Feminist Delusions

Found this Gem on LinkedIn. How was a generation of women brainwashed into putting career on a pedestal and motherhood in the trash bin?

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Did you really now?

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Fuck man. You can visibly see the cope in her eyes. Damn. This is actually very pitiable. These women were horribly led astray.

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Yeah the eyes chico, they never lie.

Yeah, that's hard to look at. Imagine her sitting there making that sign for a nice visit to the abyss.

tic tic tic bitch


Why the fuck is a site about networking becoming just a professionals version of fucking facebook

This picture is a cry for help. Will one of you lads go give her a family, I'd do it but I already have one. Go put babies in these girls, marry them, and save them from a life of regret.

>tfw no kids
This is every woman's nightmare, even if most of them don't realize it.

>Go put babies in these girls, marry them, and save them from a life of regret.
LOL No. These women are too emotionally and mentally unstable to commit to.


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They are acting like that because they don't have babies.

LinkedIn in occasionally pushes feminist garbage and faggot propaganda

this seems to be the new thing now

If it is ok, then why is she wasting her time posting this stupid shit?

That's some serious cope lol. Bitch is used up trash... and that's OK!

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Who cares?

I guarantee this woman absolute hates herself, and is only saying this shit to try and make herself actually believe it.

This bitch cry's herself to sleep every night wishing she had a real man to take care of her.

What? The reason no one wants to marry these Women is they're untrustworthy licentious whores. I'm sorry if that bars them access to motherhood which in turn ruins the latter half of their lives. Their communities failed them. I'm still not strapping myself to one of those ticking time bombs.

There are no decent guys.
There are whores and there are woman-haters.

Women hate other women more than any man ever can

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I think the problem is Women are having to evaluate masculinity for themselves when for the past 2000 years this was an exclusively male event. Women didn't get to choose who they were partnered with, their fathers chose who exhibited positive masculine traits. It's part of why Men are becoming so effeminate, Women don't understand masculinity and are selecting for traits.

Btw a real masculine trait is an abstraction of a feminine trait, so it can't be something both men and women share. Like emotional histrionic narcissism.

mistakes were made

This actually makes sense

You think they weren't fucking outside of marriage even then? Once you get the guy your father chooses for you, you fuck those men you find masculine and raise their kids as someone else's.

One for the Grandkids that picture!
But in all fairness, it's a good thing she isn't breeding... Because Cats need Mom's too!

Yeah, maybe low level woman.

80% of people are dumb, men and women. The remaining 20% suffers because of that.

I think the modern depravity is all nurture. Depending on their upbringing females goes through a cycle youth beauty(teens-early 20s), rebellion(college dogma of sexual liberty), and the realization of wanting to have something more out of their lives other then looks (going in to their 30s).


classically abby
>conservative upbringing
>lots of sex pics in teen and college years
>became conservative after realizing "mom was right" and milkies don't last forever
>dressed more moderatly
>"stop it, i am not like that anymore user teehee"

Though there are definitely those who are in their 30s that still didn't grow up

>grew up in western canadian multicultural gender sex freedom
>became basedlyfocused on looks
>iq of a tramp
>"can i copystrike? pewdipie"
>using nip baits to stay relevant

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If they actually believed any of their hashtags, they wouldn't have to talk around screaming it loudly and writing it on billboards to carry around. They're trying to convince each other - not anyone else.

You don't see men marching around on picket lines with signs saying "We're strong and smart" and "We invent things" and "Our lives matter" because everyone already knows it to be undeniable.

If it's okay, why do you need to go on social media and tell people it's ok. I drink water, that's okay. Do you make posts about drinking water? I'm sensing cope.

That’s where strong religion comes into play. Believe it or not, before the Jews took over the culture, most woman weren’t total whores. Many were to scared of going to hell to spread their legs even if given the rare opportunity.

What a pretty woman. I wonder why she isn't married. I'd marry her for sure.

Lol who is she trying to convince here? I don't give a shit what she does. But I will say that anyone whose logic is "This can't be bad, because otherwise it wouldn't be the category I fall into" is automatically suspect.

All of them are, dumbass. But they are required for the furtherance of our people. Your job as a man is to lock them down as much as you can, support the good parts of them, and build the life for your family that makes them least likely to flip their shit and ruin everything.

>Those kids will be alternately neglected and abused.

Good thing she didn't find an inseminator.

>There are no decent guys.
>There are whores and there are woman-haters.
They all had mothers, too. Fathers...not likely. Let that bathroom fixture enter.

She's mentally defective beyond repair. Everyone will be laughing at her in another 10 years. She will desperately try to compensate as she realizes she has literally no worth to civilization. Unlike men though, women typically don't commit suicide and so she'll end up a medicated zombie by 40, alone and chronically depressed by 50. Probably will have her lifespan shortened by drug dependency as well. Just ignore these stupid cunts and focus on the generations that aren't lost yet.