Anti Shill and Board Infiltration General: Third edition

This general is to help newfags, old fags, and anons to group together, coordinate, identify and create a response to the constant shill effort to derail and disrupt this board. Shills will never completely stop and if they do then the board is headed in the wrong direction. Remember shills are paid to or encouraged by (((them))) to respond to threats. Higher threat=Higher shills
Previous To understand how to beat shills we must first highlight their characteristics and how they function.
1. They are always disrupting, distracting, or demoralizing.
>e.g. Trump said drink bleach HAHAHA, rightists btfo, and 13 threads all talking about nigger dick and porn all posted shortly after each other.
2. They have separate communication outside of Yas Forums, through (((Discord))) or (((Reddit))).
>e.g debating shill or having a thread talking about how western culture dying, and suddenly 5-10 other posters start attacking you directly or the thread via the methods stated in #1.

Tactics for beating shills
1.Sage alone no longer works, as the shills have enough members to keep the thread bumped, drop at least5 to 10 redpills using "sage" in the options field, and leave.
2.If debating a shill DO NOT let them change the argument or move the goal post. They have the burden to disprove you, and if they can't do not budge from the argument or let them change the subject.
3.Recognize patterns these are npc's we are dealingwith and once they start attacking threads or sliding it follows a pattern
>E.G Amerimuts rule, whity btfo'd, and more recently "inject" or, "Trump said drink bleach."
4.Report without advertising, as jannies hate to be bothered by anything they may delete the thread if enough reports are logged.
5. It is the burden of the person making the argument to provide VALID sources, Valid meaning they have evidence rooted in fact and not speculation or wild theories.

Attached: LEAVEUSALONE.png (1920x1080, 368.59K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: polen polenifying the shills and glowniggs.png (1383x447, 367.66K)

Last thread was at least 16 posts by OP so lay off the meth and MJ nigger.

fuckyou suomifag, there was a single post by the id so it's legitimate
gib girl like pic related plz

anyways, fucking tranny jannies have gotten bolder in their attempt to nullify any discussion about, trannyism, feminism, nigger hate, chink hate, and other topics like schizoposting and the like but are perfectly content in leaving up full derail threads like:
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>Lets team up with niggers
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>It doesn't wo-
>Now that the dust has settled...
>mic drop
>change my mind. Protip: you can't
>here's why onions is good for you
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>uses memeflag
>not all niggers
>Miss me yet?
>How can Yas Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>Yas Forums BTFO
>not all jews
>hello fellow white peoole
>BERNIE 2020
>why is x like this?
>am I white
>whats his/her problem?
>Look at this qt jew
>gays are people
>defend this poor shitskin
>Can I get a quick rundown guys?
>random nigger porn
>I am forgotten
>what did he mean by this?
>will x be allowed into the ethnostate?

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Bumping. At times shills get on my nerves but then I remember how much retarded they actually are

>Shills will never completely stop

Solution... see a shill thread... drop redpill near the top, 2nd post if possible... season it... leave

When/if they keep bumping it = more eyes on the redpill. Turns the shill thread into a win/win (they stop OR put more eyes on your pill)

Good example of a redpill to drop:
>expelled 1,030 times
Full list with sources:

Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country

>The truth about the jews, the holocaust and the world wars:
>The truth about jews and slavery:

You could also leave a pill about who runs the (((media))), (((who))) makes up our congress/senate/SCOTUS, (((who))) is behind the shilling (e.g. leave a JIDF, ACT.IL etc. pill), or one about the white replacement agenda etc. etc.

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If you are too lazy to make a text redpill, drop a redpill image and leave. For example...

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Don't debate them. The shills are vulnerable to personal attack which is why they do it all fucking day long. Identity politics trying to make itself relevant on a board dedicated to politically incorrect ideas. Switch view to creation date and seagull their threads early and often.

Simply ignoring them does nothing. They want to slide good posts of the board with sheer numbers. They are trying to stop the spread of information and redpills. Drop a redpill (or few) in a shill thread (while seasoning) and leave. Also BE SURE to keep good threads bumped so they don't get slid off.

Attached: our shills.jpg (716x2705, 1.19M)

I hate nigger music but I found these lyrics in a thread about (((them)))
I've never heard the song though
wise rap by nigger-man k-rino
>The route consists of sex on many casting couches
>Luciferian messages encrypted in their outfits
>The contract writers who hire you require this
>And fly you through the cycle of the Zionist entitlements
>Top Rabbis and pedophile Jews
>Get their values from the Babylonian Talmud
>They don't live by the Torah, they live by these rules
>Sex trafficking, raping babies younger than preschool
>These principles are used in their control of entertainment
>And applied to many who have a desire to be famous

>Full list (incomplete) of jewish expulsion

>gib girl like pic related plz
They would never even consider a methgoreMJ nigger, from Mexico out of all places.
My hands are tied. Fix your country you fucking sloth. That's all the advice for today.

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I have anarchommies anarchcapitalists, kikeflaggots and nigflags permanently filtered, now I've added tmz to the filter and look at how it cuts down on the shit
what the fuck is that garbage you posted
I think the stabby girl can defend herself well here

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Not your circle jerk cry baby

Fuck Trump
Fuck Nazis
Fuck white people
Fuck capitalism
Fuck god
And fuck you OP piece of shit

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>Jannies hate to be bothered by anything
I wonder why someone would take a job they hate and also do it for free.

