>this terrifies the trumptard
This terrifies the trumptard
Shotgun Schlomo
Dickshot Nigger
Green Faggot
Samoan Scoper
Naurista hobiteille
I lost all the edits of this when my hard drive died.
Nothing says "skilled archer" like carrying three completely different arrows and nothing else.
Not even the same fucking length.
I can only assume the guns are loaded with twigs and pebbles rather than actual bullets.
Nope, being a gun owner slowly erodes you to being right wing. Everyone in America should own a gun so they have an actual stake in the gun debate
Well done. Well done.
The soilent Daryl Dixon will trip over his pants, it's too big for him.
The edits were awesome
If he doesn't first get an incurable infection from walking barefoot in the city where there's broken glass and feces all over the place.
I never understood why a plate carrier was more important than shoes.
I was thinking something along the lines of 'Robin Foot' for the archer
>Micky "Potatonigger" O'Malley
Sporting the cheapest shotgun he could buy at Walmart, Mickey's Oirish temper is offset by the fact that he's too drunk to hit the side of a barn. Even with the shotgun.
>Jerome "Slick" Williams
Jerome sports a Glock 19 in a appendix carry holster with an extended 33 round magazine. Jerome is high on life and is actually a threat, IF he dosen't shoot himself in the dick when he draws his gun.
>Carlos "Silent But Deadly" Hemenez
Carlos thinks he's in a real life Assasins Creed scenario,and the his bare feet and silent arrows will allow him to sneak up on opponents. His weaknesses are hot pavement and anyone with the observational skills of a five year old.
>Terrance "Rastaman" Goodloe
Terrance slings weed, and is good at it, so he could afford a NICE AR platform rifle. Terrance is also high as fuck 24/7. There's a good chance that if shit goes down, Carlos will grab Terrance's AR once he realizes he ain't doing jack shit against gunner up rednecks with his bow and arrows.
Aren't they not supposed to have guns or something? I thought lefties hated the 2nd amendment
Leftists are fugly.
>we are laughable clowns
41% failure even when trying to flame on Yas Forums it seems.
What did he mean by this?
Nice comment, Einstein
My favorite thing out of all this Wuflu bullshit is Leftists suddenly finding out how much their politicians were lying to them about how hard it is to buy a gun.
Greeny bare foot is fucking hilarious. Even odds that he has a weed felony, stole his uncle's bow, or his mom won't allow guns in the house.
What's their band called? The Barefoot Fedora Revolution?
Most liberals and socialists do. There is a very small segment, in the thousands, that believes socialists should own guns for the coming "revolution". They like to call it community defence or cover it in whatever bullshit they want, but there are communists and anarchists that are arming themselves.
>Huey P. Newton Gun Club
>"red"neck revolt
>Socialist Rifle Association
>John Brown Gun Club
Other official groups like the PSL, IWW, CPUSA, SA, and the red guards (now Serve the People) all have armed members.
They are still outnumbered by millions, with better weaponry and skills
Wow they sure look like tough guys
Yeah the fact they haven't properly secured their weapons properly is kinda shit
They are outnumbered and outgunned at least 20x fold if not more. But underestimating the freaks now will cost later. If they can shoot, they can kill, and if they know how to shoot a gun they can teach how to shoot a gun. Sure a good number are trannies that have a high chance of using the guns on themselves, but its like germs. The weak ones die off and living ones make you sick.
Not to mention they have federal support. These faggots will never be sued or face jail time even if they gun someone down in the street. They love to play the underdog and hate cops but the mayors, senators, and judges like having a paramilitary on their side.
>a bow
>and no shoes
Always makes me chuckle.
The secret Yas Forums discord link is discord gg 2hc3gS6
We will interview Alex Jones this week. Get in...
This looks like a Pol Meetup
LMAO....what is this a manlet Halloween crew? OMG....hysterical....
No it doesn't. It makes the Trump supporters laugh.
Fuck then and fuck you too, leftist shitbag subhuman. All of you fucking scum, deserve to have your throats slit and your bodies left to rot in the sun. All leftist faggots, including you, deserve to have your loved ones executed to pay for your transgressions.
Leftists, are the enemy. They deserve no peace or quarter. They are a cancer that must be violently and ruthlessly eradicated, in the most brutal of ways.
Maybe the reason lefties are moving into places like Oregon and Texas is because there's enough space and privacy to practice their quaint little "Resistance".
Remember, this is a 'two can play that game' scenario; which means somebody wants us to fight each other.
>there exist boogaloofags who unironically believe antifa has the organization and equipment, let alone the desire at all, to mobilize an armed communist uprising and start a civil war between SJW commies and RWDS
I fucking love seeing these guys in my facebook feed everything someone publishes an article about antifa. They just word vomit these cringey action hero fanfictions about antifa somehow becoming a military threat and it's up to the good ol' boys to defend Real America.
So what their grandma
Ghanan Gunner
Nice bow and arrow faggot. Hope you feet are accustomed to running on concrete much less the forest. I doubt it.
More are moving to the South, places like North Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. That's where gun laws are loose enough and where they have their little enclaves like Austin, Charlotte, and Nashville to play around in. Some have adopted the "sun belt thesis" though I've only heard it from the maoists and they hate everyone and are hated by everyone. Essentially the revolution or "protracted people's war" will take place in the sun belt of the USA. It has the highest concentration of blacks and mestizos and some of the best territory for guerilla warfare.
>implying you need to look tough to fire a gun
>implying 5yo girls can't shoot you dead if taught properly
you are retarded
I highly doubt greenfag could even pull back the string on that compound