Does anyone actually know someone who has the virus?

Does anyone actually know someone who has the virus?

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imagine what else he has on his drive

How do i clean vomit off a keyboard?


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Not confirmed anyway.

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Jesus wtf?

Current textile technology would look like magic a few hundred years ago.

Yes my old work out buddy from the gym is on a vent, and to my delite a exgirlfriend and her fiance both have it ( fever and massive poops, no hospitalisation )

Yep, 5 people: 2 friends and 3 coworkers

My friend had it and survived. It was pretty fucked up virus and something completely different from normal flu.


my grandpa died of it.

I knew someone that definitely did. She actually got and survived every coronavirus that hit the US minus bird flu as of now. She said this was definitely the worst illness she ever had, but is still alive and kicking. And her BF never showed symptoms but the day she found out she had it, her BF was on the news in passing out hand sanitizer to everyone passing his bar on 6th street in Austin Texas. So I'm assuming he was a carrier who showed no symptoms lmfaooo.

Yes, no one close to me though.



Two family members of mine have it. My wife's niece and her cousin

My aunt had it. This meme question was stale even 4 weeks ago

Yes, two. One is in intensive care, the other is dead though he was in his 80s.

That's a no from me, bud. But I'm only in contact with three people. None of them have notified me that anyone they know is sick, however.

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Yes my old work out buddy from the gym is on a vent, and to my delite a exgirlfriend and her fiance both have it ( fever and massive poops, no hospitalisation )

That woman can't be healthy.

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blech looks like its full of water

More like silicon

I want to lift her up and raise her over my head.

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she was in my band classes in highschool lol

>Hade a patient call me, heard on the phone that he had a hard time breathing. >Told him to go to the hospital
>Confirm he had it but his breathing got better and they sent him home after one night
>He calls again after 5 days and ambulance is sent
>Dead after one day at the hospital

77 y.o heart failure and diabetes

I doubt it's silicone. Looks like faticone.

Have a pallet cleanser

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go back

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My buddy/weed guy got it. Non-white/Early 30s. Said it was like a mild to bad flu for a couple days.

Yes, my girlfriend and I got the virus and survived. We only had very mild symptoms for a couple weeks, ranging from dry cough, diarrhea, feeling weak, sneezing etc. My symptoms lasted even shorter than my girlfriend, probably cause I’m Yas Forums. We’re both vegans btw.

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I know three people who might have it. One tested positive after being sick for a couple days. They got over it in two weeks and tested negative. No hospitalization, no extreme symptoms. Nothing worse than a brief fever and chills and a two week long sore throat and dry coof they said. The other two thought they had it, had similar mild symptoms, and got over it but never tested. I think I had it for a couple weeks too but I never got a fever or got tested.

if that image provokes lust in you, that's really sad. Go see a therapist

That isn't lust provoking my guy

Yes my old work out buddy from the gym is on a vent, and to my delite a exgirlfriend and her fiance both have it ( fever and massive poops, no hospitalisation )

I dont. Much more surprisingly, though, is that my parents dont know anyone. They are both almost 70 and spend their days traveling from various vacation home to vacation home. Now, obviously, they are at their main home locked down, but the point is they are friends with probably over 100 boomers from all over the US. Not one of them, or any of their family, has gotten sick or knows anyone who is sick. It's quite surprising. I was sure if there was anyone who would know a corona virus victim, it would be my mom and dad.

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my neighbor is a nurse and she said this seems to be one of the most serious conditions to have combined with COVID. That’s why blacks are being affected in such high numbers.

I have it

Yes my old work out buddy from the gym is on a vent, and to my delite a exgirlfriend and her fiance both have it ( fever and massive poops, no hospitalisation )

Not a single person.

My neighbor had it. But it was either the terminal cancer or the wuhan flu that killed her.

If you go look up love.randalin, you can see her getting fucked and sucking off black dudes

This is disgusting OP fuck


I’ve been eatching these threads daily for weeks have never, NOT ONCE, seen someone say “I personally am close to person X who is confirmed with and corona and they are showing these symptoms...”

Its ALWAYS “a friend of someone I know has it” with NO details about their condition or symptoms.

Just an observation.

It's always a leaf that post this