Ghost Aventure

I’m seeing this from France.

Please explain me what is this shit ? Are they serious ?
People in America like this garbage ?
Need more info plz.

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If its on in france I guess they like it too :)

they actually show this shit on TV because the TV channels are out of money since the Corona lockdown so they buy shit and cheap programs.
ad money is running low.
corona-chan is killing the electric jew.

What? No. We do not lay clame to this faggot

dude, this shit is awesome!

I don't know.
Most of these shows are bs, but I've legit experienced something spooky in life

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Go on then, tell us about it


>I’m seeing this from France.
how is that possible? are you some kind of wizard with a crystal ball?

It’s nothing more than your average Yas Forums larper. The difference is the demographic they play to is drunk middle aged retarded women.

Sometimes it's entertaining and I find it interesting when they talk about the past of the places they visit.
I don't believe in ghosts or demons but I'd like to see that edgelord and his crew visiting old creepy places outside of america.

They are adverts for poor mental health.

>People in America like this garbage ?

Not really. It's among the most popular shows on a channel that has lost 80% of it's viewership in the last 20 years. So they're losing eight old viewers for every two new ones they attract with this crapola.

Basically the exact same story across the entertainment industry as what killed professional wrestling. They started doing wackier and wackier dumb shit to attract new viewers and all the old viewers stopped watching and now they have to keep putting out even stupider shit than they ever dreamed to cater to "fans" who are basically psychopaths who get off on seeing everybody debase themselves and get injured for real by jumping off of roofs instead of just having competitive matches, because that's "boring" to the new fans, and the old fans won't come back so they have to jump through more and more flaming hoops every year to impress fewer and fewer people who have more and more degenerate tastes.

I bet it was hot ghosts

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Ghost adventure is one of the best shows with ghost hunting theme

I like ghost adventures. Of course it's all bullshit but they're pretty funny.

All other ghost shows are shit desu

nice piggybank, Did macron give you that?

Actually, they have been to creepy places overseas too. Here's a good episode from Poveglia Island in Italy.

Attached: Ghost.jpg (966x544, 22.99K)

This is the horseshit that is on our "Education" channels now. These shows are cheap as hell to create, just have a few assholes wandering around faking reactions to off screen noises made by the producer with the green screen effect on the camera for a ~spooky~ scenario, notice that all of the hall lights are on but its still green in ops picture? These aren't meant to draw in huge audiences, they're filler material between "good" shows because the station cannot afford to just broadcast dead air in the middle of the day. The problem with American TV is that the "good" shows are just as terrible as this fucking Ghost Hunter shit. Trucking shows on ice, Bearded Duck Hunters with incomprehensible accents, Alligator wranglers in the swamps. Most of these channels killed themselves off with garbage filler that kept expanding and expanding. History channel has nearly no history content on it these days, if you're looking for that you go onto Youtube and find shit like Kings and Generals or Epic History TV who actually used to work for The History Channel and said they ruined the channel.

OH *****

>tfw pure trashkino

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kek i remember this stupid fucking show.
i had a dog i could make spaz out on command, i always wanted to get her on the show

>sasha, is this anons gam gam? are you talking to her now? is she here with us now??

>dog does circles and spazzes out while barking

thats pretty much the whole show

Somebody drop the ghost pill on me

Ghosts are spectral soul disconnects, the former minds of what we now call NPCs

Your country has cucked entirely for Muhammad and you’re talking about some obscure tv show nobody watches in a country of 350 million?

You’re a fucktard

So all ghosts are liberal shills

>Get the fuck outta my house Casper you BidenBro

Speaking English to a 300 year old Frenchie ghost. Yeah, okay. Or English to a 400 year old german ghost. Mien gott.

My step-dad is in one of these episodes.

Is this meant to be a comedy?


>Are they serious ?

Super serious.

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This is probably the stuff they play Wednesday night at 2am, retard. I've never heard of this show.