Reminder the only reason this conservative inc. guy even exists is because he lives in a an extremely gerrymandered district.
Reminder the only reason this conservative inc...
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Kingwood waffen. Roped up good goy SOON
this isn't to suggest that republicans are exclusively guilty of this though. Just look at Maryland or Pennsylvania.
Would Yas Forums be in favor of redistricting state congressional boundaries using populations/math (ex. shortest-split-line method) instead of just having some "independent" guy no one even knows drawing the congressional boarders? Seems like this current system could be (and is) easily exploited by illegals anyways.
post districts in Maryland or Pennsylvania.
google is your friend
This is the 3rd district of MD btw. I know it's a weird-shaped state but christ.
Reminder that we could get rid of gerrymandering if not for the Democrats insisting on using them to ensure there are black and brown districts. They moan like crazy about Republicans gerrymandering what excuse their own gerrymandering because they actually got their version of it written into law requiring black and brown representatives get elected. Doing away with all forms of gerrymandering would be fine with Republicans if the Democrat's version of it was eliminated at the same time. Pretty much every simulation of districting that uses minimum boundary size ends up creating new Republican districts because Democrats cluster together in dense urban areas. Even the "pizza slice" method of districting ends up with far for Republican districts because the dense urban areas end up split into the tips of a large number of pizza slice shaped districts dominated by Republicans. Gerrymandering is the only way for Democrats to increase their number of wins until they can get enough demographic change to ensure a permanent majority.
Most of that area is illiterate beaners
he should have stuck to serving his constituents and not picking fights with every troll on the internet
wow that's pretty bad
Kike cock sucking trash
yeah he represents texas not christian zionism right?
ok? what's your point faggot.
Fuck off goat rapist
>mutt politics
>gerrymandered districts are just so dems can have more POC candidates
yeah I'm gonna need a source for this other than your ass buddy. I mean, look at the congressional districts for the "squad' in comparison:
>dems are for gerrymandering because it would split up large population centers giving rural areas more power
Idk about this being the reason libs are against it, but it is true it would lessen their power, especially in states that aren't mostly blue anyways. The house would probably remain R for decades anyways.
my point is the the guy sucks and doesn't hold any power because people in hist district like him, its only because his party wills it.
best nickname ever.
Ahaha it's only getting better. Mutts truly are a phenomenon.
i don't like niggers or jews or people who are okay with niggers or jews. the only thing i'd be in favor of is no niggers and no jews.
Inject bleach
>my point is the the guy sucks and doesn't hold any power because people in hist district like him, its only because his party wills it.
good. what do you think politics is exactly you retard?
I'd argue dems do it more when you consider it on a state-by-state level, but texas is especially bad
feudalism-brained. In a constitutional republic elected officials would represent people instead of two massive monoliths and their own insider's special interests. Why do you think there are so few real anti-immigration conservatives in the Republican party? If you really want less open-borders and Israel-worshiping shit you'd be for having leaders who represent our views and not shills like Crenshaw.
That dude is a hot Chad.
Would fuck. No homo.
It’s ok because both sides do it
This man has a captain america glass eye. Based and upvoted!