CCP Assassinated Based Kim

>Kim had pro west upbringing
>good relationship with Trump
>Kim was going to open up NK to the west to free his people from evil communism
>china testing nukes
>US troops would be on china's front doorstep
>China losing it's grip on global production


Attached: Based_Kim.jpg (800x450, 38.78K)

Other urls found in this thread:

USA China and Russia are gonna kill every Israeli

Why didn't we just let MacArthur finish the job?

If only we allowed patton to do god's work... The real reason is ((()))

Correction: CCP/CIA did it together. This does not imply both are friends or even allies, so don't make that your next takeaway. This is silly. I predicted the Kim assassination weeks ago and nobody believed me. Perhaps you'll all believe this. Next step is atomic war between China and NK because China knows something the US refuses to admit. Things are about to quickly go sideways in Asia. If you are a western expat there and especially anywhere in South Korea my advice would be board any plane in any direction immediately regardless of ex-Asia destination and get out of there NOW. Even if the jet lands in Uganda, LEAVE ASIA AND ESPECIALLY SOUTH KOREA NOW.

What could china possible know that we refuse to admit? At least drop hints

He wanted to unite North and South Korea with Trumps help. We will never forget.

>my war face

They have groomed Kim's sister for awhile now. She is CIA through and through.

>my war face

Attached: 375EDA70-07C1-44A7-86B7-F9DFA02CDF70.jpg (300x450, 18.1K)

CIA Trump put the heart disease virus on Trump's hands

Attached: subzero.jpg (1000x1399, 231.49K)

He got covid and now is the dead. Because he was a fat fuck who smoked.

What do they know?

Smoking has proven an effective treatment against covid19 dumbfuck

What is it that the US refuses to admit?

There are trillions of dollars in Rare Earths sitting under North Korea. China thinks of the DPRK as a Tribute Kingdom, little more. Little Sister knows this, and any dependence she has on the CCP will be her undoing.

>yfw DPRK has female leader before USA


Surely its not our GREATEST ALLY again?
>2017, How Israel Used Weapons and Technology to Become an Ally of China
>The man leading the effort was Saul Eisenberg, a Jewish billionaire who, like 20,000 other Holocaust refugees, had fled to Shanghai after World War II. Eisenberg later built a financial empire in the Far East, becoming one of the first Westerners to do business in China, Japan and Korea. He used these ties to interest China in Israeli weaponry and even donated his private plane to transport the Israeli delegation on that maiden flight to Beijing in 1979.
>2004,Israel secretly sells American nuclear weapons to China
> For years, the US government has expressed concerns over Israel illegally transferring technology to China. During the Gulf War, the US gave Israel Patriot missiles as protection against Iraqi Scud missiles. In 1992, a US intelligence report revealed that soon after the end of the Gulf War, Israel had sold Patriot anti-missile data to China. Israel denied the intelligence report.
>1993, Israel has sold advanced military technology to China for more than a decade and is moving to expand its cooperation with Beijing, says R. James Woolsey, the Director of Central Intelligence.
>China's acquisition of military technology -- and re-export to Pakistan, Iran and other countries -- is a major challenge to Western efforts to stem the spread of dangerous weapons.

Attached: JFKIsrael1586278802560.jpg (1080x1175, 196.8K)

less posts, more meds

Never fails to see faggots like you in this thread. Thanks for confirming we are over the target.

Attached: shill.jpg (850x1360, 89.07K)

Elvis still alive

That doesen't make any sense. It will be even worse for China if North Korea unites with the South when they don't have any leader at all or if he will be weaker and more open-minded than Kim. China has even sent a team of doctors to check his health because it's in their best interest that he stays alive.

Attached: kim jong un.jpg (650x366, 29.63K)


STOP TELLING PEOPLE I'M DEAD. I am NOT dead, but if you keep saying I am, somebody will be.

>female leadership
RIP North Korea

Right now it is in their best interest to place his sister in power to maintain the status quo. Kim was based and pro west.

I think we need a quick rundown


No the real red-pill is that this virus is North Korean bio-weapon, remember the "Christmas Suprise"? Well this is it, also North Korea was the first country to completely shutdown their borders due to the virus.

This is why he was killed

you are a dumb fuck if you really think the "leader" in NK has any actual power on what goes on in that country. NK is 100% controlled by China. Learn geopolitics.

