Porn must be quarantined

A consequence of the quarantine will be an increase in the use of pornography. The government needs to order porn sites to close just as it ordered restaurants. During this time you need to stop watching porn if you want to actually please a real woman. You are conditioning your brain to use ineffective techniques. It must be banned to prevent this damage.

>I hate porn because fucking men who have watched a lot of porn is the worst. The absolute worst.
>Most porn is about watching women pretend to enjoy sex acts that are unpleasant to them. It doesn’t have to be this way, but it is. Men who watch this type of porn are basically being taught sexual practices that will not work in real life
>the only moves you’re learning are moves that will leave your partners miserable.
>More than that, however, is men become accustomed to watching women pretending to be turned on

Anatomical research on actually effective sexual techniques:
And another here: JSMT- CAT Overview 2000 (corrected).pdf

Petition to the government and other entities to begin the banning process:

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah good luck shutting that down.

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>A consequence of the quarantine will be an increase in the use of pornography. The government needs to order porn sites to close just as it ordered restaurants. During this time you need to stop watching porn if you want to actually please a real woman. You are conditioning your brain to use ineffective techniques. It must be banned to prevent this damage.
I ve gone 6 months without fapping. Its a fucking meme nothing changes. Unless you are a fucking bonobo like creature that jerks of on the bus there s no point...BUT after like 2 months my balls were so fucking big I was getting concerned could i have been that my test was getting higher?

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That kid looks so happy. I wish my mom could have given me that kind of attention when I was little...


Okay. So take women's rights away and restore patriarchy. Our birth rate is well below replacement levels because women have the freedom to delay motherhood, or forgo it entirely.


This is why Islam will take over the west by the end of this century. At least Muslims understand female nature.

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Why didnt she?

Quit lying. When I stopped, I noticed a colossal difference between when I'd fap and when I wouldn't. You may have other unhealthy habits that hold your mental stamina down like drug use or heavy drinking.

She qt

Why should men care about the sexual gratification of chattel?

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I made a bet with friends, so 4 people in total who would nofap for 3 weeks - if you failed you would pay for an entire night out for 4 people. We're all brutally honest so no one would dare to lie.

Every single one noticed big changes in energy levels, horniness, again energy levels and just 'life force'

This is a such a pure gif, I love it. Motivates me.

Nice. I stopped watching porn for years now and don't have increased urges anymore. It's part of the detox. If you integrate it more in your life then you will tread more steadfastly permanently.

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If we talk about this more openly then we can have some impact on society.

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fuck you he is right

>takes away from womans pussy monopoly
>much cleaner than real roasties because no chance to get herpes, other stds or babys
>not degenerate like hookup culture
>can be obtained for FREE
>makes men spend much less on roasties
>even guys who cant get laid can see naked 10/10s

yep Porn and Masturbation is based

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Porn consumption is just a symptom of a much larger problem. Let's pretend that banning porn is feasible; what do you hope to accomplish by doing it? It's women, not men, driving the plummeting marriage and birth rates. Removing many men's only avenue for sexual release is not going to make white women suddenly want to drop the independent womyn act, marry young and start popping out more white babies. You know what would accomplish this? Going back to restricting female sexuality, and restructuring society so that women must rely on a single man for provision and protection. Of course tradcucks will never suggest this, as they're too afraid of female disapproval and would rather stand back and let western civilization collapse.

Also, I like how not even Yas Forums likes to acknowledge that women consume visual porn as well, and analytics show that the type of porn they consume is far more 'questionable' in nature.

Based. The people who want to ban porn are also for the legalization of prostitution of your daughter. Almost like they have an agenda...

>the only moves you’re learning are moves that will leave your partners miserable
I'd like to know where this shit comes from because I've been watching porn three times a day since I was 15 and when I got a gf, she told me "sex is so good with you".
It really isn't rocket science. Suck the tits until the pussy is wet, and then put your cock in the cunt ? What are those crazy moves that porn teaches you that don't work IRL ?
Hell, I even watch BDSM and bitches love it so much it's basically a cheat code.

