The pendulum will swing back eventually!

>The pendulum will swing back eventually!
Have you ever heard this? It's so naive. Anyone who knows anything about social history in the last 300 years knows that things have gradually and permanently shifted left all along. Like it makes no difference if a conservative is voted into power - they are liberal compared to the conservative 100 years ago. No matter what happens, the left has a LONG string of victories while the right is ALWAYS stuck trying to halt the march of progress, and rarely ever succeeding outside of delaying the inevitable.

So why do people support an ideology that has never won and will never win? Why not just cut your losses and move to the winning team?

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The pendulum? You mean the IEDS on your way to McDonald's. We aren't contempt anymore and you have names and addresses. FUCK AROUND AND FIND THE FUCK OUT FAGGOT THE FEDS CANT SAVE YOU

>joining the cult of ethno-masochism
>"winning team"

Attached: leafbait.png (621x622, 89.31K)

>make up pendulum bullshit that nobody here believes
>based on this, it's time for you to join up with the left guise!

I've never heard anyone say that

>We aren't contempt anymore
what did you mean by this

I agree. I was thinking why is no one in europe fighting to get more gun rights. Its because both sides are controlled by the same few people. its not a pendulum, its a stealth takeover.

You realize there is more to it than 'team team', most adults have no possibility to change their actual lives

This comic is retarded and OP is a fag

Civilization does not operate on a pendulum, but in cycles. Societies are born, grow and die. The West is languishing in its throes. The left, decay, the cult of mediocrity, are symptoms of a senile society.

Do not worry. There is no pendulum. But there is also no vacuum. When one civilization dies or is defeated, another fills its place.
We are coming for you, Leaf.

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It's a wheel, not a pendulum.

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Slavery is leftist. The first pannel in your image is incorrect

not really. now that the global economy is collapsing, the Arabs will have no source of income. no more ameriturds giving you free money to contain Iran or for Arab oil. Such is the fate of single-resource economies.

The pendulum swings back extremely violently and suddenly leaving a trail of death and destruction and a clean slate for a new world. Be scared kike.

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Blessed Pakistani

The “pendulum” refers to the moderates tendency to cyclically swing from one end of the political spectrum and then back again.

Like what? Do you have any examples? Because the only examples I can think of are not in your favor

>try to establish fascism in europe
>get rekt
>try to establish apartheid in SA, Zimbabwe
>get rekt

which it does not. Like I demonstrated... when are we gonna "swing back" to Feudalism? Never. We've moved past it, it's over. Same with right-wing authoritarianism

Conservatism isn't about delaying the inevitable, it's about moderating progress and preserving certain values. It's also not true that conservatives never win. Our economy is a victory of conservatism. So is German unity.

like this.

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urbanites will burn

Communism (that which the left is eternally pushing for) is simply neo-feudalism.

"The Left" is simply the side of the political spectrum that serves the interest of jews. If it doesnt benefit jews, The Left is not for it. This is the only paradigm in which all of the left's hypocrisy actually makes any sense.


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>gun control
>won by the left

um, have you ever read Marx's actual opinion on guns? Methinks you're talking about neoliberalism, not leftism.

This. Spengler should be mandatory reading for this board. Would save time for half of the fucking threads on this shit board.

pendulums also work in cycles. just a different perspective of the same thing. back and forth, round and round. over and over until the sun burns out or we get ourselves killed. when are we gonna "swing back" to that Manorial system? Still waiting on that pendulum...

Yeah, sorry, but saying "it's tha j00s" is not an argument that can be taken seriously.

Spengler, Yockey, and the Bhagavad Gita

Attached: ev.jpg (350x483, 65.82K)

>blacks are freed
>what was Jim Crow laws and the KKK
>workers rights
>looks like workers rights have been dwindling as of recently
>nationalism and fascism is becoming more popular every day
Quit baitin nigga

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“Things are going liberal here in Rome, and this Golden Age will never end!”

what are you fucking stupid? you cant see the pattern clearly highlighted? I cant tell if your too stupid to see the historical pattern of economic organization from centralized to non-centralized control, or if your'e choosing to play dumb so you don't have to admit your'e wrong.

Whose going to invade the US?

Which side has had to rig the game via importing welfare voters, and ruining people’s lives for not agreeing with them again? Oh your side...

Jose and Pedro. They’re feeling extra rapey

Sad but true