Is turpentine good for you?

Is turpentine good for you?

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those are some nice titties

i only see one the correct form is titty

That tittie was made for that Strat.

i'd finger her g-string if you know what i mean

The kind that niggers used to consume as medicine (not the cleaning product) is actually very good for you.

i bet she is fucking terrible at guitar, like all women

i wonder how well she fingers minors

God I wish I was that guitar

Yes. Drink it.

Trust me I really am a doctor.

Who belongs to that titty?

It is a good treatment for worms and intestinal parasites. Needs to be p he e turpentine, which is increasingly hard to come by. My family used to use it all the time.

Is it better than coffee?


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Needs to be pure turpentine

Strat pack
David Gilmore

Ask this guy.

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>i project my own insecurities


It's not a telecaster, I don't know if I trust her.

People used to drink turpentine. In some places they still sip gasoline. As a leaf, you'll probably be fine since you don't have a brain to poison.

Play that shit naked

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>p he e

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>>i project my own insecurities
women are terrible at guitar though

Turpentine, now understood to be dangerous for consumption, was a common medicine among seamen during the Age of Discovery. It is one of several products carried aboard Ferdinand Magellan's fleet in his first circumnavigation of the globe.[13] Taken internally it was used as a treatment for intestinal parasites. This is dangerous, due to the chemical's toxicity.[14][15]

Turpentine enemas, a very harsh purgative, had formerly been used for stubborn constipation or impaction.[16] Turpentine enemas were also given punitively to political dissenters in post-independence Argentina

Whats her name

thru body, over the bridge.... still wood

Cleans you out removes parasites from intestines.


>Is turpentine good for you?

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I dunno but her milkers will be aftee we're married.


Ask your red indians & eskimos, leaf. Plenty of coons in thise country drink turps like it's mothers milk - they love the metholate, too.