I thought Meds were huwhite

I thought Meds were huwhite

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we are british

is that the norwegian tranny boy? im greek and straight as an arrow but I would ravage his boipussy. its not gay to fuck traps and twinks

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0.3% of the world population makes 50% of the shit posts.

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Why do vegans age so terrible? Especially all of the girls here in Scandinavia falling for the veganism meme, they literally look 20 years older.

Top kek, is this real? Please tell me it is

Poor brainwashed person

you mean this? It's not him.

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Yes and we already harassed her into recanting


Imagine wanting to be african.

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Most based comment section ever


>filled with med hating


I read the first 50 comments and saw no med hate


What you have to understand is that she's bragging about being 100% white. She loves it. She knows that everyone not in the same boat is jealous of her, and she loves that. She wants everyone on earth to know how white she is. She wants to scream if from the rooftops. She needs you to know. She is extremely proud that she is 100% white and it's now the cornerstone of her identity.

But she can't just say that. She can't just start bragging to everyone that she's 100% white and Northwest European at that. If she did that she would be a Nazi. She has to find a different vehicle for her boasting and that vehicle is:
But you still got the message. She's 100% white and has proof. Northwestern European. Be jealous.

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scroll down for 5 minutes i just saw it. Do ctrl f "spain" or "italy'. I'm sure most of the commenters are poltards.

She thoughts she was part Spanish or Italian, but it turns out she's white.
So basically, she doesn't see Spain or Italy as white.

italy is in europe.


Big difference between "filled with med hate" and scrolling down for 5 minutes to find one comment. And being a far right white supremacist is a good thing, tranny

Your average Norwegian consider southerners "brown". Not non-european or anything, though.

but she isn't jewish
can't be that happy and proud of your ethnicity unless you're from the chosen people.

if you're brown you're obviously not european.

fuck off mutt.

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Maybe in your head.

Europe is a geographic construct. Being in Europe doesn't make us white memeflag

Spaniards are more roman than italians are. The germans raped Rome far too hard

What is Spain and Italy and Greece if not european then? Is their culture not European? What is it then? Slavic? Arabic, African? South european countries have distrinctly european cultures, though they are not white like germanic countries.

B-but we're more iberians than anything.

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>tfw black

I fucking hate the fact these people think it’s so great being a nigger

who's she?

And why are his teeth so small and his gums so big?

The weak nords should fear the strong meds

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>in england
But why?