Civilians are a legitimate target in a total war.
Unpopular opinions
Stalin was too soft about germs.
So killing the Jews was justified then since they were therefore an enemy of state. I accept this, for forgiveness for holocaust in exchange for forgiveness for the allied carpet bombings. There now were even
Any G*RM is a legitimate target in any war.
Dresden was bombed before London, kind of a low IQ meme
abortion is okay if the woman hasnt had 300 of them already
>thinking g*rms was competent enough to kill even a million shlomos
It’s not a war crime if you win
American education everyone.
in an alternate universe I would have loved to see Germans actually carry out an extermination, I bet their extermination ovens would have been uber effective
Oh shit nigger so was Rotterdam
Anglos and Amis are traitors of Europe
You reap what you sow in modern warfare. It's just way too effective to bomb civis tho
Damn I thought the left couldn’t meme
I was wrong it wasn’t Dresden, but they bombed German civilians a few months before getting bombed back
>The communism they invented
>The Jews they empowered
>The third world tide they gave """need""" for by starting another massive conflict
Big think
Card games need to be played in public more.
elaborate delusion only possible through years of sucking on le ebin repill's teat
2/10, try harder
Seems understandable after germany was the first to bomb civilian cities
>invades bordering 100% white countries and starts killing everyone there
>calls anyone "kameraden"
Hitler is responsible for the biggest white genocide.
I’m pissed again
The US needs to stop doing business with China and bring manufacturing back home even if it means Americans have to take a serious step down in the standard of living department.
>gets the entire industrial world to rape a country the size of texas
>poland occupied by soviet
yeah bro we aren't listening to you faggots anymore
>Hitler started world war II!
No, the jews who ran france, england and america at the time did that
>Hitler Created Israel!
No, the Zionist Jews who lobbied the english and american governments after the war did that
>Hitler caused Germany to be destroyed and qunqrrrred by the communists!
No, the jews who ran the Soviet Union at the time did that.
>Hitler made Nationalism taboo!
No, The jews in charge of ((western)) media since (((they))) defeated Hitler did that
Shouldn't have to say this since its such an obvious fucking shill tactic,
But Blaming Hitler for Jewish War Crimes, Jewish Propaganda and Jewish Israel is nothing more or less then the last of Mossads Pathatic attempts to "deradicalize" this board and get it to start "hating Hitler" again just as it is desperate to ensure all gentiles do.
Britain was the first. It was because of Churchill, though. He was drunk and in the pocket of the international Jews
It was not. Why lie?
Britain bombed Berlin in August 1940. Germany then retaliated and bombed London but not until September when they refused to stop. I don’t know why I was thinking of Dresden I must be turning into a nigger or something because that was extremely retarded of me
based retarded
Fucker stole my meme. Its a psyop ignore that asshole.
Germany bombed London first you fucking brainlet.
So Britain bombed Warsaw?
>Quite suicidal, Abdulrahman.
And yeah; that's what the happenings showed us, and where taqqyah slowed the response.
Yet germany bombed and killed more than 100,000 with rocket tech too it’s okay but when Brit niggers kill 20,000 in a single run it’s bad
OP is a faggot
oh wait that is a popular one
that guy wll be along with the foundation myth copypasta just directly.
Do you have any idea how retarded you sound arguing against historical fact? No Britain targeted German cities first. Look up the dates of the bombings dickhead
Wasn’t the same type of bombing. They weren’t aiming for civilians in Warsaw
>when I bomb a city it doesn’t mean I was aiming for citizens
Holy fuck I got strawpolled the fuck out