(Hapooners seethe at this site, wonder why?)

Sweden: No lockdown, No collapse!

>202K Dead from Coronavirus after 5 months
>The world is ending!!! Society will collapse!!! We can't sustain this!!! Panic!!!

Friendly reminder:
• 151,600 people die every day
• 50,900,000 people die every year

>muhh exponential broooo
Been below the peak for what, 21 days?


>Iceland CFR between 0.01 and 0.19%; Smaller population = Ability to test everyone = Real CFR revealed

>Death rate 28-55 times LOWER than previously thought

>Infection rate 50x higher; making CFR much, much lower

>Illinois gov. confirms that ANYONE who dies while infected is considered a COVID death

>Corona BTFO by USC

>Only 3% of ALL active cases are serious/critical
>1,775,511 / 58,525

>Tests show postive for ANY coronavirus, not just COVID

>ALL Human coronaviruses are seasonal
>Common cold is a Coronavirus

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Other urls found in this thread:


based and redpilled
when will people realize this is nothing compared to the Black plague?

Why are the /ngb/ - Nothingburger Genereals getting pruned? I would understand 100% if they were putting fake and wrong information, but that's not the case. The links, videos, and statistics are real, any janitor care to comment as the reason why?

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You can bury my threads, but you'll never bury my rights.

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holy fuck that is real
15:25 in the video, are you fucking kidding me?

SAD that IDF and the CCP can't keep this shill thread bumped. Anyway for anyone who isn't a bot if you unironically think like this you're a selfish piece of shit who deserves jail time. You retards don't seem to understand that the only reason we haven't hit a 7 figure death toll is because the lockdowns are working fucking retards. millions of lives saved > temporary loss of "freedumbs"

Go back to /cvg/ kid.

The severity of this flu is just being exaggerated as a reason to restrict our freedoms and strengthen surveillance again

With an average age of death being at 80 and 99% of those deaths being in patients with serious pre existing conditions?

How does it feel to be reactive to emotions to such a degree. How does it feel to actually be the selfish one?
YOU don't want to open shit so lives aren't ruined on the off chance you get the bad flu of the season. You do not see the millions which will starve due to this. You do not see the millions which lost their lives they worked for. You do not see the liberties being stripped. All you see is yourself.

Please, user. Just use your fucking head.

>Why are the /ngb/ - Nothingburger Genereals getting pruned?
Because shills report them and tranny jannies delete them.
Also, shills keep a queue of slide threads to bump any time a non shill thread pops up in the catalog.


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>the only reason we haven't hit a 7 figure death toll is because the lockdowns are working
You can't make this claim as there are no control groups to prove it. What we do have is a country, Sweden, who did the sane thing and is fine.

i'm not gonna argue with obvious chink shills. I'm just here to tell retards not to fall for CCP propaganda. THEY want you to believe it's your right to spread a deadly plague so when they invade half the population is dead and the other half is too sick to fight.

Meds, take 'em.

>>i'm not gonna argue with obvious chink shills.
Translation: I can't argue against you, so I'm not going to try and make a fool of myself.

>entire crewship of soldiers was infected
>only one died
ahh yes, our military will be fucked by this virus

That could be one of the reasons, I don't doubt it.
Look at the strange response I got here
related to the latest pruning.

>Inciting or participating in cross-board (intra-Yas Forums) raids is also not permitted.
Your general isn't even real. All you do is bitch about another general. So you break this rule.

this is pretty based.
What happened to person responsibility?

But Sweden has significantly more deaths per capita than the US right now. Which is pretty bad considered they have such a low population density.

Also they have taken considerable lockdown measures. All concerts, festivals and sports events have been cancelled. Most school are closed. Any gatherings of more than 50 people are banned. Swedish businesses have voluntarily ordered non-essential workers to stay home. Many regional and municipal governments in the country have also instituted their own lockdown policies, just as many US states have. Saying they've done nothing is just straight false.

nothing burgers tasty economy going to shit is sexy


they are just progressing through the peak faster than we are, we are delaying it and flattening it, not eradicating it.

Lmao that reminds me, what ever happened to the Diamond Princess? You know, the ship that /cvg/ called their little petri dish experiment?

Oh yeah, it blew them the fuck out and they avoid talking about it now. Funny stuff.

>low population density
Not really, their population is largely concentrated towards the south because the north is too cold too often, also longer winters

>m-muh ground glass opacities

There is a pit in hell for your kind. You will be there soon, bitch, just you wait.

fucking nothingburgerer!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST WAIT 2 MORE WEKS!!!!!

drink your bleach, fag

According to /nbg/, the death rate is under .1%
According to Diamond Princess data, the death rate is well above 1% and all the so-called asymptomatic cases had their lungs damaged


Also this.
We're delaying herd immunity for no reason.

>According to Diamond Princess data, the death rate is well above 1%
You mean a cruise liner full of boomers?
>and all the so-called asymptomatic cases had their lungs damaged
Lots of illnesses can cause damage to the body.

Denying the coronavirus is going to be considered hate speech soon just watch.

