Muslims don’t belong in France

Muslims don’t belong in France.
Agree ? Disagree?

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They belong in Sweden.

Gonna have to agree on this one

Charlemagne drove them out
Not sure what more you need to know.

Agree, time to Deus Vult them to death, oh, you're french. Time to bend over and let them fuck you in the corn while they take your head off in front of your women.

disagree. french arent having sex & need numbers for GDP.

Muslims have graciously put it apon themselves to join your dreadful oppressive regime just to help you people.

You clap for muslims now.

they belong in the desert shitholes they screech about constantly and those shitholes only.

Disagree. French statehood and national identity is based on republican values and secularism. Muslims belong in France as much as white Christians.

They don't belong on Earth you fuck

baseret og rødpillet, sven

Oui, ouiii ouii ouiii ouiiii ouiiii

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Charles Martel Duke and Prince of the Franks and Mayor of the Palace agrees, but the Republic disagree

thank you france for this image

i prefer them in france the distance is bigger

They don't belong anywhere in Europe

They don't fucking belong anywhere in Europe.

agree but why are you using spanish cured meat in your france flag
literal cultural appropriation


Shitskins don't belong in the white homeland, period. All they've ever done is try to invade, rape our women and children, sell our people off as slaves and commit acts of terrorism while trying to force us to racially intermix with them and worship their demonic god that says pedophilia is OK.

>the left: b-b-b-but the fffood is guud
Get a cookbook, cuck.

Of course a child raping sandnigger piece of shit is going to agree.

arab sand nigg**/poo nigg**don’t belong in France

it's not the relogin

No one asked nigger and sandnigger child rapists to go there, and don't act like you're doing it to do them a favor. P.S. I've killed plenty of your brothers in the middle east, and am itching to do so again in the west during the big igloo.

I care only if it becomes a problem to us. Greece and Italy doing gods work btw.

I agree. They don't belong in Europe at all, and don't give me that >Turkey

France is part of the white homeland. Shitskins have no claim to it - France is the land of the Franks, nigger - you'll never be one no matter what liberals say. You can't change your worthless Shitskin race.

Actually, it was his grandfather who did it in Poitiers.

France colonized morrocco and Algeria. If anything all the morrocans in Belgium and Netherlands should be moved to France

Normans don't belong on the holy soil of New Carthage.

They need to go back to where the f ever they came from.

They belong in France as much as you belonged in Algeria but what can you do? The world is round.

they dont belong anywhere on the planet

Daily reminder that Charlemagne wasn't "French" an identity and culture that appeared long after his death..

They dont belong outside of their home country

somalis and algerians belongs in France

They belong in ovens with jews, next question.

agreed but it's kind of too late to come to that conclusion now

are the french white?
no? then who cares? it's not like being muslim will actually change your genetuc makeup, you'll still be just as nonwhite as you were before you swarthy fucking maghrebi faggot cuck fucks fuck you you fucking niggers

Charly Mane was Flemish

Fuck (((Islam))))

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Mudslimes don't belong anywhere that isn't a sandy shithole.
Fuck islamomudslimes and all their mary-go-round retarded relegion

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neither do the fr*nch, or the al *spani, nor the *nglos, nor the sw*mpkrauts, nor the cockholes, nor the autistrians, nor the *talians, nor the gr**ks, nor the b*lthurts, need i continue? or do you get it yet?

West germanic from that area so yeah that's more accurate

Ok Turcroache

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disagree, because they belong in your wife OP

oh the irony you mental midget
the entire reason why half those countries should be bulldozed and all of their inhabitants gassed is because they're all either turkic, maghrebi, or kike mutts aka all nonwhites

Inbred subhuman shitskin.

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we live here and kill each other for thousands of years.
since the beggining of written history we were all here, in meanwhile your dirty kind was inhabiting savannas and deserts praying to semitic moongods.
i get that you need to be eradicated for the benefit of mankind

That looks tasty.

Bet I could eat it in under an hour.

Try moving to a moslim country and apply for gibs at the welfare office, that doesn't exist, but oh well--go the market instead and using a bullhorn state your intention to build a Catholic chapel right there.
They won't even let you keep your own cathedral in Paris, so yeah, there's that too.
Why did you do such terrible things to the Hugyounots in the 1600s, who at least believed in sweet baby Jesus ... but now you welcome, feed and shelter people who want to replace you and make you walk under the yoke, non?

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Fucking based Aquitaine