LGBT people deserve nothing but a quick drop and a sudden stop

>tranny wears a hijab to "represent minorities"
>goldblum describes how Islam treats faggots in the middle east
>goldblum is defending the lgbt
>lgbt niggers get mad that he is anti-muslim

How fucked in the head are these faggots?

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more info

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It seems based at first glance, but he's just an old Jew who couldn't resist taking a jab at Muslims even though his own religion has a track record just as bad if not worse.

And despite the fact that he himself is not even a practicing Jew, but a secular atheist, most likely, which is 90% of Jews, they don't believe in fucking Yahweh or Moses or any of that shit, their identity as Jews is linked to modern persecution of Jews, not to actual Judaism.

Fuck Goldblum, if anybody in Hollywood is a kiddie-diddler, he's one.

Who the fuck watches faggot television, anyway?

what phoenix will rise from these ashes

Being a fag is okay!

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it popped up on my Joogle news feed

it popped up on my Jewgle news feed

I just want you all to know..

..that Jeff Goldbum.. a Cannibal.

This is not humor.

This is an intel drop.

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maybe she just wanted to bomb the runway

is he a white meat or a dark meat guy

Faggots are dumb. This isn't news.

Unfortunately he'll apologize to the Muslim community and suck a transsexual ass hole live on tv so he'll represent both sides of the "oppressed" groups.
That's the goose stepping ways of the tolerant (((left)))

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(((they)))'re all cannibals

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Nobody gives a shit about hollywood kike #132243214

Imagine being able to identify as the ultimate victim while practicing literally none of their customs apart from greed and subversion. How do I become this ruthless?

Idiot should have known that Muslims are the highest priority for SJWfags. It’s hilarious how quick they will fuck over women, gays, trannies for them

>How fucked in the head are these faggots?
HRT is a hell of a drug

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Help us to destroy this heavily botted fag flag.,480,-8893,7

Fuck jannies!!!!!!!!!

can't wait for (((their))) entire side to turn on each other and dissolve from the inside out

>kikes program dumb goyim for fagfest multiculti delusional bullshit
>send dumb golem goyim to attack anyone jews perceive as a threat
>dumb goyim take delusion to the extreme yet logical conclusion
>golems now turn on master
oy vey how does the antisemitism keep happening

I can't wait for the muslims to take over.

Sure, I'll have to pay jizz-ya.
And I'll miss eating pork.
and I'll miss booze.
And I'll be sad watching white girls get raped en masse.
And I'll miss music.

But at least the LGBTKLMSPR people will be rounded up and killed.

Not sure if it's worth it any more

nice cope Ahmed. jewish identity is very much tied to religion you retarded fuck. have you ever met a jew? I agree he couldn't resist taking a shot at the arab, but I think you're analysis of why he did so is incorrect. you're still a fucking fag tho

>How fucked in the head are these faggots?
Nature... finds a way

>jewish identity is tied the the religion
Nice try, kike.

>goldblum is defending the lgbt
I hope some Ahmed slits his throat.

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>jewish identity is very much tied to religion
You’ve never actually spent any time around jews have you?

What the fuck? You've had a tranny reality show airing since 2009?

Honestly pretty based

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>i literally make shit up as i go

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goddamn, this whole woke movement is one giant entertainment show. they are monkeys covering their ears and eyes to deny the truth

You can only become that ruthless by being born Jewish.