>Trump reined in because he's damaging chance of re-election
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his daily press briefings have been a disaster. meanwhile the Queen does a single 5 minute speech and rallies the entire Kingdom
kek he's literally a sock puppet
Trump is a retard. I don't understand why they though having him talk as much as possible is a good campaign strategy. The more we see him the more we realize he is a retard
brumph is finished.
Bed time for drumpfy
Trump deserves to be shamed for his shameful display. Trump just does not seem to realize that he is the president who has had 50,000+ Americans die and the economy destroyed on his watch. Now is NOT the time for Trump to sarcastically ramble into the microphone for 15 minutes with reporters who hate him personally knowing that any fucking stupid thing he says can and will be used against him to the maximum extent
The entire "disinfectant debacle" just highlights how stupid Trump really is and how little he cares about the job. All Trump wants to do is pat himself on the back, throw everyone around him under the bus, and talk with reporters who would love to see Trump face down in a hole in the ground like they are his buddies out on the golf course
Proving you're a lying retard every day is indeed a bad campaign strategy.
That looks like a Mad Fold-In.
>mfw I'm starting to miss BBC threads
The injecting bleach debacle is the biggest god damn fucking pile of horeshit monger i have heard in a long time. Obviously not what he fucking said. This will blow back in there faces, again..
Even if it's a "joke", thats was not even funny
based beeples
No it won’t lol. He already back peddled and said it was ‘sarcasm’.
Two more remarks of that caliber from Trump and Biden would seem like Albert Einstein in the eyes of the public.
Inject your bleach, sarcastically
The fucker is 70-something years old, and he's not some pussy who's scared of some virus. It must be frustrating being alpha and having to deal with omegas.
Shut up dumb bitch
>he's not some pussy who's scared of some virus
dodging the draft five times is alpha to you? kysandyourkids
This article is a new level of cope.
Ratings are lagging.
It's a nothingburger.
Get out before ratings fully collapse.
wtf i love the vietnam war now
Millions went to college to avoid the draft, who the fuck wants to be thrown into a meat grinder?
Actually yes.
Betas and worse just got ordered off to fight someone they never met before for no reason and instead of standing up for themselves and saying "I'm not gonna do that, fuck you."
They went and shot random people.
There is a reason they are all crazy upon return when it comes to Vietnam.
>people familiar with the matter
>war = meat grinder
I'm sure you meant figuratively but it's a bullshit comparison but it exposes that you're a gigantic pussy too. Point is real men drive past that fear and risk it all for a purpose. You can't do that because you're fucking waste of life.
Pretending to attack from the right isn't a good look, you're obvious as hell you fucking faggot.
and to answer your question nobody wants to be thrown into war but the people who died for your country did it and pretty sure they were scared but did it anyways so pussies like you could shitpost on how wars suk.
Did he walk off yesterday? Why?
>he's damaging chance of re-election
Depends on one's point of view, I guess.
>gave everybody free money
>damaging chance at reelection
This is a Shareblue shill thread paid for by the Democratic Party.
He's retarded and literally so stupid he's damaging his chances for re-election. Of course for those of us that already know whatever but for the 50k dumb fuck far right Americans that still think he's a genius are eventually catching on.