How do we make a true nationalist pro-white right wing movement that doesn't repel 99% of whites by becoming associated...

How do we make a true nationalist pro-white right wing movement that doesn't repel 99% of whites by becoming associated with Nazis?

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We let conditions get worse so that people wake up

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Make it jewish

you don't the pendulum hasn't swung our way yet

They've been screeching "NAAAAZI" for decades. It's played out.

You can't since anything remotely pro-White will be attacked full force by the kikes. Even if you manage to fly under their radar eventually the 70IQ retards who are nazis will join and try to shape it in their own image.

National capitalism for upper middle class. Genocide the weak etc.

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Maybe stop supporting wignats and unironically stop being antisemitic.

Make it anti-white. Think of it as how the National Socialists were anti-Weimar.

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You can't under present conditions.

Not above ground anyway. The moment any kind of nationalist movement is seen comprising of all white people, mostly males, the liberals will lose their shit and the same thing that happens to every movement will happen.

The best way to start a movement is old fashioned in our own areas, outside the internet and social media and liberal schizoid space. That will massively decrease the chances of being caught out in an avalanche of state sponsored take downs!

Other than that...just continue shit posting here! Truth is truth and truth is eternal, there will be victory in the end!

Just be pro white but not aggressively so.

They’ll chalk it up to “hating the lesser races/ white supremacy “ but just hold your ground and maintain your position

You’re not crazy for loving and wanting the best for your family. And you’re not crazy for loving and wanting the best for your people.

Be healthy, kind, sober, productive as opposed to some street fighting “nazi” who screams at antifa and is a useful idiot

Don’t come out and explicitly say you’re pro white. Become the best version of yourself and help others

Don’t deny being pro white but don’t offer that info freely

It’s also mandatory that every male of our people prepare for war

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace prepare for war

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You got it leaf.. The majority are sheep who silently go with whatever the realms of politics, finance and media tell them. The deep state will never accept any movement involving unadultered ethno-nationalism. You will not spread the truth by hiding it under thick layers of sugar-sweet lies. Always prefer grassroots over astroturf, or you might as well be a kike.

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Because "white" doesn't exist

>unironically stop being antisemitic.
>"white" doesn't exist

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Just don't act like a white nationalist. Be a white nationalist secretly.

Sounds kinda Jewish, user

so basically do the same thing you've done the last 50 years, win over nobody but convicts and social retards, and complain more about how you can't get anything done.

>Just don't act like a white nationalist.
>Be a white nationalist secretly.
What you are proposing is crypto-nationalism. This is essentially what the Jews did after the Reconquista.

The difference between Shlomo and Whitey is that Shlomo has a strict set of rules and a framework of culture that he can rely on. Whitey has no such thing. There is no White equivalent to the Shulchan Aruch, , kabbalah, talmud, mishnah or torah. All of our culture and law have been co-opted. So unless a new sort of local culture and tradition can be established, being a crypto-nationalist is equal to being an inactive, tolerant and apathic lemming.

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thats huwhite
google him

Wrong. Discipline and delayed gratification are the keywords.

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this, acceleration is the only way

Behold, our next Leader. Screen cap this

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lift weights and dress well

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You don’t. Gay optic cuck. Killself

Both of these are meme activities, albeit one is less so.

pic not related
what a fucking disaster of an outfit.

no, they're not. Aesthetics and innate superiority matter more than debates and logical arguments.

>Posting a communion cup of coffee
This is the perfect amount of coffee to drink.

lmao post your example of a good outfit

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This actually might be a good idea. Can we just hijack their religion and be Jews and start “Jewish” neighbourhoods? The media won’t be able to go against us without their narrative falling apart

why is his hair so greasy?