Official Libertarian Thread - /libt/ general

Liberty is the future. Capitalism yields jobs, innovation, wealth, and prosperity.

Freer the Market, Freer the People.
Capitalism is the only economic system of consent.

Advocated freedoms include:

Economic freedom without government regulation
Freedom to own firearms
Full decriminalization of all drugs
Abolishing the minimum wage
Free speech
Free trade
and more...

>inb4 gArY jOhnSon
Fuck Gary Johnson. We're here to discuss real libertarianism

Communists and racists not welcome here

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Other urls found in this thread:

daily reminder for the npc zombie niggers

Attached: riddle me this Tone3.jpg (540x480, 48.54K)

The first 2 absolutely ruin the bottom 3. Nice job retard

No they don't. What the fuck are you talking about?

oh, so you're just doing the globohomo's dirty work

It's like you WANT to get McShot(tm) by a Mexican druglord high on his own heroin.

This. Open borders is the easiest way to lose your freedoms.

t. an ex Libertarian

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>Pro open borders

It doesn't make a difference between both major parties are the same

How are they the same? Yes, they both impose restrictions but the effects of those restrictions differ drastically. Open borders will decimate what's left of this country, you fucking underage faggot. Nobody over the age of 21 can be a libertarian without mental illness.

Do the world a favor and go buy some chinese fentanyl off one your illegal beaner bros.

>Pro Open Borders
You lost me here

You bitch about "both major parties" while ignoring the dumpster fire that is the LP. They had an absolute shitshow of a convention in 2016 where a man literally stripped on stage and Austin Petersen was booed for suggesting that 5 year olds shouldn't be allowed to buy heroin. The 2020 LP convention will probably be an even bigger shitshow with added "Orange Man Bad" for good measure.

Libertarianism is AIDS, and I'm glad I saw the truth about Libertarianism and the Libertarian Party.

Pic related, the "libertarian" candidate for Vice-President in 2016. What a freedom loving individual.

Attached: Bill Weld is not a Libertarian.png (478x495, 229.35K)

Meanwhile Trump is expanding the fuck out of government and claiming complete authority as president. But let's continue harping on that one fat guy who stripped on stage.

You need to be 18 to post here. Get a job.

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I would bet a large amount of money you weren't even old enough to vote in 2016

I would bet a large of money that you are a bootlicking statist cuck

I wish Trump was 1/100th the fascist that LOLberts like you claimed he was. It wasn't just the "one fat guy who stripped on stage" it was pic related. You didn't refute that, because you can't.

Considering he doesn't even remember his own party convention in 2016, this is a safe bet.

Attached: The LP in 2016.jpg (480x515, 15.88K)

>I wish Trump was 1/100th the fascist that LOLberts like you claimed he was.

So you're an admitted fascist. Why the fuck should I care about what you think about Libertarianism?

You're putting words in my mouth, but you'd sell heroin to children and allow billions of people to turn us into a third-world favela so I could give a fuck about your opinion.

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You just said you wish Trump was more fascist, retard

Where did you niggers even got the idea, that libertarian ideology must necessarily be this globalized neoliberal bullshit, open for every nigger and pajeet?
People, who came up with the philosophy behind it never intended for it to be a new world order to be implemented in every shithole on the planet. It was and is a European ideology.
And then a bunch of fedora neckbeards adopted it to the modern trends so they could be saying "i Am Not RaCyST hURrr".

This. Checked. Libertarianism is only possible when white men are running the country. Niggers and Jews hate it because they are parasites. And now the Libertarian Party is totally OK with Jews using Niggers as a biological weapon against us.

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You suck at arguing.
>Inb4 "no you!"

It's an ideology of socialized hedonism, so of course they want a brown horde to jump right in. Too bad the ancap memeflag that's the only alleged Libertarian here can't just admit this.

Attached: Why I'm no longer a Libertarian.jpg (1439x635, 96.47K)

>why should i care about what fascists think?
Because they will decide your fate, user

I am on board with most libertarian values, except for open borders. It can work beautifully as long as it's implemented in a smart, functional society.

This. Fuck the LP. I say this as someone who was a card-carrying member for over a decade. I gave thousands of dollars to Ron Paul.

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>"J-just disregard that I admitted to being fascist!!"

The major parties are fundamentally the same. You were never libertarian. Quit larping.