Trump storms out of his coronavirus conference!

Why did he do this anons?

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his friend kim is dead

The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.

Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.

The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).

In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.

Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe

The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status

daily reminder for the mentally handicapped

Attached: why are they screeching Tone4.jpg (496x473, 79.43K)

Maybe he just sperged out, we've all been there.

"In case you are in any doubt, let us tell what you should think he said"

Fake News Media was horribly rude and hostile yesterday. Today, they get no questions. Perhaps tomorrow they mind their manners? Questions are a privilege for those who conduct themselves professionally and confine their inquiry to matters of importance, not for self-aggrandizing jerks playing grandstanding "gotcha" games.

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The president is not obligated to answer questions from the media. The media needs Trump more than Trump needs them so if he wants to sperg a bit and not answer them, he will win this fight.

Honestly you people laugh at disinfectant hoarders, but you really don’t have enough disinfectant yourselves. The average person drinks 1 bottle of disinfectant per day. If you have a family of 4, that’s 28 bottles a week. Over 100 a month. Disinfectant will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

>literally linking chinese propoganda onto Yas Forums
jannies had one job (that they do for free) and they cant even do that

It’s damage control as he knows what he said was retarded and didn’t want questions forcing him to clarify. All of his conferences last over an hour but this one was 20 mins due to him not wanting to make a cunt of himself again.

>chinese propoganda
It's a video of his press conference.

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?

he's shit

I don't see why he does these every day anyway. It's like he's trying to make them into his new 'rallies' now that he can't hold rallies because of the pandemic. But it's not the same...

Sky news is owned buy Rupert Murdock but sure it’s Chinese. Fucking idiot.

>It's a video of his press conference.
With CCP propaganda commentary.

I said it was chinese propoganda, not owned by the chinese. Sure is hard for a brit to have any reading comprehension.

To keep Biden out of major news covfefe. He'd rather look like an idiot than to have Biden shown on national TV. This time, however, it's caught up to him, and now that morons actually listened to his medical advice (which will be actionable in courts if he loses, as his advisors obviously told him) he's stuck with his foot so far in his mouth it's out his ass.

I think every country has them daily just to seem like they are doing something but the fact Trump keeps mentioning the numbers of people tuning in shows where his priorities are.

His wife is though

Shit the fuck up retard if you think trump said to drink bleach then you should go do it because you’re too stupid to function

Ok I’ll bite, so why then would the most conservative man on the planet allow Chinese propaganda on his news network? In fact, how is this Chinese propaganda in the first place?

Except he never said injecting bleach or lysol into yourself. Only the media has been telling people he's said that.

>I don't see why he does these every day anyway
Other countries' leaders have been doing them every day too. People want corona to be gone and the quarantine to be lifted so they make these conferences in order to keep people updated on what measures are being taken. Thing is that because Donald Trump the media have used it as a chance to try and turn it into election ammo. It's actually the same deal for Europe and Canada, you just don't hear it much online because they don't draw as much indignant response as him.

Not anymore.

What's funny is there's two versions of the mental gymnastics going on now. There's the people trying to 'reinterpret' his nonesense to make it make some sense. And then there's the people pointing out that he said he was 'being sarcastic' afterwards. Both things cannot exist with each other so there is a massive amount of cognitive dissonance.

Most of them are spent with the experts talking about the pandemic and so on. Trump's conferences are 90% him babbling at the 'fake news media' about irrelevant stuff.

Holy shit what a cringe show.

I wouldn’t call it storming.
More like sulking away like a beta bitch.

The media is really got something now to break apart Trump. Goddamn is this a shitshow for MAGAs now, they jump from nothing burger to justifying these cures that could kill you.

Donald Trump: (29:46)
A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposedly we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting, right? And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful. Steve, please.

I don't believe he ever said to inject or drink bleach or any other disinfectant.. In fact, you just read it word for word. I understand that reading comprehension isn't some of you peoples strong suit but it's literally the media who should be liable for anyone drink/injecting disinfectants.

>when you flip flop from nothing burger disease to putting bleach inside of you to cure a disease
Flip flopping is so hard it is distorting time and space.

OP is fake news

is that really the comment that made libfags lose their minds? I'll admit that the presentation wasn't on point but it's easy to tell that he was messing around and saying that he wishes it was as easy to kill the virus within the body as it is when it's sitting on a table and disinfected. these people are such cunts it's unbelievable.

The difference is though that those countries don't have very interesting corona conferences. That's why they aren't having much coverage. Although obviously the USA is the most powerful country and the most important one for the Western world so we'll see more of that.
But ultimately if you watch other countries corona conferences then they're pretty bland. It's not like there's non stop arguing with the press and so on.

Trump would look a lot better if he blanded up his conferences and made them just about the pandemic. I don't think he will ever do that because his style is to be loud and get attention for himself and that's why things are how they are.

>insults everyone every day
>ohh boo boo the nasty media!!! you hurt this feelings ;_;

The real reason why Donald Trump walk out of answering questions is because when Donald Trump relaxes then he is an entertainer bro and he is literally afraid of reporters now, so he doesn't says something bad. They are literally have him by the balls now.