Japan is not your friend

They are just as liberal as the rest of the world, just in their own degenerate way.

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Their media is one of the main causers for this shit happening.

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When they scream "homophobic", you know someone is right.

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Its the applications who are degenerate and manipulated fren

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Fuck weebland. Only pedos like them nowadays.

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>Japan is not your friend
>They are just as liberal as the rest of the world, just in their own degenerate way.

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>make fun of faggots
wtf why are you so gay bro?
>don't make fun of faggots
wtf why are you so gay bro?

Japan's biggest manga.

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This may be true but I’d rather Japan poison my mind with trannyanime than be another basketball american who aspires to rap. It’s a good distraction and I thank them for it.

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If this isn't degenerate, I don't know what to tell you.

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ACKSHULLY, that would be the western voice actor company that took advantage of changing the original dialogue and also being in charge of english subs. Funimation was caught doing this with the dragon maid anime.

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I see you like anarchy frens

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Japs are whiter than whites. Smart, unified and disciplined society.

Square Enix is hardcore-liberal. FFXV literally had Hillary Clinton in the game talking about fake news and a literal feminism town.

And voice actors can't turn characters into gay-looking trannies and sexualized chidlren.

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>FFXV literally had Hillary Clinton in the game talking about fake news and a literal feminism town.
Wait, really?

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Why do people act like wage slaving more than everyon else is somehow based and red-pilled? They are pathetic. If they were unified, they wouldn't work their own people to death and valued family and society over economy.

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>Fifty shades of gray is degenerate, so you should not read books at all
You choose what you read

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Are you some junkie that lives on social benefits?

Final fantasy != japan

There's a lot like this, yeah. Also all the girls in the 7 remake acting all "stronk" now, turning down help from men and people rebelling the evil Nazi government.

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No, just not a retard. People work way too much and barely find time for their family, which is another reason for why young people become degenerates. I bet you don't even care about women being forced into workforce.

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It's pretty illustrative for the rest of their media, read the thread.

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A doll’s eyes

I don't know what that is, but I can already guarantee it has gay-looking boys and at least one or two explicit rape scenes with blush lines on the raped person's face. Just more degeneracy camouflaged in the guise of "SO MATURE,OMG".

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you cousinfuckers nuked them twice why the fuck would they give a shit about western values? fuck you and your people white pigscum

You clearly haven't even read One Piece.
The main antagonists are a one world government.

They do it to themselves, too.

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You don't even have a family of your own just your mum and dad. When you have your own family you have to work. Law of the nature which has existed as long as this species.

Reminder this is Yas Forums, complaining about anime and trannies here makes you the equivalent of some burly guys who go sit in a kids ball pit and complain about how childish it is. You are literally living in a site made by animafags and trannies, how dumb are you all?

don't like it? don't consume it ain't nobody forcing you to do so you snowflake maggot

Which is red-pilled if you're a lolbertarian at best. The government isn't inherently bad. If they want to be red-pilled, they'd talk about what can make it bad, but what can make it bad is precisely what this manga extols.

Work is good, not every day of the week or 8 and more hours a day, though. It's asinine and not even productive. Productivity increased for Microsoft when they integrated the four-day week and everyone is happier since then too.

I'm not consuming it. Nice brainlet post. Would love to draw a caricature of you sitting outside and everywhere around you trannies fucking each other in the ass. "Don't like it? Don't particiape in it. No problem."

In all honesty, I genuinely believe people like you should just kill themselves. You just waste time and slow down the dialogue.

How is having rape or effeminate looking boys bad, they exist in real life?
Its just a nice art, you have plenty of other manga filled with traditional value you are just trolling.

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na they're just weird. this shit was in the 1997 original

Kek, I knew it.

>muh traditional values
>oh yeah, this is the chapter where the little boy orgasms from getting raped by niggers nad horses

Just fuck off, frog. It's telling that your low-IQ country with people who are literally too stupid to learn English love anime.

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>Square Enix is hardcore-liberal. FFXV literally had Hillary Clinton in the game talking about fake news and a literal feminism town.
Hillary Clinton was the bad guy in that game. Did you fucking even play it?

make your own website then nigger cocksucker this is an anime imageboard looked after by a literal jap you post election newfag maggot fuck off to your safe space if you don't like it here bitch

Tifa and Aeris and constantly fawning over Cloud while acting feminine as hell the entire game why are you bitching about games you never played? FF7 was the first game I have played in ages where the female characters weren't ugly, man hating lesbians. Even the black character, while a good guy and a loving parent, constantly comes off as irrational and close minded shows deep flaws in him.

>trannies in America
>trannies in Japan
>haha, it's OK when Japan does it. Just weird! :D

And that they were already degenerate in the 90s doesn't make it better.

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>oh yeah, this is the chapter where the little boy orgasms from getting raped by niggers nad horses
Seen such things in Dragon Ball ?

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go split that dick meme flag tranny