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>don't engage with the fucking shills you idiot
Isn't that what the fucking thread is about?

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Ah so this is the equivalent to “saying post 3 faggot” on Yas Forums. Shill detected.

You forgot
Also I wasn’t shilling when I made a quick rundown thread to hear the arguments for why covid is a blood disease instead of a respiratory illness. Thread quality isn’t defined simply but the garbage posted in OP and if jannies and mods actually followed their own rules they would delete them immediately based on your criteria. 1 post by this ID is always the best indicator but even then OP might just be busy and hadn’t yet replied.

In this case it keeps the thread bumped you fucking low IQ beaner gaslight bastard.

I don't know, I was just fucking with him because I was first poster so I bumped the thread and not slid it since I've been on topic on most of my posts as you can see
and as you mention in your next post, I don't think that all threads should be pruned by the onepost or initial idiocy, I've entered various crappy onepost threads that become good conversations only for faggot mods to remove them by the 230 post
I am bumping it you american piece of shit

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this was a good one. gotta realize these are actually well-funded, organized, trained groups doing this. it's not just a handful of crackpots from r/politics here to fuck with us.

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The problem is that there are multiple well funded groups and other sons of bitches that do it for free

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It seems like it's more than shills. The population of this board seems non existent. How do threads sit up all night with 50+ replies? It wasn't like this 2 yrs ago? I see the same few posters every thread and sometimes the same exact responses. Are there multiple instances of the board that we get filtered in to? Smaller populations on each for easier monitoring? Idk its that or this site and board in particular are dying.

Got any more of these guides?

this pic is good although it could be a larp
>Are there multiple instances of the board that we get filtered in to? Smaller populations on each for easier monitoring?
That's what some self professed glownigger claimed in a thread about 3 days ago.

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fuck enabling fags. bump

1. Grab 4chanx

2. Go under filters and read up on how to use'm so you know keywords to use to hide threads

3. Go to flags section of the filters

4. Copy and paste the following below to hide meme flags etc:
/^Black Lives Matter$/i;
/^Tree Hugger$/i;
/^United Nations$/i;
/^National Bolshevik$/i;
/^White Supremacist$/i;

5. If you go into a thread and see a spammer with the same type of images being re-used over and over in shill/off topic threads. Then click on the "v" beside his ID and go down to filter, use at your own discretion.

There are a few spergs that do it for free, but the real hardcore effective shilling is done by a relatively small group of assholes. Conveniently, most are funded by George Soros and pals.

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Well, all of this was relevant until Trump told people to drink bleach. Do you seriously not get that all is lost now. Trump did well, tremendously even, until he came up against something that was beyond his capacity. The virus has broken him, he looks like a clown now, including to most of his former supporters. It’s not fair. He was a good president. But it is what it is, and it’s ogre.

based, thank you

Yeah, but I'm pretty sure there's islamists, atlaticist-zionist honkongians, Nazi larpers poisoning the well, Trannyfags from discord and other unsavory sites, the goddamn discord shillers
Glowniggers of various procedences too of course.
Ah medsposters and sleepyposters.

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Bump. This thread deserves to always be on the front page.

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they should sticky this thread since the average retards on this bored keep falling for shill/slide threads

>Hello fellow Yas Forumsacks. Fuck dem shills am I right? Trump has to go tho.

You fucking idiot hahahahah

A more direct way of putting this would be that all shills are already breaking the site's global rules and should be banned.
All shill posts are

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>Jews trying to subvert a populace
What else is new. If you've been on Yas Forums for quite some time, one tends to be able to identify which threads are IDF shill slide threads and which are legit. There's nothing we can do about it. IDF and MOSSAD shills reply to their own threads to keep them bumped. Best thing to do is just ignore anything nigger related.

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Yes man but the jannies are clearly at their side. Just yesterday I made a thread trying to discuss who would win in a world domination attempt , the chinks or the jews? I wrote several arguments for both sides. It was archived within 9 minutes.

Putos concerjes maricones puñales y travestis que chinguen a su reputamadre.
at least it should be ammended on the stupid sticky

And of course this thread is slid fast but the "hey pol is it really so bad to be a homofag and redpilled" last all fucking night with 30 fucking posts

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Nigger bastard

Have a bump for trying to do something about the state of Yas Forums at the moment. Keep it up Finbro.

Another problem that comes with this is that some staff will just ban everyone whose in the thread as well, whether you're trying to warn people or not. Why I stopped replying to many threads and just hard filter them.

You probably didn't add a whore's giant ass, used a memeflag or shilled for niggercock.
It's gonna be difficult to get a thread going like that.
>This used to be a meme about shitposting, and is now just 60% of the board

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How do I go to the flag section of the filters?

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>Every Saturday night the board is hit with slide threads
>Not realizing that 90% of those are high school kids shitposting because they are out of school
>Not realizing that the increase in slide threads lately directly correlates to under age children being stuck at home taking zewm classes.
Meds, etc.

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I asked in some threads “what is Yas Forums to you” and maybe one third of the responses were purely negative. Do really that many people browse this board that hate us or is this the power of shills?

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