Does liberal Yas Forums get banned a lot?

I’m on the left and come here to mix it up because I like to push back against the echo chamber here.

I get banned about once a week for what can be days at a time pretty regularly.

I have definitely made some pretty savage comments as we all have here I think but there doesn’t seem to be a correlation between insults and bannings.

Does lefty Yas Forums get banned a lot? Why am I banned when the whole board is threatening to kill me and calling me racial epithets 24/7?

Not really mad about it but curious.

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Other urls found in this thread: on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.pdf

You're not a liberal. We are the liberals.

Like in a neoclassical sense?

>liberals making thing up
sounds about right

You get banned for shitting up the board with slide threads and shit posts. If you actually wanted to debate in good faith you wouldn't be getting banned.

PS: You're a Faggot Nigger.

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Let's see if there is a reason why OP gets "banned a lot," going off his lateat thread:
>no source, argument, or context
>personal blogposting
So yeah, this is not ideological. You are a shill. Read the rules, respect board culture, post substantive content. You are not being persecuted, the system is working.

I have read the rules. I see the rules broken daily. How many threads are “red pill me on x” when that is exactly what you aren’t supposed to do.

My board decorum is solid. You e already violated the rule for “serious political discussion” in that post by insulting me

>I’m on the left and come here to mix it up because I like to push back against the echo chamber here

This is anything but an echo chamber. You don't get banned for on topic conversation here, unlike /leftypol/.

Although there are a lot of stormfaggots shitting this place up, you can get your point across and try to change some minds.

I don't think you know what an echo chamber is. That is because you spend your life in one instead of engaging in actual political debate.

I guaran-fucking-tee that I am more liberal than you.

Pol is the one place I can find people arguing from opposite sides, consistently.

You get banned because you post bbc porn and create coffee threads.

Thanks for the serious response. I think I get banned because people constantly report me and the jannies have to process the report.

I disagree that it isn’t an echo chamber but that’s ok. It is definitely a place to argue which I like so there is that.

I hate to be the one who has to break this to you (I know it's hard when you first find out) but :
That's from ~2001 on the UN's own website. So what you see happening right now across the west was planned.
And replacing a native population in this way falls under the UN's own definition of genocide (UN resolution 96 article 2) : on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.pdf
Here's corroboration from the Royal Society :
Quote :
>"(d) Ethnic replacement...Fertility levels of immigrant populations are usually higher than those of Western host populations...In the long term, the minority will become the majority in a country if there remains even one region in which the proportion of the minority continues to increase through immigration and/or higher birth rates (Steinmann & Jager 1997)
Then add this to the mix :
Here's a fun fact : there are now more Muslims in Britain than there are Welsh people.
Source 1
Source 2
Still not convinced? Try this :
(original source URL on the UK government's website is at the bottom of the pic)
Only 66.1% of primary school children in England are "white British" (ie. native). And that 66.1% is falling by 1% PER YEAR (this will accelerate as those children grow up and have children of their own... or not).
I always tell people one simple thing to get them started :
>"Google 'UN replacement migration'".
Once you see it for yourself on the UN's own website you can't un-see it.

Attached: google UN replacement migration (3).png (1850x1737, 87.91K)

Haha nice slide

Well ok then. Not looking too much like liberals are here at all. I’m happy to be wrong but it’s feeling pretty lonely here right now.

There's plenty of liberals here, they're just not social liberals.

While I appreciate your work, you're still a faggot for hiding behind a meme flag.

>I disagree that it isn’t an echo chamber but that’s ok. It is definitely a place to argue which I like so there is that.

There is a lot of echo, but a chamber specifically designed for echo silences unwanted voices. They just don't do that here.

Try it. Say what you truly want to say.

ok jew

So what kind? Serious question.


Reddit occupiers are getting banned for spam. Spam isn't a discussion no matter how hard you push it. 3 and half years and the great occupation seems to be a failure.

spamming BBC doesn't make you a lefty, retard. It just makes you a faggot.

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I say my thoughts no worries there. I just wonder if I get banned more than most, why if so, and if there isn’t a bit of crowd censorship happening. Also I used to have to only do 0-1 captchas and now I have to do like 4-5 every post. Weird

Aw it’s so cute. I was like this too about 6 months ago, fresh off the boat from reddit. Rest assured, you’ll be radicalized and sperging out about jews sooner than you think

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The post you are making is against pol rules. You are complaining about mods.
If you do shit like that you get banned. Read the sticky faggot

I get banned all the time for being too far right !

Define spam? Seriously not joking.

If I go to the trump thread and argue I shouldn't be banned for spam-that’s the forum for that conversation right? I type all my stuff out, no copy paste, and respond a lot. That doesn’t seem so bad

>I get banned about once a week for what can be days at a time pretty regularly.
What was your last ban for? You literally cannot get banned for opinions here so you clearly did something against the rules like spam or post pedo shit. Be honest

>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
Do you actually see many that violate this rule or do you not know how parenthesis work?

i've only been banned for making direct and actionable threats of violence against Democratic party leaders and journalists.

Tell us in as much detail as possible no vagaries what your last ban was for and what you said?

go to bunkerchan, that is ur leftypol place nigger

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>I say my thoughts no worries there. I just wonder if I get banned more than most, why if so, and if there isn’t a bit of crowd censorship happening. Also I used to have to only do 0-1 captchas and now I have to do like 4-5 every post. Weird

That's Jewgle fucking with you. It happens to me too when I shitpost too much.

