Chinese communist students in australia

Hey anons,

Have a look here at these chinese students living in Australia. Who seem to have a deep and emotional connection with China. One of them has even lived in Australia for 9 years, yet she has complete and total investment for China.

My university is completely filled with international students from China.

Thoughts on this?

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It's because no matter how patriotic and committed they are to their homeland, asians don't trust their own schools. And we're the convenient 'western' nation with schools that's not even a skip and a jump, just a hop away.

Wow, those Chinese girls can breathe through their noses really well. That's so cool. I would like to cuddle with them and protect them, as they silently and easily breathe through their nose.


Any chinese college students you meet are actually much older than they claim to be and are military agents and/or spys for the CCP angling to find a way in to any research labs in the area.

why do they want access to the research labs?


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>Have a look here at these chinese students living in Australia.
Chinks thinking about the best way to cook a shit skin.

yep once had exchange students at my old school
there parents were confirmed to be wealthy and linked to ccp.

To steal research, why the fuck else?

Man your country is fucked.

Granted we have even more non-whites than you do, but they are all sub-80 IQ retarded shitskins, and not a massive cunning subservisive geopolitical threat like the chinks.

Keep this up and Australia will become like Tibet or Xinjiang province.

Its not just chinese that think this way its every immigrant.

Mate, you have a similar problem in your country.

Pajeets and chinese are taking all of your STEM jobs, it's basically impossible for non-jewish whites to get into Ivy league schools, and non-whites are increasingly hating whites.

How do they steal research? Like the research that is done in universities gets published in academic journals, why doesn't the CCP just access the journals to find answers to the questions that need answered?

none are as tribal and hive minded as the chinese though.

What? Chinese women CAN breathe through their noses so well, it's so nice. Whenever I see an east asian woman just sitting somewhere, I get a feeling of unparalleled relaxation and really emotional, as I think about just how easy it is for her to breathe through her nose. I just want to lie down with one, and gently caress her nose as she sleeps, while she silently and easily breathes through her nose.

We've seen the truck of peace. Now it's time for the truck of war.

Is it the women too? Because I've had a few qt 3.14 chinese girls students who have been super into me.

Fair enough user, we all have our thing.

>Pajeets and chinese are taking all of your STEM jobs, it's basically impossible for non-jewish whites to get into Ivy league schools, and non-whites are increasingly hating whites

Actually Affirmative Action is even harsher on Asians than it is on whites. Even our Leftists here dont really like Asians all that much.

Just imagine how easily this girl can breathe through her nose. Just think about it right now user, this girl is either sitting down eating something, with her mouth closed breathing through her nose, she could be lying down, making absolutely no noise as she's breathing through her nose sleeping. She may be smelling a rose, which is very easy for her, because she can breathe through her nose so well. She might have farted and is smelling her own fart, and it is so easy for her to do that, because she can breathe through her nose. She might just be sitting there watching tv as she breathes through her nose easily.

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read this article

Some research gets published. Important shit doesn't.
Some research is secret or done under contract for pharmaceutical companies etc. They want to get it, quickly finish it, and publish/patent it before the ones who did most of the work.

It's almost all women. Non-asians can never tell an asian womans age, the all look 16 right up to the day they suddenly look 80.

Do Chinese students in Australia generally stay or return to their country?


>My university is completely filled with international students from China.

Sounds like every university in the world.
They only cater to Chinese, Indians, and kids of oil sheiks.


do they steal social science research or humanities research? or is it mainly like medical and stem research that they steal?

They're the niggers of asians, they'll steal anything they have the opportunity to.

I just want to cuddle with her so much.

Well how would stealing social science research help advance the agenda of the CCP. For instance if the research was examining the effect that diversity has on society.

I speak Chinese and its my job. I've studied the Chinese culture and language quite a bit, and I can tell you a few things.

>Chinese are loyal to their own, utterly.
They have fishermen in dinghies that will report US navy ships to the government.
Every Chinese thinks of themselves as Chinese, regardless of where they live or were raised. Yes, a few assimilate but the vast majority think of themselves as Chinese living elsewhere.

>many of them are CCP agents
This is a fact, the Chinese steal almost everything they have as far as tech is concerned. They have been robbing us blind for decades, and we can't really stop them.

>the language is one of the main reasons for this.
Chinese is so different from any other language on earth that the Chinese military litterally say their first line of encryption is simply using Chinese. This has a huge cultural effect, as nobody speaks it except them, and even if you do its incredibly hard to master. They love in isolation everywhere they go, and their brains develop differently due to the structure of the language

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we all do, user.

When I was in the Army we had this chinese national becoming a U.S citizen by military service. During basic training, one day during our lunch breaks we asked her for shits and giggles "if the U.S and China ever went to war, what would you do??" her reply:
"I would have to go back to China and fight for my party."
What. The. Fuck. and I am being dead serious, that was her actual response, word by word. These people cannot be trusted.

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Now THIS is an obscure meme

why do so many chinese girls seem to love white guys though? I can't tell you how many chinese girls have flirted with me.

Like shouldn't they be into chinese guys?