US would instantly demolish the country.

NK's nukes aren't for a preemptive strike. They're a message to the US/SK saying "if you mess with us, there'll be massive bloodshed. We'll lose, yes, but the cost will be too great to bear."

>Not for personal entertainment, user, I want to be in a war myself.
Why do you want to put yourself through suffering and possible death just to fight another nation's battles?

>I don't care about how ww3 starts, I just want it to start.
Again, why do you want massive suffering and death? What kind of psychopath are you?

>A civil war would spell the end of the North Korean government. As soon as their borders are vulnerable the South or the Chinese would intervene and topple the regime.
Or the US would send in spies to kill the more aggressive elements so that their pick would become leader of NK.

Proof that she's crazier than Kim jong un?

We're all gonna die user, even if you live the most peaceful life, you're going to die of old age.
I think that death on a battlefield as soldier is one the best ways to die.
Why do you think I'm a psycho? I just have a different way to look at the world

Attached: 4595603-soldier-german-army-weapon-g36k-bundeswehr.jpg (2560x1600, 1023.92K)

You guys remember when his father Kim Jong il died and people were speculating about the very same thing and they thought that there could be civil war or that Kim jong un will be progressive and open the country because he studied in Europe?

Yeah, not going to fall for that again.
North Korea has enough enemies to keep the population from revolting. They are convinced that if they step up and do something, the US will take the opportunity to rape them or nuke them.
All repressive shitty dictatorships in shithole countries need some external enemies to keep themselves afloat.
Don't fool yourself into believing that the leader dying will in any way make their government collapse.

Escape to china,the vidya

70% chance things get even worse because either some asshole general or his crazy sister takes over

29% chance the country is plunged into a power struggle ending in collapse

1% chance his sister isn't actually that crazy and tries to unfuck NK