RIP France


Attached: france-blacked.png (1026x634, 127.16K)

It's a calculated move to retain control over their former possessions in Africa. Same reason they imported a bunch of Arabs; notice that the first high speed rail line in Africa was completed a few years ago, in Morocco, with the help of French industry

rich, decadent countries need a closer access to BBC

poorer countries are either based or can't afford that for their vapid femoid population

>France becomes an African colony

how the tables have turned

Attached: 1586117650483.jpg (447x438, 15.72K)

Austria is honorary Eastern european now, surprised Germany has fewer than the Netherlands desu..

my ancestors are weeping looking at that negroe infestation.

Attached: Matejko_Stańczyk.jpg (1500x1111, 371.65K)

I have zero sympathy for England, France, and Sweden. No one asked to bring in that many nigs.

yet burgerstan is 15% nigger

Sweden's case is worse. At least with France, they've been negrified to some extent ever since colonialism. Going from 0% to 3% in a single generation is devastating; Sweden will probably be majority African by the turn of the century if they never reverse their course.

>America has a lot of problems because of diversity
>We should totally copy them!

t. Canada, France, UK, every other """"white"""" country

That nigger fever eesti from Yas Forums with his negresses

Here is another piece of data you might be interested in that might explain OPs image.

Attached: DFEB25D4-822F-444E-9855-86DA32B940AD.png (1382x952, 373.15K)

>Germany would’ve fixed it even though 0 niggers were deported out of France during occupation

Attached: C1D1192C-16DF-404E-8344-2A4EEC5EA529.jpg (480x360, 35.6K)

it's even worse when you realise that most black people in france are africans.
Most of ours are from the various caribean islands and suriname

What the fuck this is actually to high.

Holy shit. Even the US is only 13% nigger.

France is fucking small, too. All of our niggers are in the city. Looks like they're spread pretty evenly in France.

How am I to blame for a bunch of laws some kikes made in the 60s and 70s?

>Austria is honorary Eastern european now
No they can fuck off with their 0.34% nigger population, thats way too high
Same polanbro

>All of our niggers are in the city.
What is the South?
>Looks like they're spread pretty evenly in France.
Pretty sure most of them are in Paris

The Arab population must be at least 13%, then non-black/Arabs must be another 10%
So there’s really only 70% actual french people

0.01 in belarus
Can't understand how that's possible.

Most of them are in shit cities around Paris.
The rest is in smaller cities.

Yes. In cities. Niggers don't live on farms anymore, you fucking dingus.

>Pretty sure most of them are in Paris
And every other major city.

Attached: unnamed.gif (512x427, 29.7K)

>what are spics?

Attached: 2E18F6B2-376A-4382-A99C-FEC2C891DDDA.jpg (683x1024, 88.49K)

thats just "black"

it does not count north africans

>being this butthurt that you say "What are" twice
Either everyone here really loves Jeopardy! or you're a samefagging Euroqueer on a proxy.

Most of those Southern counties are rural (small towns sub-25k population). You think Mississippi up along the river is full of cities?

In belgiums case, it's very small but they wield a lot of power. The current PM is an out of the closet kikess. And picrelated was the prior PM and current president of the EU.
Also, fils a papa, disgusting nepotism.

Attached: ddd.jpg (193x260, 8.02K)

You think 25,000 people is "rural"?

I do not believe. After all, there are still Arabs. How many real French are left then?

checked and basepilled

what is this graph of?

OK Gypsy

Attached: 20roma-graphic2-img-superJumbo.jpg (2048x1501, 185.29K)

Thats still 50% more niggers.
Also the rest of France is 80% white, 10% mudslim, 1.5% asian or something.
So we're almost 10-1 outnumbering them still.
Our kids are probably only outnumbering them 4-1 tho.
In the US you are like 4-1 already with another 2/7th being spics and asians.
But it's not a battle.
There are too many in both our nations.
What do?

Take a guess
