Moving from california to texas... what areas should i look at? was considering northern texas dallas/ fort worth...

moving from california to texas... what areas should i look at? was considering northern texas dallas/ fort worth.. after seeing how close beto got in the last election i think there really is hope for texas after all. i want to help make this great state a tolerant and open place for all!

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look at not coming to my fucking state and shitting it up you commiefornian fuckfaggot

Mexico would be just perfect for you.

Fuck off back to Cali faggot

Dude you’re gonna regret it if you move to Texas. Horrible extreme and unpredictable weather, awful traffic on half assed interstates (probably not as bad as California but still awful). You should seriously consider other options

dont hate the player, hate the game user. people like me are the future. USA is a California colony at this point.

daily reminder BETO is owned by the cartels

the cartels already operate in el paso, Houston and San Antonio.

they already own the police and the judges

>USA is a California colony at this point

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fucking reagan and nancy killed you all

> people like me are the future.
If the future is everyone working as feudal serfs for an elite international oligarchy - then yes.

if i see your faggot ass in oaklawn in dallas ima run you over like a honorable muslim man

no everyone living hand in hand, in peace and harmony, and free love for your fellow humans. we are all one race.

No fuck off. Stay in your state.

haha nice joke user, you seem funny i think we will be great friends.

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Fuck off, we're full.

Born in Texas, lived in California (near Yosemite so not around faggots in cities, only whites like me) forever then came back to Texas. Ya it's cheap and there's job. You're also trading your nice weather for always too hot or too cold, more niggers than you realize (trust me, you think there are lots in California...), and bugs that will make your California ass cry. Don't do it. Trust me.

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>tfw no thicc spic trap gf

sage in all fields, obvious slide thread

always gotta be retards believing this is a real person posting a real thread bumping this shit

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>USA is California colony at this point
Then maybe USA should declare independance again to not end up like you.
You are the future? Then why are you moving out? Oh yeah people of future need to change states and make living unbearable for everyone else too.
Try harder you fucking cunt. If it's so good just keep it for yourself.

California should be walled off too.

gotta californicate

its called manifest destiny. we are expanding our values far and wide.

wish i could smell their feet, armpits, and pussies

Obviously you’ve decided on texas. But once you realize its overrated and people hate you for being from Cali, consider the Midwest next. You can live like a king on 70-100k salary. Des moines one of the best small cities to live in if you can deal with the cold. Indianapolis and Columbus also pretty good. Some Chicago suburbs pretty decent. I live in Missouri and you’d probably hate it here tho.

Goddamn this is based and correct. Rest of the country is fucked, they just don’t know it yet

What is your ethnicity?

>moving from california to texas

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>deal with the cold

are you talking about night time?

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The flyovees are disgusting. Terrible weather, zero culture, fat women. Imagine living in "des moines" lmao

>look at not coming to my fucking state and shitting it up you commiefornian fuckfaggot
THIS, stay away from Texas. We are good!

say somthing nice about your future god emperor

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t. Colorado

correct, the only people welcome in texas are central americans, haitians and asians, not filthy whites from other states.

As an Alaskan I could say the same about Texans. Every single Texan I've met has been a fucking turbo normie cuckservstive trust the plan bootlicker. You're not better than California, just a different kind of cancer.

you should fuck off. dont be mad when people here hate you bitch.

Des moines ranked #5 best cities to live by US New just below all those expensive as fuck liberal shitholes.

Its a major college town so decent culture and lots of smart attractive college girls. Far whiter than major cities in Cali or Texas. Although i’ll agree the rest of the midwest nothing but fat trashy cows.

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>moving from california
>to texas

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i think people often forget that alaska even exists because only 100 people live there, and all are injuns, not white, so irrelevant as usual.

the jews are going to win
all we get to decide is when

they also have niggers

Wow, i fucking hate you dude. Fuck you man.

t. Former Californian.

So naive.

Bait, right?!?

>Don't hate the player, hate the game
>Hates players not on own side
>Hates the game when you lose

You're awful.