I cannot be the only one who is tired of this "NEW NORMAL" campaign that they are trying to push on us! There is nothing normal about the changes they want us to accept! Everytime they use the term "NEW NORMAL" it reminds me of all the other faggot-ass tings they keep trying to tell us is normal when it is clear that it is anything but normal. They always want to control the language we use. FUCK THEM! There is nothing "NORMAL" about this.
When Trump said to "add 1tbs of bleach into each glass of water you drink" did he mean per 8oz serving? I've been doing every 12oz so I don't accidentally make it too concentrated.
>ONLY up by 5 in deep red Texas If Trump is barely holding on to Republican strongholds, then it really isn’t looking good for him. This is before the whole disinfectant embarrassment too.
And before you start implying, reminder that all the polls in 2018 showed Ted Cruz with a much higher lead against Beto, yet he still only won by 2 points. If anything, polls underestimate the Democrats
I'm trying to think how to state it more clearly, I apologize, like a dollar amount per person ranked from most to least next to a most to least illegal aliens chart. That or better and clearer a dot graph with y as percent illegal alien and X as amount per person. That would show the correlation of payments over or under per census due to ineligibility. I assume most people know that though so it may not be worth your time. Inflated incomes can skew the thing a bit too in some areas.
>kills are vermin on your property and even shares the spoils for you daily (nigger dogs hog everything) >as a protector of the underworld, protects you and everyone in your vicinity from demons and djinns >provides extremely high quality memes while simultaneously being cuter than d*gs >poos and pees only in designated areas unlike the K9 Jew I have but one comment. This letter is my only comment.
Oh nooooooo we need the fbi and doj to coup their own country with russian disinformation. Oh noooooooooooo how united would our nation be if the fbi and doj didnt commit treason and sedition at the behest of feinstein warner burr and james wolfe. Oh noooooooooooooo that sucks those poor institutions think if they hide for a couple years they wont be gone in less then 10 years. Oh nooooooooooooo that suuuuuuuuuuuucks.
Typical shit since The Notebook. Remember how that was every woman's favorite film? It's about a chick that rejects a guy so the guy works hard builds her a house and then she blue balls him again. There's more to the film after that but I fell asleep utter snoozefest.
Beto also spent 100 million dollars on the race when Ted spent like one tenth of that.
Brayden Phillips
Aaron Cooper
>help i make 500k a year but i can't make ends meet i hate modern america so much i think it's less swayed by the illegal count and more so by that income difference. going by median income the majority of maine and mississippi qualify but a minority in new york do