Pls senpai I know this is fake and gay but tell me moar. Why would China put down their tame attack dog? NK has always been the sacrificial anode on the arse of China, to draw Western attention and bad feeling. Now more than ever, China wants NK rattling their sabre and creating problems to draw focus off WuFlu

Interdasting. But why was ground zero in Wuhan, right where China's biolab is?

1. Wuhan virus was a bioweapon designed to ethnically cleanse Africa for China takeover (this would cause China to lose face all over the world, especially EU; they were becoming prepared to do that anyway)

2. Kim had extensive espionage throughout China behind China's back (again, loss of face, because CCP spy network is supposed to be best in show, plus it implies even Best Korea was not fully onboard with the idea of Han Chinese supremacy despite Communism)

3. Kim blew the cover on the Africa bioweapon by rattling it as a saber during 2019 nuclear proliferation negotiations

4. The fact Kim was psychopath and selfish enough to betray The Han Mandate of Heaven by doing this; severe loss of Chinese face

5. Yes, therefore, the Chinese were developing bioweapons in clear violation of BWC (lel), and this would and will result in severe sanctions and end of worldwide trade

6. Knowing this, Kim revealed it anyway out of selfish reasons, and now

7. The US and likely Israeli Regime knew about the bioweapon early but not its exact purpose, and this is why Trump told Kim to go kick sand, which is why Kim levied the Christmas Gift threat which has now led to his death.

Bottom line it unveils China as a mass murdering genocidal fail regime prone to violating the worldwide BWC, which means China will someday develop targeted bioweapons THAT SPECIFICALLY KILL WHITES, and has probably already begun this program.

These are the things the US and China dare not publicly admit, because it reveals neither is the good guy and immediate action against the clear and present danger that is China must be taken - and NOBODY wants that because it means, pretty much, a nuclear war.

Hints enough?

you're going to war in asia

China doesn't want kim dead because they don't want to invest into a military action in korea with corana going about.

this is TERRIBLE for china

See , Items 2-4 and 6

Sorry, meant for the fellow before you.

See Items 2-4 and 6

China will replace him with a Korean puppet loyal to the CCP. The next leader will improve the standards of living for North Koreans, but develop even stronger ties with China. China needs NK to remain a vassal buffer state but also they don't want to deal with a poorr, starving nation.

Attached: 153477402.jpg (1199x792, 712.49K)

So.. what's to be done about all this, as a humble, middle class westerner? Should we be working on our fallout shelters then?

We have no choice. We're a ransacked, illiterate, ugly band of transdegeneracy, drag horror and filth but the alternative is a dystopia from which no race or nation will escape. It's easy to become like China. Impossible to get out of. They are the most splendidly amoral political presence in human history. We alone are able to stop them and it will cost us enormously.

We have been trapped by destiny into engaging and annihilating this anti human menace. And if Russia gets in our way it will likewise, and probably by necessity, also become the end of Russia. Us too.

We had all get very comfortable now with mass death. There is no other way out.

none of that shit makes any sense whatsoever lmao

Are you stupid? China isn't going to let them unite with the south. They're going to install a new leader for North Korea.

North Korea has been a good ‘enough’ ally to China. The CCP wouldn't be interested in the headaches and complications that attempting to directly rule over North Korea would result in.

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No answers are being given so far. I don't think the wargamers even know. I'd buy alcohol, get religious and prepare to die, frankly. Blackpill but truth almost always is.

Russia will soon be reinvading you. I'm pretty sure you won't be thinking about me or this thread and its contents then.

Take your meds.

Indeed. If the virus is actually a blood disease that causes hypxia, there is a ton of good data going back decades that smokers (of which I am one) fair better at altitude than non-smokers, due to the fact that we are used to being in a semi-oxygen deprived state.

Bill Gates invalidates this

Chinese awareness of that or her vulnerability to same may be why they intend to do what they are about to do. Bottom line Pyongyang betrayed China. China will NOT allow that to go unpunished. They also would like to make a demonstration of nuclear might to the world, because there is Beijing concern the US and other nations might make a retaliatatory strike because of the Korean release of the Chinese Africa bioweapon. Perfect opportunity to show the world Chinese atomic might, and perfect target: a nation she knows no western nation will stride in to protect.

Think about it.

Bill Gates is no longer relevant.