Why dont jews legalize fucking kids

If Jews are so powerful and most ploticians like kids why the fuck dont they just legalize and normalize it ?
Besides I wanna have sum too..

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They are trying

Source ? Also why dont they try faster and harder ?


Because they hate competition.

The most influential politicians are only in power because they can be controlled through pedo blackmail.
I doubt the pedo normalization is a top down initiative, just lower level demons unable to resist their urges to degenerate the world.

Lol..but they can end up in prison too so why risk it ? Besides theres plenty of lil girls and boys for everyone..

It’s definitely top-down and widespread. Just consider Epstein, his black book, and connections to Mossad. He’s one of many.

>they end up in prison
Only when they don’t obey their handlers.

Epstein wasn't normalizing pedophilia though, nobody even knew who he was publically until a few years ago. My understanding is he was probably sourcing kids.
If pedophilia was outright normalized, then the power structure would collapse because suddenly that video you have of politician X fucking a child gives you no control over them.

Fuck that does make sense..but why did they demonize it so much ? Is it really coz of fear of competition ? Or is it so they can easily punish those who disobey within the ranks ?

Move to uk it's legal there. Anyways it helps if your muslim or at least identify as one. Other than that no requirements.

Yea I heard but Im not a muslim...

The jews

Guess I misspelled that I meant kikes* or scum*

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It was always (((their))) litmus test on who to trust to make them do the absolutely most atrocious thing there is in the current year.
Nowadays it's pedophilia, so if they can get incriminating material on each other, it's mutually assured destruction if one of them talks.
They feared Epstein might talk, you know how that story ended.

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I didn't know what your country is or where it's at until very recently

Forgot to write:
So it's not actually in their interest to make it legal, that's just the greens and leftists in their respective countries.

Rules for thee but not for me. It's Lolita express, not Lolita charter flights

Are you a free mason ?

bribery and blackmail, in that order
its half the reason they have as much power as they do

They do it all the time within their own communities...

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I see I see makes sense, now I hate em even more. Lets hope lgbt retards legalize it I wonder hows that gonna go down.
And ? U heard we love genociding each other Imagine what wed do to ur kind if we had a chance.

Because it’s a good way to extort someone. I can’t think of a more condemning act. Honestly you could blow up a bus full of nuns and have a better shot at redemption than fucking kids.

Not much will come from it, since they're doing it very slowly.
People will get used to it, if no single person or small group begins clipping them in broad daylight.

They already have subhuman retard

Read the Brigade by Harold A. Covington, this is exactly what he talked about. The moment they started going for the kids is the moment whites unanimously decided enough was enough. They're trying to do it piece by piece just like they did with the trannies.

just convert to talmudism you can fuck kids, suck off their foreskin, whatever you want

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Any idea when the next episode will come out? I'm starting to get a little worried...

That's true...

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No clue, I think they covered all they really needed to. They do it on their own time now, no longer weekly.

>why don't the jews just completely defy biology, human decency, and western civilization in a way that would get them 110'd so hard there'd be none left.
Idk, you tell me op

up until end of last year, they did biweekly episodes. Currently it's at monthly, which I can't accept.

Lol nah just an atheist trying to make sense of it all.
Yea I get it now.
Guess well see.

Epstein wasn’t sourcing kids he was procuring 16-18 year olds for messages with happy endings.

I'd write them about it. To be honest there's not much else for them to cover except for maybe progress.


Yuck..I dont wanna mutilate or abuse em like kikes I just want a young innocent and loyal wifey to take care of...

Would be a little asshole-like. "Hey Andy, make more frequent episodes because I want it. What do you mean, support the cause? Me? Nah senpai, got too much to care about myself."
This is exactly the behaviour I want eradicated from this earth.

Well what's your stand on it? Are you willing to come over here for our last stand or are you leaning more towards restoring your country's honor? I don't blame you if the latter is the case in fact I encourage you.