Corey Feldman Says his Movie only Made $666,000 then cries for 40 Minutes on Instaghoul
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I thought he cared about telling the truth and not making money?
too bad he didnt cry for 33 minutes. that would been perfect
I think he molested kids too.
That's quite a stack of cash, to be fair - i'd be happy with it.
Cory is probably so retarded he thinks money and truth are the same thing
that's like two weeks of drugs, paying his harem, etc.
What movie? Is he the guy that came forward about hollywood rape?
What's the deal with 33?
i have no doubt he did some shit while high on drugs. Then he wakes up the next morning and its all hazy.
>That's quite a stack of cash, to be fair - i'd be happy with it.
I know right. What's cores problem?
he still owes 600k on the film, watch the vid and laugh at his bad acting
another favorite mystical number of certain groups
Imagine spending your teenage years getting laid, and having all the free drugs and alcohol you could ever want, and fame, and $666,000 dollars, and still ending up a miserable fuck.
Do it. Imagine it. Just imagine it for a moment. Do it.
I liked him in films when I was growing up but now I can't watch them without thinking he "was he just sucking cock before [insert scene]" And it's totally fucking ruined my childhood so I want my gibs Cocklodger Corey! 6 gibillion should do it!! Faggot!
oh no someone quick give him 6 million
he uses that on heroin alone in no time
yikes! that's gonna be a lot of cameo videos.
Sharknado 3?
I mean come on!
He is a shell of a man. Literally the definition of a beta male.
i imagine he woke up many a time with a sore ass and no recollection of what happened, as a teenage actor, after a night of partying at some jew producers house
All I got from that documentary was Corey Haim liked jacking off in front of his friends and he was raped by someone who looks exactly like Corey Feldman.
is this the dude from home alone
they don't have testosterone injections in hollywood? this beta cuck needs it stat
>watch the vid
but let me guess
>guys, 6 million is nothing
>we can do it
>please donate to ...
didn't he only air it for a single day? what did he expect?
Why th is Instagram Insta"ghoul"?
He's compromised
I'm only here for (((666k))), no idea who this literal who is
what's wrong with his face?
This is comedy gold.
He's just a jew grifter trying to get shekels from naive goyim
Get the Crisco
Does he have the black eye?!