In this video from 2015, Donald Trump at his rally says that he loves China, he makes millions off Chinese Citizens (communists) and even allowed the biggest bank of China to have property inside Trump Tower.
Oh and also apparently China owns alot of Bank of America, kek.

How do you defend this?

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Yes, 1%.
And tell me, what's the average age of the cruise ship goer?

>All you do is bitch about another general.
What are you even talking about? Anyone who has been in those threads know that other thread shitposting is like 0.1% of the conversation, while the remaining 99.8% is legitimate good and real, verifiable information. That is not a reason for a thread to get blasted. And the same 0.1% are posters from those other threads you yourself are mentioning, like what "randomly" started happening now, after your post.

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Make a point or fuck off, retard.


obligatory share

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Sweden are nowhere near your hysterical fuckwitted projections, and all you can say is "2 weeks, 2week" we have been 6 weeks under lockdown you fuckwit, where are the dead?


Cruise ships literally have onboard morgues because of how many Boomers go on them to die. They are basically floating hospice.

im with the nothingburger crowed today faggots.

whats the latest hoax/conspiracy/nothingburger theory?

>Projecting the Diamond Princess mortality rate onto the age structure of the U.S. population, the death rate among people infected with Covid-19 would be 0.125%.

They currently have a 1.8% death rate which is 18 times higher than the seasonal flu. And 54 of the 712 are still infected so that number is only going to go up as more of them die.

/cvg/ has been saying for a while now that the mortality rate is about 2%, maybe slightly more, based on the numbers we've seen out of countries with the highest tests per case ratio, Germany and South Korea. The Diamond Princess numbers are only reinforcing that.

Oh and I should add that every single person on the Diamond Princess was in good enough health for extended travel. These are not people in nursing homes, these are people in generally good health. And they're still dying.

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>because the lockdowns are working fucking retards
You obviously are an innumerate fucking moron with no analytical ability.

>these are people in generally good health
Being fit to travel on cruise ship doesn't mean you're healthy.
It was a ship full of older folks, the exact group this virus is dangerous to.

I really don't get why people can't just not visit grandma for a while whilst we gain herd immunity.

>Saying they've done nothing
hurr durr they stopped a concert bro!

maybe replace with the short url bro youtu.be/ackpdogyNDQ

It's literally the biggest LARP in human history. It's so easy to get sheeple to do what you want once you threaten their entire existence.

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your entire general's existence revolves around seething over another general
not that hard to understand

Yas Forums still exists to give them feedback on what could pass

... they were never blocking traffic. They only stood in the crosswalks during red lights. They weren't trying to shut down traffic, it was just to send a message.

Seriously.. look it up. It's a red light. That's why the truck stopped. That's why the nurse moved seconds later. I can't believe you're this dumb.

No lmao

>They currently have a 1.8% death rate
The median age for passengers is 69 years old.
The median age for the US population is 38.

Again, read

>The median age for passengers is 69 years old.



>calling other people shills

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i would if you tell your /nbg/ shills to fuck off from /cvg/

>It's a red light. That's why the truck stopped.
Looks like a planned photo op to me.

>People on the Princess were in good health
They were in good shape.
However as you age, your immune system wanes. At a physical level. You have less of every immune cell. It's prone to flare ups. Doesn't work very well.
So no, you can't just say because they can go places. That they were healthy.
>CVG has been saying the fatality rate is about 2%
CVG has been saying its literally doomsday since day one.
The CFR is likely .5% IF not LOWER.

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keep denying it lol

This general is encouraging people to go outside or open their business.

It is currently against American law to do such things and therefore this general is encouraging Americans to break the law.

Any posts or threads that are in violation of USA law are supposed to be removed from Yas Forums pol.

In light of this I implore any mod that is reading this post to close this thread and ban this general.

Thank you for keeping this board clean


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>please stop responding to my virus fapping anime girl circlejerk

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The spread of truth is an irreversible process, user.
It will, and is, whether you like it or not, seeping into your deluded general. That's just how information works, sorry.

Your safe space will not be safe forever.

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>Please ban people who don't agree with me mods!!!

You need to go back right now.

There's nothing to deny though haha.
Keep trying to save your ego, the virus you spilled buckets to got blown the fuck out.

>Lots of illnesses can cause damage to the body.
this. even though body tissues are prone to damage, and that damage is eventually repaired over time, viruses aren't capable of producing long term organ damage. You can get damaged mucosa lining, and even some lymph node damage if the virus is capable of invading the lymph node which really limits the amount of virals that can, the majority of tissue damage comes from bacterial infections and mechanical force like coughing such as with bronchitis due to the excessive amount of lung boogers that are produced.

>We're delaying herd immunity for no reason.
I know. The common cold has been with us for so long, and we have herd immunity to that. Just let people get infected. Its time for sink or swim mentality.

>convincing people to go outside
No one is convincing anyone against nothing, the aim of the nothingburger genereals is for the sole purpose of sharing the correct information on a currently political global crisis. Which is the reason I stated that no fake date is being shared, everything is 100% verifiable and statistically sound. Because if you disagree, then you're disagreeing with numbers. So, I'm waiting for a janitor to clear the issue on this and make the recommended modifications.

Why the memeflag, Poland?

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