You're only going to get banned if you break the rules. Maybe you need to read them.

Some of the rules are retarded, but they could be worse.

I did! I see bs threads all day so this one doesn’t seem crazy to me. I’m not mad at the mods I’m just trying to figure out if I get reported all of the time when someone threatening murder is ok so long as the mob doesn’t report them. I’m also trying to figure out if replying too much is getting me in trouble

like Nazbols

The fact that you're here and this thread is still up is proof that it's not an echo chamber.
If you can't handle getting called "racial epithets 24/7", get the fuck out, nigger.
This is not a place for your thin skin. You have an entire corporate curated internet for that shit.

Hey dude. Please answer theses questions

no but if you keep spamming nigger porn, of course ur going to get banned. if you want a liberal place, go to bunkerchan, you can be a faggot over there

No clue seriously. I think I was in the trump thread and admitted to going there to argue on purpose

>Yas Forums
>echo chamber
Have you ever looked at the catalog? At any given time there are only maybe 3-4 threads that are politically incorrect/ countercultural the rest is just shilling, sliding, fuck drumpf and communists.

this is basically you niggers in a nutshell

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People don’t report posts here because of a post’s political bias. That’s the stupidest thing I’ve read all day.

Truly a fair point in general despite the horrific racism. That said, when was the last time you were banned and why? It’s every week for me almost and I’m not swearing at everyone (most of the time) and I am on topic

So you are making a thread whining about bans and you can't even remember what you got banned for?

I make posts all the time larping as a liberal saying the most cartoonishly left wing anti Trump stuff and I never was banned. You were breaking the rules in some way I guarantee either through spam or something similar and you are playing dumb now and crying victim which is a favorite play of most modern leftists today. Either show us proof of a bullshit ban or admit you are being disingenuous.

>“serious political discussion”
It is possible to have a serious political discussion while still insulting you.

For instance, Durham has just brought on many experienced prosecutors into his investigative team, including one who specializes in homicide cases, you dirty kike.

Ok that helps seriously. I’m wondering if all the Nazis are just reporting me constantly to get me in trouble or if I really am violating some dumb rule when the rest of the group gets away with it

Yes, the right wing are report fags who whine about censorship.
They need more editorial control to defend bleach injections etc. because their claims are so stupid, only brainwashing can back them up.

>It’s every week for me almost
Yet you can't tell us exactly what you were saying and how much. Next time this happens save the ban message and the message it links to. Otherwise we all assume you are lying and with good reason.

Poor misguided fag boi fag. Nothing left to do but kys
Off you go

Go to literally any other website if you don't like it. One place in the world you don't get to make other people shut up and you can't handle it.

I'm with Joe. #Biden2020

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See post below. I’m not doing some meta game here sincerely.

All I know is I go in a room and argue for a whole thread but I stay on topic and certainly am not crueler than the rest. I leave and come back and I am banned and have to wait like a day or more

>horrific racism
This is not a place for you. This is a place where you are anonymous and can say whatever the fuck you want. Words are just words. "Racism" isn't a magical spell that holds any power here, it's not a card that gets you out of jail when you lost an argument or can't hold your own in a debate.

It also serves to keep weak cunts like you the fuck away. As for the last time I was banned? I've been banned a couple of times, all for them for bullshit reasons such as "participating in a raid thread", which is just bullshit they pull out on a whim when they feel like it. They do give you a fucking reason, you know. Read it next time.

Or just fucking leave, nigger.

You realize comrade there is literally a rule against reporting people for no reason. If people are mass reporting your words that aren't breaking any site rules the people reporting would get banned. This isn't Something Awful reset era, sites you no doubt frequent, ban requests go through multiple hands outside any bias of Yas Forums

Nobody gives a shit that you're a lefty cuckfaggot. You're banned because of your soiboi spacing.

>Ok that helps seriously. I’m wondering if all the Nazis are just reporting me constantly to get me in trouble or if I really am violating some dumb rule when the rest of the group gets away with it

Stormfags just use the same shit tactics your ilk uses when they're losing the debate. You have much in common with stormfaggotry.

>Does lefty Yas Forums get banned a lot?

I've never gotten banned here, and I'm pretty left wing.

Yas Forums and Yas Forums and super-picky, so I don't even go there anymore.

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>bans tell you what you were banned for
>i get banned every week
>why do i keep getting banned?
You got banned for being too retarded even for Yas Forumss standards.

>gets banned probably because of low quality posts
>complains about getting banned
>doesn't realize that he's violating Global Rule 8 by posting this thread
ever stop and think that maybe the problem is you?

You are obviously leaving something out and until you have proof of your ban message with the post itself we would all be stupid to assume you weren't lying

Classical liberals, libertarians, normal conservatives. Really as long as they're not monarchists or natsocs.

All right that is fair will do. It just says my IP is blocked and then I check to see if I am permanently banned and I am not. That’s all I know right now

Oh and theocrats in the list of people who are not liberals.

Everyone gets banned now for any reason the jan jan chooses. FUCK JANNIES AND FUCK NIGGERS

Ban messages tell you exactly what rule you broke and link to the post assuming you didn't break a United States law which then they delete the post but they will tell you this. So you either are lying or didn't even bother to read what the moderator told you