I understand, but having the drive from not fapping makes it easier to spot and shame emcels. I think it's a good first step.

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The fact that porn is such a cartoonishly unrealistic depiction of human behavior and the fact it’s widely accessible to children is what makes it so dangerous. If porn were really accessible only to adults (get real) or if it were tamer, just depicting two people who are hanging out alone together who get horny and do some foreplay etc... it wouldn’t be so bad.

As it is, kids are getting some really warped messages about what sex is really like, how it fits into life etc and then getting fucked in the head when their experiences don’t match up.

the sourest people think as you wrote in greentext

people I'd never want to stick my dick in, let alone be near or ever talk to

women like that are such catscratch, let them be the leftovers they're meant to be

>If porn were really accessible only to adults (get real) or if it were tamer, just depicting two people who are hanging out alone together who get horny and do some foreplay etc... it wouldn’t be so bad.
That's what white people have been doing and girls stopped fucking them and voted en masse for immigrants and went to get black cocks because these persons were depicted as violent by the media ?

I think it’s psychological. You’re setting a goal that takes some willpower to maintain, and then getting a dopamine boost every time you successfully avoid jacking it. Of course your energy levels are going to skyrocket, of course you’re going to feel happier and more motivated— especially if you have a soul killing job (which reduces dopamine considerably), nothing you enjoy (to entrain dopamine production in a motivated activity) and no good sexual relationship (exercises dopamine e.g. when you’re going to see them or coming home from work).

Doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea though. If it works, more power to you.

No need for you here German coomer, you already got intellectually AND physically mogged in the last thread: All your points are henceforcr invalid.

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Women don’t necessarily crave sexual domination— at least if they can get a man they see as worthwhile to willingly submit to. And it’s probably only about 5% that spread this pro-immigrant propaganda as a result of repressed desires for being brutalized. Really these extreme cases are just that— extreme versions of a far milder, but no less insidious, problem in the middle.

The deeper problem is that men are being less and less valued for their natural tendencies. Women don’t want to submit to a man they’ve been trained to hold with mild contempt. Men don;t want to display even mild dominance or even competence because they’ve been told it’s “toxic”.

Lmao I challenge you to find ONE person who has written a serious article where they want to ban porn but make prostitution legal

its the other way around.
the gay discord tranny got BTFO.

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My theory is that if porn is gone there are going to be a lot more rapes everywhere.

They stopped fucking YOU, coomer incel. Not real nofap men.

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Her face looks like Greta thurnburg

>Women don’t necessarily crave sexual domination at least if they can get a man they see as worthwhile to willingly submit to
Let me translate : Women wanna be spanked by hot guys.
>And it’s probably only about 5% that spread this pro-immigrant propaganda as a result of repressed desires for being brutalized.
Well, they're here now, they have been voted by someone right ? Have you seen pro migrants manifestations ? Are you about to tell me they're not full of women ?
>The deeper problem is that men are being less and less valued for their natural tendencies.

Okay, so porn is way too brutal, it should be softer. But also a deep problem in society is that men don't want to display dominance ? Which one is it ?

Ahh yes watching cinemax porn when I was 12 really traumatized me for life. I suck duck for crack in alleys now. You fucking christ larpers really need to find a bridge you are honestly insufferable.

My man, I am 6'4", do I really need to tell you how easy it is to find a bitch I can fuck ?

What was on TV when you were 12 would barely qualify as porn now. Now 12 year olds are watching girls a few years older than them getting anal gangbangs.

Prove it. Post height and physique with timestamp.

you are faceblind

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If South Korea is any indication, these men will just turn to other media with sexualized women for their gratification. We'd see an increase in demand for pop idols, streaming e-thots, movies that show nudity/lewd material that skirts the line but doesn't cross into pornography, and so on.

This ban won't have the desired effect op and others hope for. All that will happen is a black market for regular porn will open, and men will direct their lust elsewhere.