>tfw gf tried to kill herself 2 days ago because of lockdown isloation
Tfw gf tried to kill herself 2 days ago because of lockdown isloation
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why couldn't you be there for her?
Because I am over 4,000km away from her atm
women are the most responsible teenager in the house.
My gf killed herself a few years ago bro, you get used to it
where is she from?
lmao long distance cuck. she's been fucking dudes the whole time
Seriously user, she's not a keeper. If this drove her to "try" to kill herself, she's gonna be high maintenance on a regular basis.
lol white people are weak af killing themselves. just proof y'all hate each other and can't stand being together. good luck with an all white ethnostate faggots.
how could commit sodoku your right hand without the help of the left? plain stupid
Italian women just create drama, not worth a Nord's time.
tfw your gf is an online gf and not a real gf.
Simping on pussy you can’t even touch
good now try killing yourself
I’m about to too
no bullying allowed here
we are all frens
>being so beta that your gf is suicidal
Theres more to it than isolation. Pre-existing condition/state just exacerbated by isolation.
True frens don't hold back to spare feelings. 4000 fucking km. No roasties in your village or what?
what am i missing here boys?
This. Suicide pact now. Tell her that you'll be united in heaven
white people are weak af. These motherfuckers call themselves the master race. Bitch ass liars STILL CANNOT even master themselves.
These hubris filled simian bipeds are sooo fucking KEKED by their own hubris, they hate and curse their own ancestors. Let that sink in. They lie to themselves every waking second in blissful ignorance for a shred of a hollow and ficitious false pride.
Looks like someone missed a few red flags.
Didnt know she hates you that much??
>normie problems
> gf(male)
Humanity is so weak now.
there are but I met her while studying in Milan 2 years ago
Im not your "fren". You and your incel/weeb/autist/loner mk ultraed psy opped losers hail child killers out of your immense sexual frustration. I am the answer.
You were almost free
>muh girlfriend is SOOO REAL and SOOO LOVING that she wants to kill herself over me
Ffs, what sort of cunt puts vegetables on a fried egg?
then be my twink sex toy, fucking dyel skelly fag or follow my gfs path except have no loving family to save you from bleeding out lmao
Dump her. You don't want those shitty weak genes in your kids. She's weak trash.
Tell her she isn't allowed to do that.
She's been banging other dudes but I guess being a cuck is european thing
Women are not handling the quarentine well
start scouting for a new one. The one you have now has gone sour.
she is obviously mentally ill. keep away from her
it's your fault
damn those dick suckin lips
There are two possible scenarioes here; #1 she actually tried. #2, she's just creating drama to test you.
The solution to both is the same - call the cops the next time. That either gets her the help she needs, or it will shut her up. Don't be a cuck listening to her bullshit. If she actually wants to off herself she needs professional help.
then why are you upset?it didnt work.Of course mentally weaker people will react like this,just tell her something and make her feel special or something,women are not as hard to please as you think
Dump her.
Its not emotional. Cut her out now. She will destroy you
Haha, you’re dating a fucking whacko. Why are you doing that?
Sorry to hear that dude.
your entire country is cringe, being the toilet bowl of Europe that Prussia, Russia and Austria once shared
Get out while you can, dude. Now's the time, this is the sign you've been waiting for, this is the answer.
roasties gotta roast
HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHH fucking weaklings
>#2, she's just creating drama to test you.
nah she really slit her wrist and had to be sent to the hospital. I don't know how much blood was lost but they said there was a pool
I bet Im way more fit then you. Did you even work out today? Bro. You have a suicidal BUSTED ugly ass flat booty gf who is soo fucking beat and depressed she tried to kill herself lawl. I hope she tries again faggot. Nice fucking Blog faggot, nice fucking tears little bitch. Enjoy your fucking ban cocksucker.
>no privacy because everyone is home all the time
>starvation and eviction because instead of being at work you're at home
>bored of tv and internet
fun times all around
post body
You dodged a bullet. Imagine having suicidal genes for your kids.
This is the real point of this blog post. Lonely homo trawling for dick pics.
>not delivering
You first bitch ass nigger I have a fucking hottie blue eyed nordic gf I fuck everyday while your milanese gf goes down to the docks to suck refugee cock all day faggot. Id fucking kill you faggot.
Yeah, but uh... Post your body
>bored of tv and internet
you can never get bored of internet
you think you are bored because you haven't put in the effort to search for stuff
Dont ever do long distance user.
It will destroy you. She'll be fine, you will be fucked. End this immediately and find another woman or you will end up killing yourself/going insane.
The human body can lose quite a lot of blood before it's even remotely dangerous. Just 1 dl of blood looks like the opening scene of Blade for most people.
Glad she's getting help, but if some weeks inside her own fucking house makes her lose it - good luck sharing a life with her.