The Christian/Pagan/Atheist fight is retarded. Each group thinks they're going to win everybody else to their point of view and will unify everybody ideologically to solve the Jewish question. What actually happens is you alienate each other and while you're bickering the leftists and Jews laugh at you. United, we're a powerful force. Divided, we're a bunch of useless idiots that wile our time away screaming at each other while migrants replace us and the kikes profit off degeneracy. Stop giving a shit about the other guy's religion. Every time you do, you're another hand drowning ethnic nationalism.
The Christian/Pagan/Atheist fight is retarded...
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It's mostly just the catholicucks here starting a bunch of shit with people who are too far right/not catholicuck enough. Pagans and atheists and even other Christians (and white shariah guys) get along pretty well.
It's the spic pooentes crowd.
Its a mind virus.
The issue lies in the fact Christianity is a Jewish religion. You don't see me talking shit about zoroastrism.
There is no common ground. Judeo-Atheism is a scourge that must be stomped out. The pagans are just too ashamed to admit they're atheistic Jews.
Remember the no more brother wars meme? And how the next day the boomer meme popped up along with a whole lot of other oomers? Its a fucking division tactic. We where so close to unison and they are dividing us once more.We can bicker and fucking argue after the Jews are gone you retards.
You worship a rabbi.
Look up what the pharisees were
You are a rabbi
"don't worship jews? you must secretly be a jew yourself!"
I agree it’s the Joos
Cringe porn watching degenerate
You deny Christ, ipso facto you are a Jew.
At least Pagans & Athiests aren't a Jewish sect lmao
Atheist/Pagans both lack all morality, have proclivities toward degenerate behavior, side with Jewish atheists in all matters, vote the same as Jews, and most are even circumcized. They are Jews in every practical way.
You say Pagan and Atheist as though they are seperate. Is there a single modern pagan who doesn't view the gods as a collection of Jungian archetypes and the rituals given up to them as another psychological trick to put the pagan in the right mindset to get what they want? Every Pagan I've seen have said they became pagan because of their ancestors or an appreciation of nature or a hatred of Christianity not because they actually thought the pagan worldview was actually true.
>Stop giving a shit about the other guy's religion.
I mean this holy shit, nice false equivalence op
>You deny Christ, ipso facto you are a Jew.
see they re insane
they are all completely fucking insane
we dont NEED the help of the insane cultists
they do NOT have the same aims we do
I don't give a shit if Christianity or Paganism or Atheism is Jewish. White people will be white, act white, and think white regardless. What I'm saying is pick your battles. If you don't find common ground and at least try to extend the olive branch then it's just endless tiresome arguments that will never go anywhere. Ironically you'll never achieve a pious society that respects life and race unless you're willing to chill out for 5 seconds and work together. I see good people on all sides and it's just such a fucking shame.
>The Christian/Pagan/Atheist fight is retarded.
No. Because they are at complete odds with each other.
Trying to create some pagan/christian alliance is the biggest larp of them all.
>entire civilization collapses, culture erased, and race extinguished
What a pity you are so brainwashed that you can't even see it happening right in front of you.
The wandering jew/rabbinical jew whatever you want to call only came about until after the death of christ where they denied him. Followers of Yahweh/ the old testament were not the Jews you see today they were vastly different. The Jews you see today are the spiritual successors of the pharisees.
Why would I assist a demographic who openly fantasizes about eradication of Christianity? Every historical atheist who gained absolute power destroyed every church and murdered as many christians as the could.
Okay well how much of our countries are Christian? How many on the right are Christian? How many are secular or something else? This is why we all need to compromise. We are not going to get anywhere unless we do and thinking your entirely specific group is going to kill/convert all the other part of the white race you don't like is an impractical manic delusion.
>This is why we all need to compromise.
we dont NEED compromise
if we ever need to low iq traitor whites for anything we ll just lie to them and manipulate them, we dont need to make consecions to the insane people who WORSHIP our enemies
How did you guys spend the last 10 years of your life consuming pictures of religious quotes
>an impractical manic delusion.
its what christkikes did, you almost sound like one of them trying to find excuses for these animals, I hope thats not your case
Offering compromise to an atheist means allowing them to eradicate all churches and undermine our core principles and mirality, deracinate our culture, and upend our reasón de étre...kinda exactly like a Jew would do. Why would we allow that?
Christianity leads to Jew slavery, paganism leads to stone ages, atheism leads nowhere... But yea sure we'll all work together
>Atheism leads to nowhere
No it leads to exactly where we are today
Every organization is made up of factions that disagree on this or that fundamental issue. These factions work to build good relations with each other for the purpose of making their specific needs respected. When somebody wants to overreach their power and trespass against a faction, they think twice because of their size and influence. Balance. That's how every country in the world has ever functioned. When a faction is outside an organization, they have no say or influence and relations and differences can spin wildly out of control. "These guys want to kill us and destroy our way of life so let's kill them and destroy their way of life!". Take a step back, fuck.
Oy vey