Trump supporters on massive damage control

>Trump says immensely retarded thing
>H-h-he was only joking!

Imagine if Joe Biden had said something like this. Which is very likely given that Biden has dementia. Can you imagine what nu/pol/ would be saying?

Attached: Untitled.png (730x382, 379.44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

remember to sage all shareblue/leftypol/shill slide thread

Listen the important thing right now is that we protect his Jewish son in law who is fucking his daughter as we speak. God bless Israel and Jared Kushner.

Who cares. I didn't vote for trump for his medical knowledge, I voted for him to btfo faggot niggers like yourself.

whats that yellow stuff they rub over your skin before a surgery? the doctors are killing us with bleach wake up sheeple

Alcohol is a disinfectant. Drink it.
0.24% in the blood fixes you right up

He is a goddamn idiot.

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gay nigga look like he an expert on give/aids

Aren't there disinfectants in vaccines?

hydrogen peroxide is used inside the body sometimes.

Die, jew.

Attached: jew explosion.gif (350x303, 1.68M)

Bump just to spite this magapede

Clorox good, prove me wrong lefties

I’m waiting

If you need someone telling you who to believe you are the moron

This is why our allies no longer has any respect for Washington DC. We just look stupid

He was just joking and dropping 64D chess red pilled medical science. What a stable genius!

4 more years faggot

Just post the video of him telling everyone to inject themselves with bleach.

>Trump said something bad!
>Ignore Trumpbux and don't vote for him!
>Biden says something bad.
>Bu-bu-bu-but Trump!

Joe Biden raped Tara Reade In 1993

We did it bois. We ridin with biden

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Don't you kikes get tired of this endless shilling here as if that's going to turn anybody into an anti-Trump globohomo marxist semen slurper like you? How many times have you been twisting Trump's statements, whether through his own mouths or through tweets?

What makes you think this will damage him? Do you believe he won't actually get re-elected? 4 more years, you pussyhurt lefty faggots. Can't wait for the salt on election night. Drink bleach before it's too late.

nice memeflag

Cool, Wuhan Coronavirus confirmed to be a blood disease

you can't because there isn't one. he literally turns his head and isn't even talking into the microphone when he says it, and what he says was in the form of a question. he didn't tell anyone to do shit. leftists full of shit as usual.

Republicans like unapologetically stupid politicians. They view intelligent people to be threatening and aloof, this is why they elect retards every time, Reagan, Dubya, Trump. Remember the Sarah Palin thing from a few years ago?

As Christopher Hitchens rightly pointed out, 'all politics is yokel'.

Attached: Jesse Ventura.jpg (850x400, 55.97K)

you are mentally ill, leave the cult

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He speaks in Trumpese. If you listen to him regularly you'd know he didn't mean it literally.

I'm fluent in trumpese

trump actually meat it

Look at all this cope. These posts best be made in humor and not as a way to justify Trump, who already said he was just pretending to be retarded.


To be fair there's a lot of normies out there that need to drink bleach.

Go back to plebbit, you pseudointellectual, limp wristet cunt. Don't fucking talk about tyrants when you suck Obama's or any other corporate Dem's cock on a daily basis even though they were blowing up the world for 8 years. Your imagined moral and intellectual superiority is funny.

He doesn't. He rambles incoherently and appears to be asking doctors to look into injecting either disinfectants or UV light. It's really not a good look however you spin it.

I don't care. Talk is cheap, I care about what he does.

So far what he's done has been better than any president before him.

Pol is in damage control, trumps a fucking idiot... And it's hilarious because I'm not sure who's more retarded.. Trump or Biden? A literal idiot who's also a narcissistic megalomaniac.. Or a dementia suffering, senile, sellout who doesn't even know why he's running.

America is the laughing stock of the world.

>drinking bleach to own the libs

> And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?

So lets apply basic reading comprehension sentence by sentence.

> And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute.

So what is he talking about here? The efficacy (how effective they are) of household disinfectant cleaners at killing viruses and bacteria. Specifically on surfaces given the context.

> And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?

Okay, a way we can do something like that, well what is he talking about? Like what? Well the preceding sentence was about how disinfectants can knock out viruses in a minute (this is sort of dumbly worded but ok).

So obviously he is asking whether we can knock out the virus in a minute like disinfectants do - referring to the efficacy of the disinfectants rather than the disinfectants themselves or their function - but in some form of human injectable treatment.

By no reasonable stretch is he suggesting injecting disinfectants.