This is a Finland thread

This is a Finland thread.

The thread about the greatest country in the world, Finland.

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daily reminder for the braindead npc zombies

Attached: why are they screeching Tone4.jpg (496x473, 79.43K)

Pay debt, Grease.

Attached: f1-belgian-gp-2005-podium-champagne-for-kimi-raikkonen.jpg (800x533, 126.09K)

Hey guys I have no Finnish ancestry how do i get some

Turku in early 1900s.

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Finnish history is actually pretty based

>sex a finngolian girl
>have child

their present is a shithole

Attached: tasty germanic blood.jpg (1024x641, 122.28K)

Did you practice your No No square dance to stop shitskins raping you and your whore mother that voted to let them in today?

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Everything is being slowly corrupted.
I can't wait until they come up with an excuse to ban salmiac and sauna (they already tried)

Almost all of Finnish history has been eradicated by the conquerors.

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Wait Finland is real?

Elä vittu viitti

Ei kumpaakaa ollu koskaa ollu kieltämässä, vaan tää meidä herkku saunapalvi

>Ei kumpaakaa ollu koskaa ollu kieltämässä
EU setä sanoi että ammoniakki on vaarallista ja sitä annostelua säädettin ja se saunakilpailu onnettomuus antoi kukkahattutädeille ja jutkuille syyn vinkua.
Kyllä ne tulee yrittämään vielä.


>calling them conquers
They are invaders yes, but they have conquered nothing, there has been no fight, no conflict.
>do something.

Swedish faggots burned our history when we were part of their domain,
Russians probably did the same.
Almost all proof of our past kings is gone.

Next step of the jew menace is probably attempting to white guilt finns by having russians cry about our so called "concentration camps"

I stumbled onto a Finnish teamspeak server years ago that me and my American buds use when we play vidya games. Most Finns we meet and chat with are pretty based, they're almost always drunk or fucked up though.

Why does finland make the best memes?

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Did Russia just accuse you of genocide during the winter war?

Fuck an asian qt

No, they're accusing us for genocide during the continuation war.


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Post ugly finns

didnt know fins are brown

Finland is simultaneously the greatest and the worst country in the world.

It's Oulu.

suksi vittuu saatana :-DDDDDDDD

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Well it wouldn't be the first time that they create post war lies based on made up genocides

Russia always lies. Especially when they don't.

On top of this we aren't even allowed to research our history. Any attempt at it that doesn't support the "truth" written by the Swedes will be denied. For example you basically can't get approval to do archaeological digs anywhere that could have Finnish historical significance from a time before the Swedes came.

Deep insight in true nature of reality, limits of human psyche and metaphysics.
Also alcohol. Mostly alcohol.

As a Scanian you have my condolences against the Swedish menace


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Is learning Finnish easy when you can already speak German and Russian?

When we know origins, we have power.

Luv fins. Luv the language.
How can anyone dislike you? You guys were the bulwark against bolshevik invaders.

I wouldn't know, I ams only talk engrand some good.

German and Russian are related. Finnish isn't.
Virgin Indo-Europeans can't hack Chad Uralic.


Can you take your countrymen back and just let us be free? They're still infesting everything in Finland like the jews are in the US. They're our own special brand of jews.


145iq master race, heir of atlantis

you surrender to germany after 3 hours...DISGUSTING

I would say learning Finnish would never be easy. It's one of the weirdest languages in the world and dialects are worse than in Britain.

is bulju a bust?

Attached: bulju.jpg (1280x720, 47.53K)