
Where can I find compelling evidence for Pizzagate?

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Other urls found in this thread:

start with the Franklyn Credit Scandal, Boystown USA and Roy Cohn

there is none, go back to sleep

In my bussi

One of the best videos I have seen on the subject and it was presented in a hilarious way of trying to Debunk it. Watch and save this video for the uninformed as it has helped me redpill multiple people.

Attached: 20200425_130753.jpg (1062x1082, 158.88K)

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>1: go to archive
>2: hit CTRL+F
>3. search "pizzagate"
>4. don't be a dumb nigger and shit up the board with a newfag thread like this
>5. remember to sage garbage threads, like this

hope this helps. you're about to go down a hell of a rabbit hole, OP.

>P.S. You're a fucking nigger.

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Pizza gate is real

There was another Youtube video I watched a few weeks back that appears to have been scrubbed completely from the internet. It was a bit long and had a section about rising models posting weirdly about In N Out burger. anyone know about that video?

Attached: pd32.jpg (960x768, 149.14K)

double checked
trip of truth
you are the chosen one

Attached: North Korea 2009 - clinton - podesta.jpg (2080x3576, 1.28M)

Mouthy Budda's vid? Ya it got deleted

Trump knows about the human compromise operation going on in Washington D.C. because his mentor ran one.

Attached: Roy Cohn- human compromise operation.jpg (719x719, 43.82K)

Trump proved he knew about the cheese pizza codeword when he ate a slice of pizza with a knife and fork, the media ran with the story and he called it pizzagate.
Just after that Weiner gets arrested for sexting...

Attached: Trump Palin Weiner pizzagate.png (1004x2776, 1.63M)

and the NYPD opened up his laptop to find the "Insurance Policy" folder.
The contents were terrible enough to make police officers cry.

Attached: WEINERS LAPTOP.png (833x333, 39.75K)

Post bay

Is this shit really legit? I also heard there was a leaked employee manual from one of the former workers there a Comet Ping Pong that contained something similar but it looks too good to be true.

Start here

Pizzagate was debunked guise

Attached: 400px-Augmented_Arms_of_Medici.svg.png (400x467, 46.73K)

Watch Pizzagate: A Primer

Lots of compiled info in one vid. Screenshots too.

Try pulling some out of your ass

It was debunked by credible sources in media. It's an open-and-shut case but violent whites had to make a violent and delusional conspiracy about a fuckiing pizza joint. I mean c'mon. Shits ridiculous.

It's a hoax, has been debunked several times.



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How can whites be so unbelievably cruel and evil that they shoot up some innocent mom and pop pizza joint?

Attached: 161205_wn_thomas1_16x9_992.jpg (992x558, 75.94K) Forumspizzagate

If you want the real shit research Pegasus Museum

There isn’t any because pizzagate isn’t real

Grow up
O wait that would mean admitting that injecting Clorox and shoving a flashlight down your throat isn’t a good idea

Why are you pretending to be a nigger on the internet?

Think in terms of what would you need to do to make a business like that happen. What types of things should be part of your business plan?

Then think "Pig Farm". Now, connect the dots.

i wonder who could be behind this post

>It was debunked by credible sources in media

Credible is relative. We know that these so-called 'credible sources' are pedophiles anyway. Ergo, your argument is invalid.

The austerity backing query into these conspiracies is valid, because the wind itself guides us to these conclusions. If the truth and logic infer x, it is x and no 'credible' journalist can delude his listeners against x unironically. His delusional worldview is against natural logic, so he is at least factually incorrect about his report.

This is something you will deal with.

Demonstrably untrue, nigger.

pizza gate is kind of like learning physics or calculus where nobody can spoon feed you everything and still expect to gain a complete understanding. Sometimes to learn about something you genuinely have to dig and put the pieces together yourself

But if you need a place to start, consider this: Pedophiles exist. Rich and powerful people exist.
Whats stopping the two from overlapping, ever?

Attached: Screenshot_20200118-014131.png (2560x1440, 2.28M)

Was watching True Romance recently, and screencapped this frame for the next time I saw a pizzagate thread. Many such cases.

Attached: True Romance.jpg (2560x1440, 287.61K)

explain me Alefantis' inner joke

Attached: pizza 1200 baby.png (640x414, 273.43K)

check the pingpong tables in the background

Attached: inside of comet ping pong pizza.png (992x629, 639.93K)

I also have this one I saved a while back from "The Man Who Would Be King". This is a frame of a legendary Freemason treasure left by Alexander the Great. Freemasonry is a plot point in the movie, which is excellent regardless.

Attached: The Man Who Would Be King.png (2560x1440, 3.9M)

From Disenchantment. I am sure this is all coincidental, however, and has nothing to do with the FBI-designated pedo-spiral.

Attached: Disenchantment 1.png (1440x900, 1.68M)

And finally I saved this from Electric Dreams. Note the large Saturn figure with the words "True Elite".

Attached: Electric Dreams - True Elite.jpg (2560x1440, 341.76K)