This is a legitimate question. Pic is OC. I tried to make a stylized cartoon version of the woman who tweeted the original complaint. It's probably far more offensive to Asians than the imagery she used. Why?
Even for an 'ugly' caricature, it's actually a step up from the average Asian woman's appearance.
Do Asians not know what they really look like?
Is drawing Asians as they actually look racist?
Yes they know. But like their cousins the spics they're humiliated by it. You see it's our job as whites to do the emotional labor of making lesser forms of life feel better about their stuntedness, brokenness, less-thanness and ugliness because we are the superior format. Everything shitskins do is calculated towards this and has always been, except only recently it's become more brazen. The brick wall at the back of Zappa's Theater, so to speak. This is good artwork and you should tweet it back at her without a word.
They know what they are and look like, it's too awful for them to contemplate. It creates a psychotic break. This in turn creates delusion. For fun, enter the next spic thread you see and inform all the ones there they are not white.
Watch what happens.
Go to >
Everyone is white now
it's supposed to be accurate. fuck the people who enable the delusions of these insects.
Assuming a cartoon drawing is asian because the artist made two slits for eyes is rayciss.
Thanks user, for the thoughful response.
>our job as whites to do the emotional labor of making lesser forms of life feel better about their [shortcomings] because we are the superior format
I've noticed this with my sister. Whenever she talks to a black person, she puts on this over-the-top air of smiles and cheeriness. It's so fake. I see it a lot in women, but I know dudes will 'code shift' and start talking in dumber words around niggers too.
I don't see it as much with Asians because asians don't usually seem to have a chip on their shoulder. Well, sometimes the extremely Americanized ones do, but that's 2nd and 3rd generation Asians. They've absorbed whiteness so deeply that they resent the lack of connection with their race.
Then again, asian girls have seemed to embrace their '2nd fiddle' status with white men, and they happily go after the nerds and dorks instead of their own men. So maybe white girls will cater to asian girls in the way white people will to niggers.
I never really got the yellow skin thing, her skin is basically white visually. It's the ridiculous microeyes that they deny I find so hilarious. Like come on your eyes are fucking tiny. Give it up.
yea I can see you're point, but given the brazen nature and quick temper of niggers, it's usually easier to just be nice to them and use simple words or commands. They truly are retarded sometimes. Anyway That's that
This. This is some wisdom, right here.
No, there's plenty of manga where Asian characters look Asian.
There are pretty Asians without necessarily having Caucasian features. Why focus so much on average as fuck uggos for character design?
Well said. To use what she said:
"If you are an Asian drawing Asian characters with white skin and round eyes, you should take a moment to consider why you choose to depict yourself that way."
Mole sauce is based
yeah some of them are good, there's lots of styles
how did that happen?
are gooks on an evolutionary path to completely losing their eyes or something wtf
That's one nasty facepussy.
Words words words words words words words
Need to make her drawings eyes even slittier, you can't see any white Sclera in those black demon eyes of hers.
It's like entering a gorilla enclosure, you have to adjust your language to make it feel safe
ah yeah, it's more political commentary than actual comics or fun one punch gags, it's from "el chamuco"
Fuck, I think my white friends do this. I don't think my actions have caused them to think its needed but damn.
What did activision mean by this?
I am not even mad, these are some next level skills.
>a "human" skintone
literally saying blacks are subhuman lmao
no momma no!
I think it's a cultural thing. Japanese and Korean works tend toward having attractive, heroic characters (hence why anime is popular in Japan and plastic surgery in Korea), and to generally depict an more idealised version of the world. In the west, we tend toward depicting the world as it really is, morally grey and gritty, where ugly and/or flawed characters are more common. Anything is possible in fiction, and still we make movies and shows full of ugly shitskins for no other reason than because they exist in reality.
I guess that means asians have a problem with depicting reality too closely.
It's a left wing trait, I assume it's because they don't want to offend them.
I personally make my vocabulary even more complex to dab on these inferior cunts.
Can confirm.
I work in sports journalism and it frustrates the fuck out of me the way they talk about white athletes to not hurt their feelings
"Scrappy gym rat"
"High IQ"
Because the athleticism of blacks is taken for granted (and they are indeed more athletic).
The code switching needs to end
>helioflores is less wordy and way better than most of el chamuco, fisgon and helguera are very longwinded
banner says "Left Unity"
oh and an extra one for you
It's a bit of a moral condundrum because I think putting ugly characters in media might start making people think it's "OK" to be ugly. (It's not, beauty and health is linked)
So while we're more prone to showing reality, perhaps it's wrong because we're unwittingly causing dysgenics.
This. So much this!
I don't get what this bitch's problem is. Asians do have slits for eyes and yellowish skin (that's how their skin gets when they have an average amount of sun exposure). American Uni ruined this girl's head.
So here's the color stats on these two from "paint"
>White girl
hue 14
sat 170
lum 184
red 238
green 184
blue 136
>asian girl
hue 16
sat 87
lum 135
red 184
green 135
blue 103
hue 38
sat 240
lum 120
red 255
green 242
blue 0
Seems asians are closer to "yellow"
*I took the color samples from below there ears, as that's where both had there most natural skin color. The blonde is obviously sun tanned and using makeup, while the asian girl has used extensive whitener on her face.
the one that the chink bitch thinks we should draw chinks like looks like a french girl. chinks want to be white.
Yeah. When people talk about Lebron James and Michael Jordan, people are full of admiration for their aesthetic physiques and physical impressiveness.
Then when people talk about white athletes, who are rarely physically impressive, they go "oh yeah that guy... he's a real hard worker" to not hurt his fee fees
PC culture at its worst