can you feel it user
wtf nurses are my religion now
and they're probably all atheists too
I can see the basedboy face behind the "jesus" mask
was literally getting ready to post this kek
the irony of this is how over it everyone is re: Jesus
even Christians are like, "ya, the circle's come full so we'll be there in the war of good vs. evil, so meh, history's only a lesson"
and the propagandists are still HOOKED on their own hubris, it's laughable. the insult they aimed fell so far below their aim, and I bet you money the reason why they're only laughed at for this jab goes well over their head
nobody cares, we're eagerly waiting in our boots for the green light to physically force restart reality to standard biological setting
simply waiting for these stupid fucks to enforce boner too steeply out of trespass, so we can just go ahead and fix everything forcefully
All the doctor's have fucked off and aren't working here, so the nurses are doing as much of their work as they can. Think it's all overhyped, they do good work but not more than other people in this field and in general.
they are just nurses, their job is literally physically bring you medicine that your doctor have gaven prescription to you and ask how do you feel today, this is low key the easiest job in the world. you don't use hour head, you just do that the real doctor tells you. any one can do it so...
nurses can't do a doctor's job, you crazy? these are 2 different fields, they don't have the knowledge of a doctor
Imagine the smell
can you elaborate what a nurse can do to save life of a corona-chan patient?
all they do is dance on tiktok and make fake picture of them sleeping in hospitals, tens of thousands are dying every day and they are dancing.
fuck off mate
What do they do in Libya? Nurses are medically qualified, are you thinking of Carers?
Those people are heretics and deserve to die a horribly painful and slow death.
It’s really bizarre that the people who only go to school and train for like a year and don’t actually perform medical procedures have such a god complex while most actual physicians are pretty humble when it comes to their work. You empty bedpans and bring people glasses of water. Shut the fuck up
This has and will be the only time in their lives when they are not looked upon as bed pan cleaners. They don't know how to handle that and confirm to society just why they are in such a shit job.
Overblown pandemic seems to bring about rise in overtly narcissistic behavior and self prescribed “Hero-ism meme” as perhaps a coping mechanism for what, being an over glorified human janitor/order follower? Not sure, but what happened to the Hippocrates oath anyways?
I’ve heard tell that most nurses exhibit a higher than normal tendency towards narcissism, but this level of self importance and god-complex seems to be approaching sociopathy. Whatever became of being a humble servant of the greater good in humanity? (Sigh). it’s all so tiring.
Hospital workers are narcissistic mega cunts. Almost as bad as DMV workers. Not surprised they the think they're jesus an sheit.
I get the feeling from what I'm reading on here, that nurses have different responsibilities across the world and way different training. Your average nurses in the us have 2 to 4 years and can do a lot of pretty invasive procedures.
I dont believe in asking people to proclaim me to be a hero. Do what you think is right and do your duty in humble silence. If someone else calls you a hero along the way then so be it.
Remember to sage slide threads.
So this is what the nursing majors who acted like the campus bighshots are up to now?
>Went from War vets to super hero’s to god in a week
And I’m to believe everything coming out their mouths isn’t a lie so that they can get paid to make tiktoks in empty hospitals
The hospitals aren't empty. Theres covid patients fir sure and most hospitals have one or more units dedicated to covid. But most regular patients are too afraid to call 911 or go in by the waiting room.
Apparently corona-chan is nothing to worry about since all those healthcare workers have way too much free time on their hands.
How cringe can these people even get?