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daily reminder for the braindead npc subhumans

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>trust me goy, TMZ has the scoop on North Korea

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you're cool though satan and greecebro are alright by me
fuck theseus he fucked things up

TMZ has pushed fake news before, when they break a huge story you figure the CIA has shopped it to them
Prince's death
Kobe's death
Kim's death?
see a pattern here?
they after the real niggas, not the plantation niggas.

TMZ is quoting other reports. It's an echo chamber effect.


in all fields

I wonder if the media is so slow to confirm this because they don't want the bleach talking points to go away. He has been "dying/dead" for 3 days now

The sad thing is they probably do.


TMZ should go back to reporting on which nigger is the niggerest

his name is Harvey and he runs the joint.

TMZ is the most reliable source in the mainstream when it comes to breaking news, sadly enough.

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NY Post is saying the same thing, at this point their is very little difference between the (((media))) and tabloid's like TMZ, they both make up lies all of the time and seek to undermined the public.

NYPost and TMZ are reporting on the same source, which nobody else but tabloids have picked up. This NOT an independent coincidental finding by them.


their source, the same as TMZ

>A vice director of HKSTV Hong Kong Satellite Television, a Beijing-backed broadcast network in Hong Kong, claimed that Kim was dead, citing a “very solid source.” Her post on the Chinese messaging app Weibo has been shared widely on social media, according to a report in the International Business Times.

This is a rumor at best.

Kim hasn't been seen in a long time

hey greek fag you been spamming this shit nonstop for the past 7 days. spamming this garbage wont change people's minds. so you better fuck off.

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>a vegetable
even better, they only have to show him on his wheelchair twice a year and they don't even have to deal with his bullshit anymore

Checked and keked

> says the the nervous media for the hundred time with no proof

this is beyond stupid, you know nothing of the journalism business, credibility is everything, that is why major news outlets won't report something unless they get a corroborating source. they may put out that a source has said this is or that but won't report on it as a fact until it is confirmed.
there is no such thing as fake news

>this is beyond stupid, you know nothing of the journalism business, credibility is everything

Please stop I can only take so much

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What the fuck. Journalism hasn't been about credibility for decades. It has been about scoring views and gaining favor with the DNC and SJW crowd. You are fucking delusional if you think journalism is any different than marketing and advertising for chosen causes.

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F (-oot job)

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Fake untill worldstar confirms

TMZ is never wrong. Cope now while you can; by 8PM it will be on every news station.

read a biography from a journalist, learn a little. do media companies have a political agenda? yes, but first and foremost is ad revenue and in order to get that you need good ratings, and nobody is going to turn to a news show if they believe they are false news. CNN is getting strong ratings now due to it's credibility. when it's life or death people are tuning in

They have literally never been wrong.

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Is that you John estus?

Isn't that wrong? I've a read .05% average

okay Harvey Levin, we all know you like Geffen's MK Ultra'd boy toys.
i'm not saying they all fucked trent reznor in the ass, who said that?