Why arent more conservatives getting into the education field? Isnt it our duty to educate the kids?

Why arent more conservatives getting into the education field? Isnt it our duty to educate the kids?

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Conservative views are not allowed in Public schools or colleges.

They fear their kids swallow leftoid propaganda which is praised by teachers.

Teaching is for losers who can't produce anything.

Fpbp, /thread

We homeschool, I'm not teaching you're little niglets

My 7th grade teacher was a based asian guy who would always tell us that stereotypes exist for a reason.

In the education field it is your duty to indoctrinate the state propaganda, if you think you need some govt stamp to educate, you're the problem, fren

You know if you put your girl in college, she will bring back a Tyrone because she has been built for BBC.

Why am I incapable of being educated anons? I've started courses and I instantly top of the class, I fly all the work no problem but I just can't bring myself to keep turning up. What's wrong with me?

education is corrupted by faggots from top down. you are fucked if you step out of line. the only way conservatives can get into education is to home school

See, here's your problem. You've qualified one of the most important jobs of a strong society as worthless, why the fuck would competent people want to approach that field.

You don't want competent people going into Education to teach zoomers Common Core Math and other stupid shit the (((Dept. of Education))) forces you to learn.

You're forced to teach propaganda, unless it's a religious school. I went to Catholic schools growing up and a lot of the teachers were based but towards then end they started teach fag acceptance. It's probably worse now.
It's kind of like becoming a cop. Only the most tight wound power hungry cunts become cops because that's how their superiors like it. Same with flaming faggots becoming teachers. The (((higher ups))) have decided that trannies and multiculturalism are a part of children's curriculum.

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You can’t take peer in a system entirely hostile against you and your views and people...so burn the system to the ground. Choice and vouchers. Break the systems.

>get doctorate
>become professor
>obtain tenure
>speak truth about the hall of cost

>get hooked on benzos from stress
>get lobotomized by a quack doctor

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Too many women teachers.

Most of the guys I teach with are conservative. The liberal soiboi teachers don't get invited to the BBQs.

>See, here's your problem. You've qualified one of the most important jobs of a strong society as worthless, why the fuck would competent people want to approach that field.
It's an important job. Unfortunately it's become a profession with a long credentialling process.

A guy with 10 years of engineering experience can't make a career change into teaching. They need to go back to school and yearn a Master's in education, get an OCT certificate, and work as a substitute teacher for 5 years. You basically need to devote years of your life to get into entering the teaching field.

I don't know if it's worth it.

10 years of engineering experience doesn't mean squat if the kids don't listen to you.


I was a pre-engineering instructor in Florida for one year. Fuck them!

Real answer is the left took over human resources in most universities. They actively recruit only Lefties and try to fire any one not in their cult

>10 years of engineering experience doesn't mean squat if the kids don't listen to you.
I don't think earning the teaching qualifications will make kids listen to you.

Secondly I think it means something. I don't think common core math would have been pushed through if 20% of the science/math teachers had significant industry experience.

I have some experience in education. I tutored alongside a retired civil engineer at a non-profit. The kids listened to him when he talked about the technical challenges faced during his career.

I think there should be some flexibility in career paths to becoming a teacher. In Canada the typical path is Bachelor's + M.Ed + Substitute teaching for a few years. This is a decade long process and the people willing to go through this amount of bs are not usually the most talented.

The fact that conservatives don't belive in science should tell you A LOT about their ideology...

Pedagogy is a thing (the art of teaching).

Used to be friends with a retard spic fuentes shapiro fan. History major, wants to be a teacher, but said hes too afraid to fuck up his “optics” so will be teaching them leftism etc.


They wont let you.

Hitler along with Eichmann had the same history teacher which pushed them both into thinking about ideas of german nationalism and racial purity.

But Yas Forumsfaggots are retards that won't try to fly under the radar and try to influence the kids, because even the 10% of non-NEETS here got brainwashed into thinking teaching is a profession for "weak men"

Enjoy losing the culture war to a bunch of dykes with colored hair, you worthless maggots.

It's a poorly paid profession that demands a lot of hours. And I think the idea that you're going to get anything truly subversive by the school is laughable.

It is for weak men with how it's arranged currently.

>Conservative views are not allowed in Public schools or colleges.
neither was feminism, homosex or zionism in the Ivy League universities in 1900. Jews fought, whites didn't.

>I think the idea that you're going to get anything truly subversive by the school is laughable.
We literally got a man like hitler out of it
>It's a poorly paid profession that demands a lot of hours
"waaaaaaaaah what do you mean I don't get uber eats to deliver me hot chocolate to the trenches during a race war, noooooooooooo this can't be happening, I quit"

kys you weakwilled faggot.

Same with media.

This plus I don't think many conservatives usually get their doctorates. Like sure I might get a Masters after I finish my bachelors but I'm just mainly getting my degree to help my career. That's about it. I think a lot of conservatives feel the same way. They just want to get their bachelors and enter the work force where they can get a much better paying job immediately than having to go through 5-6 more years of school to not even be able to get tenured position.