Honest Thoughts about Italy pt 2

Its liberation day.....yay?

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la shitalia è pronta a crollare

when are we going to see the next Mussolini?

I hope we don't get that retarded Amerimutt in this thread

"Italy" is a fake made up country


Siamo pronti a crollare

>My Latin teacher was a stange female. She had a D'Annunzio fetish (her bf was a D'Annunzio look-alike) and virtually sucked the cock to Cicero. She was batshit crazy if you consider the two figures. Cincinnatus and Cato were barely touched to expand more on "muh (((based))) Cicero who stood against Catilina". I had to fucking memorise the Catiline Orations. I kid you not.

>Great food
>Lovely architecture
>Beautiful language
>One of the greatest empires in history
>Greatly contributed in areas of science and philosophy
>Basically made the West

>The Mafia
>Annoying Italian-American accent
>Italians occasionally looks Jewish

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They're French you stupid Amerimutt

"Better to be a fascist than a faggot"

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I heard this today and I don't understand it. They were in the Nazis side during the war. Now they are pretending that they didn't?

>"Italy" is a fake made up country

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Shill thread.

Never said they were not

Previous thread says otherwise, now fuck off, nigger

Lol Italy was created by leftists retard

Mafia is dead other than Sicily and bits of Naples
Even Italain Italian accents can be annoying there tends to be a lot of people with either extremely nasal or disturbingly deep voices

The guy in the pic was him years ago instagram.com/alessiostigliano/ if you are interested.

Also, the (((pope))) should be considered a negative.



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fratelli della Shitalia
la Shitalia è crollata
i cazzi dei negri
son' messi in testa
Dov'è la pensione?
lo stato la ruba
ché roba di Merda
Iddio(cane) ci truffò

Scopati in culo,
siam pronti a crollare
siam pronti a crollare
la Shitalia chiamò

Italian Americans love to talk in fake Italian thinking they sound cool, they just sound trashy

Bulldozer - Ilona the very best

(It) was a sunday night and we decided to see the show
Sure to spend a great time we do fast take to the road
We could not imagine what we were to see that night
The vary greatest whore that you could see was just in sight
She plays with her pussy - she lets her fans lick her clitorids
And she opens the asshole - she lets my finger slip in:
"inside, down!"
The red light show begins she sings a famous song
But the words are not the same because
She changed them all
She says she is gonna make a revolution to shock the world
"it's better masturbate instead of sufferin' for love"
Ilona you are the very best!
We saw before a movie in which
She takes a golden shower
A friend of her called Susan takes
A clister with the champagne
Then she f*cks a dog and licks the prick
Of a big stallion (real one)
We could not believe to see perversion here "live"
She plays with her pussy - she lets her fans lick her clitorids
And she opens the asshole - she lets my finger slip in:
"inside, down!"
After fifteen minutes she walks down
From the stage then
She dives into the crowd to touch and to be slaked
A fan of her is shy, she rubs her pussy along his face
The crowd is getting hot, Ilona is not going to stop
Ilona you are the very best!
Last number of the show is gonna shock the fan who see
She climbs up to the stage with a snake around a leg
She starts to play, she moves the tail, she puts (it) inside the hole
She takes a pee and you can see it's flowing to the folk

So much this


>You are all tiny
>You are all too touchy-feely
>You are way too loud
>You are not white
>You have the gayest haircuts since France looked in the mirror
>I can not tell the difference between North/South, you are all the same
>You all say a word the sounds like "Owra?" all the time and it annoys me
>You are not white
>Your food is just glorified carbs
>You have giant noses
>Your women squirt olive oil
>You are not white

>Italian Americans love to talk in fake Italian thinking they sound cool, they just sound trashy.


Su, compagni in forti schiere,
marciam verso l'avvenire.
Siam falangi audaci e fiere,
pronte a osare, pronte a ardire.
Trionfi alfine l'ideale
per cui tanto combattemmo:
fratellanza nazionale
d'italiana civiltà.
Giovinezza, giovinezza,
primavera di bellezza,
nel fascismo è la salvezza
della nostra libertà.
Non più ignava nè avvilita
resti ancor la nostra gente,
si ridesti a nuova vita
di splendore più possente.
Su, leviamo alta la face
che c'illumini il cammino,
nel lavoro e nella pace
sia la verà libertà.
Giovinezza, giovinezza,
primavera di bellezza,
nel fascismo è la salvezza
della nostra libertà.
Nelle veglie di trincea
cupo vento di mitraglia
ci ravvolse alla bandiera
che agitammo alla battaglia.
Vittoriosa al nuovo sole
stretti a lei dobbiam lottare,
è l'Italia che lo vuole,
per l'Italia vincerem.
Giovinezza, giovinezza
primavera di bellezza,
nel fascismo è la salvezza
della nostra libertà.
Sorgi alfin lavoratore.
Giunto è il dì della riscossa.
Ti frodarono il sudore
con l'appello alla sommossa.
Giù le bende ai traditori
che ti strinsero a catena;
alla gogna gl'impostori
delle asiatiche virtù.
Giovinezza, giovinezza,
primavera di bellezza,
nel fascismo è la salvezza
della nostra libertà.

honestly Its a very stupid holyday... I was in Italy last year during this holdyday, everyone was acting as if it was Christmas, everyone was liberated for someone in the last 100 years, no one cares that much, we had an actual revolution 30 years ago and its seen more sad than anything else

Saying they're Sicilians when they're not

Sorry bro, I memeflagged while spamming captcha, had to re do post.